Parish Council Elections May 2022

Council Elections 2022

Parish Councils are the first tier of local government, and as such  have a large range of discretionary powers to spend public money, as well as a number of duties they have to perform. As a parish councillor, you will be involved in a variety of areas, such as ensuring Melbourn’s green spaces are well looked after or considering planning applications. You will be an active participant in committees and working groups, using your specific skills and interests for the benefit of the council.

Parish Council Elections May 5th 2022

Do You…?

  • want to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of your local community?
  • have concerns for the local area and want to ensure the community gets the right services?
  • want to represent the views of local people and ensure that community interests are at the heart of decision making?

Do you have….?

  • 2-3 hours per week to spare;
  • communication and presentation skills to express needs of local residents during meetings and become a voice for the Council;
  • interpersonal skills for engaging with the community;
  • a commitment towards representing local people;
  • an objective, analytical and critical mind;

Then you should consider becoming a Parish Councillor!

Becoming a councillor is rewarding and a form of public service. You will be in a position to make a difference to the quality of daily lives and prospects of local people. Parish councillors should have a wide range of skills and experiences to ensure that the council they serve is truly representative.

What do you need to do?
If you would like to become a councillor, there are THREE things that need to be done:

1 You need to Qualify
To Qualify you need to be: –
· British, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union
· At least 18 years of age;
· Registered to vote in the area; OR
· Have lived in the parish (or within 3 miles of it), worked or owned property there for at least
12 months before an election. 

  1. You need to Complete Nomination Papers
    The Nomination process…
    You must obtain and complete a valid Nomination Paper. These are available from the  Returning Officer at South Cambridgeshire District Council or from the Parish Clerk.
    Completed forms must contain details of your name and address and must be signed by 2 registered electors of the parish.
  1. You need to Stand for Election

The Election Process
Ordinary elections for local councillors take place on the first Thursday in May, every four years.  For Melbourn Parish Council, elections are due to be held on Thursday, 5 May, 2022.

Your nomination papers must be lodged with the Returning Officer by 4pm on Tuesday 5 April 2022 at the latest. There are no exceptions to this deadline and the responsibility for submitting the paperwork on time falls to you!  If you are unsure, please contact the Parish Clerk.

So, if you have a few hours to spare each week and would like to put them to good use to serve your local area, then why not become a Parish Councillor!

If you would like to find out more about what is involved in being a Councillor, why not come along to one of our meetings? Members of the public are always welcome.  Full Council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Community Hub.

Or you could write, email or contact us using the contact details below. We’ll be happy to provide more information on standing as a councillor in the 2022 local elections.

Claire Littlewood
Parish Clerk
01763 263303 x3


How to report a highways emergency – Cambridgeshire County Council

To report a highways emergency that poses an immediate danger to the public, please call either:

  • Cambridgeshire Highways on 0345 045 5212 (during office hours – 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays)
  • Police on 101

If the highways emergency is on a trunk road, please call Highways England on 0300 123 5000 or the police on 101. The trunk roads in Cambridgeshire are the M11, A1, A11, A14, A47 and A428.

When you call, we will need to know:

  • A description of the emergency (size or extent of problem, when it happened and the current situation)
  • The location (eg outside house number, road name, town name, or a road number and description)
  • Your name and telephone number so we can contact you if we need more information

Please keep safe when reporting a highways emergency. Do not put yourself at risk to gather information.

Examples of highways emergencies / faults that may pose a danger to the public include:

  • Manholes or grates that are missing
  • Traffic signalled junctions or crossing, all lights out, damaged street lights, traffic signals, lit bollards and lit signs where wires are exposed
  • Debris, including mud, stones or oil on the road
  • Fallen tree or branch blocking part or all the road or path
  • Extensive flooding resulting in road being impassable
  • Large dead animals – eg cattle / deer / horse causing obstruction
  • Overhead cables fallen across the highway
  • Potholes – only deep potholes on busy A roads and main distributor roads that cause a danger to the public will be treated as an emergency
  • Road signs, safety fences, guardrails and other street furniture damaged so they are a direct danger or obstruction to the travelling public, for example if it’s bent into the path of vehicles
  • Structure collapse – eg bridge / culvert / wall / fences / scaffold / hoarding

If you don’t think the highways fault is dangerous, please report it online using our Highways Reporting Tool. Reports made online are assessed by a Local Highways Officer within 10 working days.

Find more information at

Catch-up green bin collections: Saturday 19 and 26 February

A Message from South Cambridgeshire District Council: 

Catch up green bin collections – Saturday 19 and 26 February

We wanted to write to you with an update on green bin collections, to let you know that we will return over the next two Saturdays to collect green bins that were not emptied during weeks commencing 7 and 14 February (resulting from staff shortages).

If all the green bins in your street were not emptied during the weeks of 7 and 14 February, please put it out for collection on Saturday 19 February and Saturday 26 February. Please put the green bin out on both Saturdays, until it is emptied. 

For residents that had a missed green bin where the rest of the street was emptied, we will not be returning to these individual properties as we are still not returning for any individual missed green bins.

For more information, go to

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council