Minutes of an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 28th May 2012 at All Saints’ Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, K. Crosby, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt, A. Mulcock, J. Poley, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M. Townsend, and R. Wakerley.
In attendance: Avril Mellor former Clerk to the Parish Council, C. Cllr. Van de Ven and one member of the public
PC1/12 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales THAT CLLR. MOWATT BE ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL. Seconded by Cllr. Simmonett. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR. MOWATT WAS DULY ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL.
The Chairman signed the acceptance of office and this was countersigned by Cllr. Townsend in the absence of The Clerk.
PC2/12 Election of Vice-Chairman:
It was proposed by Cllr. Bloomfield THAT CLLR. TOWNSEND BE ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR. TOWNSEND WAS DULY ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL.
PC3/12 Apologies for absence: Cllr. Brett and the Clerk.
PC4/12 Nominations for Committees and Sub-Committees:
Cllr. Linnette’s name needs to be added to the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
Cllr. Simmonett is Vice-Chairman of Planning and not Cllr. Hales as recorded.
There needs to be a heading made for the Hub Committee and all members names recorded under this heading. The Chair and Vice-Chair of this committee should be members of the F&GP committee.
ACTION: The Clerk
PC5/12 Confirmation of Parish Council Representatives on Melbourn Schools, Charities and Organisations:
(a) Melbourn Primary School Governors – Cllr. Gatward
(b) Board of Trustees of John Clear Almshouses – Mrs Mavis Howard.
(c) Parish Council representative on the Board of Trustees of Martin’s Charity – The Clerk.
(d) Parish Council representative on the Board of Trustees for Trigg’s Charity Trust – Cllr. Barrett
(e) Parish Council representative to the Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme – Cllr. Hales. Cllr Barrett is the District Council representative.
(f) Parish Council representative to Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Scheme. – Cllr. Bloomfield.
PC6/12 Apologies for absence; Dealt with under Item PC3/12
PC7/12 Declaration of Interest: Cllr. Sherwen declared a Personal Interest in Item PC25/12 as he was a cheque recipient.
Cllr. Gatward declared a Personal Interest in Item PC17/12 as she served on the Trust Committee of All Saints’ Community Hall.
PC8/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April, 2012.
With the following alterations to Item 831/11 (Urgent Matters) the word “Behind” be replaced with the word “Around” and in Item 830/11(Cemeteries Committee 788/11) ‘Cllr Stead reported that the Imperial War Museum is taking over the project to record all war memorials’, it was proposed by Cllr. Stead and seconded by Cllr. Simmonett that the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April 2012 be signed as a true record.
PC9/12 Matters arising:
Cllr. Crosby had received a letter from a resident with regards to the state of the trees on the corner of Medcalfe Way and Palmers Way. The letter stated that the trees were growing low down on the pathway and were also growing over the resident’s garden. Rubbish left by people using the seats was collecting in the corners and the resident suggested that a bin situated in the vicinity of the seat would be helpful. The state of the trees made the area dark and dingy. Cllr. Barrett suggested that a letter be sent to Ros Richardson the Trees Officer for SCDC to ask if the trees needed to be thinned out. Cllr. Hales suggested that a better route would be to go through the Housing Department at SCDC. As the land belonged to SCDC this suggestion was agreed to.
ACTION: The Clerk
Item 825/12 (update on bank accounts) The question was asked as to where the Council was with the update of the bank accounts. The Chairman, who had spoken to the Clerk on this matter, told the meeting that it was hoped that this matter would be sorted out in the very near future.
ACTION: The Clerk
Item 821 (Matters arising 760/11) Cllr. Mulcock enquired if there was an update. No update was available to the meeting. Cllr. Mulcock said he would like this available in time for the next Parish Council meeting in June.
ACTION: The Clerk
Item 821 (Matters arising 763/11) Cllr. Mulcock asked if there was any progress on the purchase of the projector as he did not wish this to be lost in the system. He was told that when the Council’s Debit Card has been received the Clerk will then use the card to purchase the projector. Cllr. Mulcock wants this item to remain on the agenda until the projector is purchased.
ACTION: The Clerk
Item 828/11 (Correspondence) Cllr. Sherwen asked if a letter had been received back from the Rev. O’Brien in reply to the one sent by the Clerk which asked for time for the Council to look into the options for grant funding. A letter had been received from Rev. O’Brien but was unfortunately not available at the meeting. Cllr Mowatt had spoken to Rev. O’Brien on this matter and had also seen the letter sent by Rev. O’Brien whilst visiting the Parish Office.
The Council decided that in future anyone writing and asking for funding, must provide evidence that money has been sought from other sources first.
PC10/12 Remarks by Internal Auditor on Annual Return:
The Council noted the remarks made by the Internal Auditor.
PC11/12 Annual Return:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales THAT THE ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30thMARCH 2012 BE SIGNED BY THE CHAIRMAN. Seconded by Cllr. Stead and CARRIED.
The Annual Return was then signed by the Chairman.
PC12/12 C. Cllr Susan van de Ven’s report:
May 2012
County Councillor Report
Flood Risk Management: Following on from the Flood and Water Management Act of 2010, the county council has a stronger role in terms of coordinating the work of different agencies (e.g. Anglian Water and the Environment Agency) for localized flooding. A data bank of flood incidents in Cambridgeshire has been developed and can be added to through the county council website. The council is aware of problems around household insurance and Environment Agency flood risk maps.
Our Children’s Centre’s new premises in Mortlock Street, Melbourn, will be officially opened on June 16th at 10AM. This will accompany a Fun Day at the centre between 10-2, to which everyone is welcome.
Superfast Broadband: To address the very poor broadband speeds in many rural areas, the county council has decided to borrow up to £20 million to invest in Superfast Broadband, which achieves speeds in excess of 25 Mbps. The first step is for people register their interest at http://www.connectingcambridgeshire.co.uk/. Information will be passed to commercial operators to see where they are prepared to provide the service commercially. If holes remain in the network then the county council can decide where to deploy its funding. This is very important in our part of the world, where a good proportion of people either run businesses or just work from home. So please sign up.
Road and pavement maintenance: It is reckoned that £500 million is needed to bring roads and pavements up to a good standard; the £90 million over five years will help but we will still see pot holes being repaired with short term effects, and this must obviously be done to keep roads as safe as possible, and to mitigate potential insurance payout costs.
C. Cllr van de Ven would like a copy of the final minutes of the meeting held with members of the PC and residents of Armingford Crescent and Hale Close
ACTION: The Clerk
PC13/12 Police Site:
Cllr. Poley apologised that the report [ See Appendix 1] given to the Councillors at the meeting had not been ready to go out with the agenda. He told the meeting that all members of the Holding Trust had now been signed up and that the Trust was working hard and well. Members were talking face to face with residents and listening to their concerns and this has now been going on for approximately 2 months. Cllr Barrett said that she was getting concerns from residents and she was asked to direct these to the Holding Trust.
Due to a number of issues raised with the Architects by the Planning Office, the planning application will now be considered on 4th July, which is a month later than originally expected.
On 7th June the Architects have a meeting with the Planning Officers. Members of the Parish Council are welcome to attend this meeting.
Iceni Homes are to go out to contract for open book bids. These bids will then be presented to the Parish Council. The net result of this is that it will allow the Council to ensure that it obtains value of money.
On 8thJune tenders will be returned and Iceni will publish a review report on 20th June. The council will then have a good idea of costs. The review report needs to be discussed by the Parish Council to see if the project is still viable. Cllr. Poley suggested an Extraordinary Meeting is called by the Chairman at which this review can be discussed. Cllr. Mulcock said that a date needed to be set for this meeting.
PC14/12 Financial Report dated 20th April 2012:
The financial report was not available at the present time and would be e-mailed to Councillors when completed.
Cllr. Mulcock questioned the amount of the payment made to British Telecom cheque number 103377 and asked what period this covered. In future the Council would like a more clear indication of the period covered by payments.
ACTION: The Clerk
PC15/12 Cheques:
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £10,000 from the No Notice Account to the Current Account.
It was proposed by Cllr. Bloomfield that the cheques be approved and signed. Seconded by Cllr. Hales and Carried.
Cllr. Sherwen did not vote on this matter as he was a cheque recipient.
PC16/12 Correspondence:
(a) Letter from Revd Andrew O’Brien re: Acoustics for All Saints’ Community Hall.
Revd Andrew O’Brien had informed the Council that unfortunately grant aid at this point in time was not feasible. Cllr. Mowatt was satisfied that this work would have a beneficial effect on the hall and all who used it.
Cllr Mowatt proposed THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL MAKE A CONTRIBUTION OF £3,500 MINUS MONEY ALREADY PAID FOR THIS YEARS RENT UP TO APRIL 2013, MAKING A TOTAL DONATION OF £3,000. PLUS THE COUNCIL WOULD EXPECT TO GET A SECOND YEAR OF HIRE FREE. Seconded by Cllr. Poley and CARRIED with 12 Votes: and 1 abstention by Cllr. Gatward who having declared a Personal Interest in this item did not vote.
(b) Letter from Brian Collingbourn Chair of Melbourn Village Fete.
Cllr Mulcock stated that although we as a PC sort of knew the date of the fete due to other conversation’s, it would be nice in in future we were asked officially somewhat earlier please. Cllr. Gatward thought that the date could be asked for when the Clerk sent out the thank you letter to the committee.
The Council agreed that this would be the best course of action to take.
ACTION: The Clerk
(c) An invitation from Revd Andrew O’Brien to the Jubilee Service to be held on Sunday 3rd June at 5.00p.m. in All Saints’ Church.
The Chairman asked all Councillors to attend if possible.
(d) E-mail from Rob Mungovan: Permission to survey wild flower habitat.
The Council gave its full support to this survey and requested that it be given a copy of the report.
ACTION: The Clerk
(e) Invitation to BMX Club Open Day on 4th June: Noted.
(f) Letter to the Chairman from Mr Ray Pritchard re: Planting and matching of trees to habitat.
This document is to be passed on to the Conservation Committee.
ACTION: The Clerk
PC17/12 Donation Donation to All Saints’ Community Hall:
Dealt with under Item PC16/12.
PC18/12 Notifications of Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) B5 Beech House (Science Park) Permission Granted
PC19/12 Planning Applications:
(a) Planning application conversion of integral garage to living space and proposed shed at 31, Carlton Rise, Melbourn SG8 6bZ on behalf of Ms Janet Backer. S/0833/12/FL. Recommend Approval
(b) Planning application for the erection of 6 dwellings (comprising one 4 bed house, two 3 bed house and one 2 bed house, with two 1 bed flats (affordable units) and remodelling of existing public house car park at 29, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6EB on behalf of Mr. Tom Nichols, Letchworth Palace, Ltd. S/0843/12/FL. Recommended Refusal.
Comments re Refusal
Considered to be poorly thought out eg
- Access road to proposed dwellings means pub customers have to cross this to visit or return
- Significant reduction to pub parking spaces and confined manoeuvrability will lead to customers parking in the High Street.
- Where will pub staff park?
- How will pub suppliers access the rear of the premises for deliveries, collections etc.
- We think the development access should be separate from the pub car park access.
- As is unlikely to be an adopted road how will public services (rubbish collection etc) access it.
- Visitor parking is unrealistic at 2 extra for the whole site. Due to their location they will probably be used by plot 3 or their visitors
- There is no pedestrian pavement in the development site from the entrance gate in. The width is only 3.6M which puts pedestrians, especially children in danger from vehicular traffic
- Is this to be a ‘gated’ access, not in keeping with our High Street scenario and likely to cause problems in busy pub/restaurant opening times, ie someone will park in front of closed gates, hence 5.
- Where will bins be stored on ‘collection’ days, are occupants really expected to take 2 bins down to the bin collection area. They are not likely to be collected from there anyway.
- Although we note surfaces will be water absorbent this is a sensitive problem area for surface water drainage,
- There are concerns from neighbouring residents re overlooking their property by plot 4. It is also felt that all neighbouring properties to the site are bungalows and these are out of keeping.
- No visual reference to the Conservation boundary is made, this passes through the proposed development and we would like to see this appear for future reference
(c) Work on trees within a Conservation Area. Recommended Approval.
(d) Use of land for the stationing of a mobile home and its use within Use Class C3 at West Field Orchard, Ashwell Street, Kneesworth SG8 0RS on behalf of Miss Sandra Pease. Recommended Approval
PC20/12 Cemetery and Inspection Report:
This month’s inspection was carried out by Cllr. Mulcock. Cllr. Mowatt commended Cllr. Mulcock on the quality of his report and commented on the March report from Cllr Gatward. These reports will be discussed at the next Cemetery meeting to be held on 11th June. The Clerk is to attach this report to the agenda.
PC21/12 MinCMi Minutes of Committees:
(a) Planning 8th May, 2012. No comments.
(b) Highways 14th May, 2012
A report produced by Cllrs. Hales and Simmonett was circulated to all councillors present at the meeting. [See Appendix 2]This report was an update on Highways issues to the full Parish Council with regards to problems and solutions and it was requested that this report form part of the minutes. Cllr. Hales then took the meeting through the report and explained all 5 items in detail. There will be a part cost involved for the council in items 2, 3 and 4. The Council will have no costs to bear in Item 1 and 5.
Cllr Hales said there could be a need for a commitment of expenditure for items 2, 3 and 4 before the next full Parish Council meeting.
[As the time was approaching 10.00 it was proposed by Cllr. Townsend and seconded by Cllr. Barrett that the meeting continue until 10.15]
Cllr. Mulcock said he had talked to the men cleaning out the drains and had been told that the mud was not as much a problem as the broken twigs and branches which got swept into the drains in heavy rainfall from as far away as the end of the village by The Bury. It was also possible that one of the drains could have collapsed.
Item 851/11 (Urgent Matters): Cllr Stead informed the meeting that he had heard nothing back from Andy Swallow and he will chase.
Item 849/11 Drainage on High Street: Cllr. Stead reported that the Contractor reducing the height of the Conifer Trees on the corner of the High Street and Norgetts Lane had left behind lots of bits which had been swept down the drain when it rained. Cllr. Mowatt said that there was already debris that had fallen from the trees before the Contractor began his work.
Cllr. Stead wanted a discussion on the provision of flashing lights intended to slow motorists down. This is to be placed on the agenda of the next Highways Committee meeting.
ACTION; The Clerk
(c) Play Areas, Recreation and Youth 14th May, 2012. Cllr Mulcock asked for clarification with regards to Item 856/11 (Improvement to Clear Crescent Play Area) as to whether it was matched funding or Seed Funding or simply a pledge. He was informed that the money had been pledged.
Cllr. Barrett drew the meeting’s attention to the opening of the BMX trails, which is to take place on Monday 4th of June from 3.00 p.m. until 4 p.m.
She said she was still waiting for permission for a container to be put up on the site.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm