Letter from Melbourn Village College :
The Parish Council wishes to clarify that the article on page 5 of The Royston Crow for 19 October 2017 was published without our knowledge and the photograph used was not supplied for publication with our approval. We have written to The Royston Crow requesting that they print a correction and apology in next week’s edition.
We have received the following response from The Royston Crow:
‘Hi Sarah,
We are aware of the error and are not happy about it, to say the least.
To explain the situation, the picture assigned to the page was a group shot with a number of people in it – our production team based in Norwich were given specific instructions on what person needed to be cropped but then cropped the wrong person.
To make matters worse, due technical issues with the system we use, we weren’t able to check the page before it went to print and had to go on the say so that it had been designed as instructed.
It is hugely disappointing when I have taken every step to ensure the article published is a fair and accurate report, that such an error has been made which has nothing to do with myself.
I have spoken to the editor – who is equally unhappy – and he has confirmed there will be a correction and apology in next week’s print edition.
Best wishes,
Community Grant Information – Next round November 2017
Temporary Traffic Restrictions : Temporary Traffic Restrictions A10 November 2017
School Caterer Vacancy :
Melbourn Primary School :
Stagecoach September service changes :
Message from Heidi Allen – Boundary Commission Parliamentary Review Phase II : ‘Firstly, a huge thank you to you all for your superb efforts so far in raising awareness about the Boundary Review’s proposed parliamentary constituency changes. I was delighted to see so much representation from my southern villages on the Boundary Commission website.
The Consultation has now moved to phase 2. This is a 4 week period in which the Boundary Commission publish all feedback received and ask people to give their views on it (so asking people to comment on other people’s comments!).
On the Consultation website www.bce2018.org.uk, the Commission has separated feedback into comments (green dots) and counter proposals (yellow dots). I’ve attached a screen grab below to illustrate. During this phase it’s important to remember that Boundary Commission Guidance specifically asks people to take into account knock on effects to the region when commenting on proposals. Whilst it’s great to have representations that explain why your village doesn’t want to move, we need to show an awareness of how staying in South Cambs will affect the rest of the region.
With this in mind, I formulated a counter-proposal (yellow dot) that demonstrates how my southern villages can stay in South Cambs without affecting other areas adversely. The more support this proposal gets, the better chance of success.
If you want to stay as part of South Cambs please could you ask your villagers to log onto www.bce2018.org.uk, input my constituency office postcode of CB23 7QJ and show support for my yellow dot proposal by clicking on it and giving feedback? The consultation closes on 27th March.
I really don’t want to lose your important villages from my constituency.
Thank you for your help.
Best wishes
Heidi Allen MP‘
July is Scams Awareness Month 2017 : The campaign is led by Citizens Advice, working in partnership with organisations such as Trading Standards and the Metropolitan Police; the link to the Scams Awareness Month 2017 page on the Citizens Advice website is: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/campaigns/current_campaigns/scams-awareness-month/scams-awareness-month-2017/
Message from Great Northern inviting participation in their timetable consultation:
‘Dear stakeholder
The second phase of our consultation on the 2018 timetable has started – as we work towards finalising plans for the biggest timetable overhaul in a generation – designed to provide more reliable services, with more capacity for passengers. The cross-London Thameslink network will be expanded to give passengers at 80 more stations across the South East direct access to St Pancras International, Farringdon for Crossrail, City Thameslink and Blackfriars.
This is a central part of plans to modernise services with new trains, new rail routes and updated working practices to future-proof the Southern, Gatwick Express, Thameslink and Great Northern rail routes where passenger numbers, in some places, have doubled in just 12 years.
Feedback from the first part of the consultation last autumn has been taken on board where possible and detailed timetables are now available to comment on.
The information can be found at www.transformingrail.com. At this link you’ll be able to view timetables, search times by station, and there are summary factsheets available by area. Paper copies of the documents are available on request by writing to: GTR Timetable Consultation, c/o East Side Offices, London Kings Cross Station, N1C 4AP
The consultation into the weekday timetables runs until 5pm on Thursday 27 July 2017. Weekend timetables will be shared later in the year.’
Free exercise classes for those affected by Parkinsons:
Vacancies for two Councillors:
Information from Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultations:
Lost and Found: A number of items have been handed in to the Parish Office recently:
– Two bicycles have been handed in – one purple ladies bicycle and a black men’s mountain bike. If you believe one of them may be yours, please contact us.
– We also have a pair of specs. Please call if you think they may be yours.
Message from Melbourn Detachment of Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force:
‘We’re going into the Village College for a school assembly on Tuesday 23rd and will be opening up the detachment for a series of taster sessions on Tues 23rd, 30th May and Tues 6th June. All at 1900hrs – 2100hrs. The Detachment will then open up on a permanent basis from the first week in September when a new tranche of Year 8 pupils arrive. Cadets have to be 12 and in Yr 8 to joint The ACF.’
Community Award: It’s not too late to nominate someone for a Community Award.
Proposed development at New Road: Please see details of a public consultation to be hosted by Hopkins Homes on 10 May 2017 (4pm – 8pm) :
Community Grants : The next round of community grants will be considered by the Parish Council on 24 April 2017. Applications should be submitted by Tuesday, 18 April 2017.
Document 4.03 Melbourn Parish Council Community Grant Policy October 2016 Ver 1
Document 4.04 Melbourn Parish Council Community Grant Application Form October 2016 Ver 1
Proposed development at Cambridge Road – Public Exhibition: Details of the public exhibition to be held at The Hub on 22 April 2017 – http://www.countrysidemelbourn.co.uk/ :
Update from County Councillor van de Ven:
‘We’re doing one final round of verge seeding: Good Friday, 14 April, 10:30-12:30. Meet just north of Melbourn Science Park Entrance, south of Cherry Park industrial site. Please come along and bring a rake if you can.
This will use up the remaining portion of our grant from the TTP Group and take advantage of an untouched length of verge that hasn’t yet been invaded by grass.
Pictures here from the third session earlier this week – lots of kids all of whom arrived on foot or by bike.’
Additionally, if people are interested:
Due to questions about the future of village bus services, a public information evening will be held on 19 April, 7:30-9PM at the Elin Way Community Centre, Elin Way, Meldreth.
Royston and District Community Transport will be attending, as we are working together to help figure out new transport links, including to Meldreth Station. Any questions please contact Cllr Susan van de Ven at susanvandeven5@gmail.com.
Update from County Cllr van de Ven on changes to the No 26 bus service: I’ve heard back from Andy Campbell at Stagecoach, who writes: ‘We have reviewed all the feedback from the consultation and the split was roughly 50/50 however when we drilled down further into bus users & non bus users there was a clear majority for the hourly service terminating at Trumpington Park & Ride. We are intending to make the change from the 23rd July to coincide with the end of the current school term.
Reports of crime in the area: As you may be aware, there have been a number of incidents in the village over the past week or so – the CoOp store has been burgled twice and two private homes have been broken into. Although these incidents are worrying, it is worth noting that they are relatively rare in our village.
What can you do? Take extra care to ensure your property is secure, including garden gates and shed and please alert the police to any suspicious behaviour. Please call 999 in an emergency, if you witness an incident or 101 for non-emergencies.
‘Reminder : Bin days are changing – details of new collection dates can be found at https://www.scambs.gov.uk/services/waste-and-recycling
2017 Precept It was agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 30 January 2017 to increase the Council’s precept for 2017 by 5% which equates to an increase to bill payers of 4.48% (£4.72 per annum or £0.47p per month) for a Band D property – The precept for 2017-18 explained ver 2
Update from County Councillor van de Ven:
‘Planting wildflowers and eating cake:
The new walking and cycling path along the Cambridge Road, which runs from Melbourn to Shepreth and joins up with the A10 path to Cambridge, is nearly complete.
We’ve received a generous grant from the TTP Group at Melbourn Science Park to purchase a large quantity of specialist wildflower seed mix, for planting along the verges of the new path. This will enhance biodiversity and look nice, too.
We need a small army of volunteers to plant the seeds. Can you help? This will involve light raking of the soil and then old fashioned scattering of the wildflower seed by hand.
If so, please come along on any or all of these dates:
Sunday March 19 or 26, Monday April 3 – all from 1:30-3:30PM.
And please bring a rake if you have one.
Cakes will be served!
If you can make it, please drop an email or text to Susan van de Ven at susanvandeven5@gmail.com or 07905 325574 – or just come along.’
Message from Heidi Allen : Fair Funding for South Cambridgeshire pupils.
‘I have recently launched a joint campaign with local Head Teachers for our pupils to be given a fairer deal in the Government’s National Funding Formula – NFF Press Release. In conversation with Justine Greening, she has made it clear to me that in order to stand the best chance of changing the DfE’s proposed funding formula, significant consultation responses will be key.
As such, I would be most grateful if you could encourage as many people as possible: aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and the wider school community to stand up for fairer funding for South Cambridgeshire pupils. This is a complex and technical consultation, so in addition to the press release published last Friday, please find attached a summary of pre-drafted responses which we believe capture the core of our concerns – Funding Consultation Questions and Suggested Responses. We hope this will give people the confidence to tackle an otherwise complex task. For those who are not comfortable with doing this, there is also the option to write directly to Justine Greening or sign a petition at your local school.
If you have any questions at all, please do contact Paula in my office.
Thank you in advance of your support; it is vital we provide a deluge of responses to the DfE!
Best wishes,
Heidi Allen MP
Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire’
Melbourn Primary School – Public Consultation Event: The event is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd March 2017. Kier Construction will be inviting staff from the school, neighbouring residents, parents of prospective pupils, governors and local councillors to attend. This is to be held at Melbourn Primary School, between 3:30-7:00pm. Several members of the project team, including Kier Construction, the Principal Contractor, the Project Architect and Officers from CCC, will all be available to discuss the proposals – Melbourn – Public Consultation Newsletter.
No 26 Bus – Changes to service: We have been notified of the following change to the No 26 service by the County Council. From 9 April 2017 the 15:30 journey between Royston and Cambridge will end at Trumpington Park & Ride, not Cambridge city centre (Monday – Saturday).
Melbourn Futures : Please note the Melbourn Futures Working Party will meet on Monday, 20 March at 7.15pm at The Hub.
Neighbourhood Watch : Please see below for details of a workshop being organised by Cambridgeshire Constabulary on Saturday, 18 March 2017, 09:30- 12:30 at SCDC offices, Cambourne.
‘You can reserve a place online by clicking the link below. There will be a series of workshops for attendees – including how to get the most out of your NHW scheme, tackling speeding/parking/ roadsafety issues, preventing and avoiding fraud/scams, looking out for the vulnerable in he community. We are being supported by SCDC, County Council and the Fire Service. Please feel free to forward the invite and bring as many people along with you as you like (but please do use the booking form). Booking: http://tinyurl.com/SCSafetyDay‘
South Cambridgeshire District Council – Planning Open Day 20 March 2017 : Planning open day flyer 2017
Melbourn cycleway opening ceremony – 15 March 2017 : Please see details of the opening ceremony that is being organised by The Greater Cambridge City Deal Team – Melbourn Cycleway Opening Ceremony Timetable
Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire
Extract of District Councillors’ Report : The Parliamentary constituencies are again under review by the Boundary Commission and it is currently proposed that the existing Melbourn ward villages will move into the North East Hertfordshire constituency. These changes are due to take effect in 2020 prior to the next general election, however there is a consultation process under way now which runs until 5th December 2016. We urge all residents to go online and take part. We have been a part of Sth Cambridgeshire for a long time and it seems that generally residents wish to remain so. The time now is to make our points of view known to the Commission. Our MP Heidi Allen is very keen we take part. The link is:- www.bce2018.org.uk. District Cllrs Barrett and Hales
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published its Electoral Review of Cambridgeshire : Final Recommendations electoral-review-of-cambridgeshire-final-recommendations-click-here. A full copy of the report is available at http://www.lgbce.org.uk. An interactive map of the final recommendations is available at https://www.consultation.lgbce.org.uk. You may wish to participate in an online opinion survey at http://www.lgbce.org.uk/about-us/lgbce-opinion-survey.