Government approve parking enforcement changes across South Cambridgeshire

New Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) powers in South Cambridgeshire will be given to Cambridgeshire County Council following a decision by Parliament.

Earlier this year an application was submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) to enable Council Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) to issue Penalty Charge Notices for the majority of on-street offences such as parking on double or single yellow lines. Previously only the Police could do this. Highways officers have worked closely with South Cambridgeshire District Council on the development of the scheme.

Benefits are expected to include increased compliance with parking restrictions which in turn would improve traffic flow, road safety and lead to a reduction in obstructive and dangerous parking. It will also support economic growth in the district.

Following the decision by Government, the CPE scheme in South Cambridgeshire will officially come into effect on 19 December. To give people notice and a chance to find a more suitable parking place, information has now begun to be placed on vehicles that are parked in some areas where parking is in the greatest demand, such as commuting and shopping areas.

A Warning Notice will be issued to people who continue to park where there are restrictions throughout January – this looks like a parking ticket but there is no fine attached. Penalty Charge Notices will be issued from 1 February which will mean a fine of between £50 and £70, depending on the severity of the offence.

Cllr Neil Shailer, Vice-Chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways & Transport Committee, said: “We ask that people take an extra second to think about where they park in the future as drivers are far more likely to receive a fine for parking incorrectly where there are restrictions, such as single or double yellow lines, now that this application has been approved.

“Always check the lines and signs or other notices in the area where you are planning to park. Check The Highway Code if you are not sure what a sign or line means.”

South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Lead Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Bill Handley, said: “Parking restrictions are there for a reason; parking where it is not allowed can be dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers. Please pay even closer attention to the lines and signs when you are parking locally from now on. You’ll be far more likely to be fined soon, if you park in places where you shouldn’t – like on double yellow lines. We are very grateful to the Greater Cambridge Partnership and County Council for working with us for the benefit of our communities.”

Cllr Elisa Meschini, Chair of the Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board, said: “We are really pleased that City Deal funding has been able to deliver Civil Parking Enforcement in South Cambridgeshire which should make a positive impact on Cambridgeshire County Council’s ability to enforce on-street parking offences. This will make it much more likely that people who park incorrectly will be sanctioned. This should help keep traffic moving freely and help support safer roads for everyone.”

Under CPE powers, CEOs cannot enforce all restrictions. Restrictions such as dangerous parking, obstruction of the footway and moving traffic offences will continue to be enforced by the Police.

The initial set-up costs to get CPE underway in South Cambridgeshire will be covered by the Greater Cambridge Partnership.

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