Highways update to full council
Following a meeting with Mr Mike Oakman from Cambridgeshire County Council Highways and Cllrs. Simmonett and Hales, detailed discussions took place on the following five points.
Mr Oakman suggested that the ideas offered by the two councillors as laid out in this document, will go a long way to solving some of the road traffic problems and surface water flooding incidents suffered by Melbourn. It must be understood that some of these solutions are in conjunction with other planned works by CCC, which will eventually take surface waters into the Stockbridge Meadows.
1 Road markings at the South End of the village
Problem: There are insufficient or missing white lines at the junction of Back Lane, Royston Rd and London Way. This has been an ongoing problem with insufficient road markings causing vehicle movement issues.
Solution: reinstate white lining on junction.
Conclusion: CCC Highways have agreed to reinstate all white lines including, white lines at the junction, along the centre of Royston Road and the High Street and hatching inside the Back Lane junction.
2 Speeding vehicles
Problem: Vehicles not observing the speed limits when entering the village on both the Royston Rd and the Cambridge Rd entry points.
Solution: Reinstate red and white painted roundels to make it clear to drivers they are entering a 30 mph area.
Conclusion: CCC has agreed to reinstate the village white roundels at all entrance points into the village. These include Royston Road, Cambridge Road, Station Road and New Road. These will be reinstated in partnership with the Parish Council.
3 Flooding – High Street and Back Lane
Problem: Excess surface water draining from London Way into the Back Lane and High St junction, causing localised flooding.
Solution: To create a physical barrier that will redirect any excess surface water away from the junction safely by use of a surface gully across the width of London Way and channelling the flow into a holding ditch along Royston Road or large soak away.
Conclusion: CCC Highways have agreed to look at the scheme in principle. They will discuss the idea with Byways and the Footpaths Division to ascertain the practicalities of this solution. But feel confident that the solution offered will resolve some of the surface water problems in this area.
4 Flooding – High Street and Back Lane and traffic problems
Problem: The grass verge to the left as vehicles enter Back Lane from the High Street and Royston Road is slowly being eroded by large heavy goods vehicles these large vehicles are prone to mount the kerb when delivering to the industrial estates off Back Lane. In addition to the damage to the verge, vehicles are forcing mud onto the road which in turn is blocking the drains and adding to the flooding situation. Lorries that mount the kerb and verges at this point are potentially putting pedestrians at risk who use the nearby footpath.
Solution: To install Bell Bollards as illustrated in the picture below, these ensure vehicles cannot mount the kerb.
Conclusion: CCC Highways have agreed to install in partnership with the Parish Council the Bell Bollards at this location.
5 Flooding – High Street from The Cross to Drury Lane
Problem: The on going surface water flooding issues in the High Street, from The Cross to Drury Lane, as highlighted by local residents and the parish council.
Solution: Upgrade drains in this area of the village.
Conclusion: CCC Highways have agreed in principle, that following discussions with Hundred Houses/Iceni (the developers of the old Police site) and Melbourn Village College, they would work with the developers to install a relief drain from the High Street across the old police site into the school playing fields, which in turn will discharge into the stream at The Moor.
These solutions have the potential to alleviate some of the major problems many residents in the village have expressed to be an on going concern. With Cambridgeshire County Council, Iceni/Hundred Houses and the Parish Council some of these solutions will be realised.
Cllrs Simmonett and Hales