Your issue may be best resolved by contacting external agencies directly – please see list below. If it is not covered by these, please contact us.
Parking Enforcement (Cambridgeshire County Council)
Roads (Cambridgeshire County Highways)
- Report a pothole or other highways problems (it is very helpful if you can upload a photo of the area requiring attention when making a report)
Lighting (Cambridgeshire County Council Street Lighting)
- Report a faulty street light (please take a note of the number on the street light column when reporting)
Environment (South Cambridgeshire District Council)
- Report an abandoned vehicle, dog fouling, fly tipping, graffiti or littering (it is very helpful if you can upload a photo of the area requiring attention when making a report)
Unauthorised signage on the Highway (South Cambridgeshire District Council)
- Report unauthorised signage on highway verges or attached to lampposts
Street name plates (South Cambridgeshire District Council)
Bins (South Cambridgeshire District Council)
- Report missed household collection
- Report missed collection at flats
- Report an abandoned bin
- Report a complaint with waste service
Power (UK Power Networks)
- Call 105 or report power cut
Police (Cambridgeshire Constabulary)
For non-emergency incidents and anti social behaviour:
- Call 101 or report online
(emergencies should be reported via 999)
- Report a breach of planning control via South Cambridgeshire District Council (further information and advice on planning matters)