Meeting Agendas 2024/2025

All Parish Council agendas are placed on the Council website as PDFs and can be downloaded or viewed through your web browser.
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Parish Council Meeting AGENDA 22 July 2024


Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda 20 May 2024

Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 13 May 2024

Parish Council Meetings

Parish Council Meeting Agenda 24 June 2024

Planning Committee Meetings

Planning Committee Meeting Agenda 8 July 2024
Planning Committee Meeting Agenda 10 June 2024

Maintenance Committee Meetings

Maintenance Committee Meeting Agenda 18 July 2024
Maintenance Committee Meeting Agenda 13 June 2024

Finance and Good Governance Committee Meetings

Finance and Good Governance Committee Meeting AGENDA 17 June 2024

MAYD  Joint Committee Meetings

MAYD Agenda 22 May 2024

Minutes and Agenda are available from the Clerk, approximately 3 days prior to the next meeting. They are available on the website and can be viewed on the notice board at The Cross.

Disclaimer: Melbourn Parish Council minutes and archived minutes are only intended to be for general information to the public.

The most recent Parish Minutes are published on this site, and are provided in draft format and await to be ratified at the next meeting for clarification and accuracy. Once signed by the Council and if any alterations are made, then they are considered to be definitive. In all cases the minutes documented on the Parish Council website are to be considered for general information only in the public domain.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council