A very serious act of vandalism took place of Friday 21 April at the Moor Play Park. The Chairman of the Parish Council personally received a report of an incident and immediately visited the Moor Play Park to find that dog faeces had been smeared throughout the central green tube slide. The slide was immediately roped off with a sign informing users of the park not to use the equipment. On Saturday morning Village Warden, Steve Pitman, thoroughly cleaned the slide with the appropriate cleaning products to ensure the equipment was safe to use and could be reopened. Many thanks to Steve for quickly putting things right.
This is a serious act of vandalism. Dog faeces in contact with children’s eyes causes blindness (toxocariasis). This is a grave matter and has been reported to the police along with images taken at the time. If anyone has any information about the incident, please inform the police (crime reference 35/30452/23/23).
The Parish Council undertakes regular detailed and recorded weekly inspections of the play parks to help to ensure safety, but we ask members of the public to always report any issues that they identify to the Parish Council.
01763 263303 (option 3) // parishcouncil@melbournparishcouncil.gov.uk