As you may already know, the Moor Play Park Refurbishment project is well under way, and the project is now at arguably the most important stage; The Public Consultation. We want to hear your thoughts and comments on the three short listed designs.

The consultation period will start on Friday 11th February and run until Tuesday 1st March.

All three designs will be on display at the Melbourn Community Hub from Monday 14th – Saturday 19th February, during opening hours, for you to view. You will be able to vote for your preferred design, leave comments about your favourite items of equipment, and suggest any minor adjustments to improve the design.

You can also participate online by viewing the designs below and  completing the Public consultation Survey (please click on the link to access the survey.) You will have from Friday 11th February – Tuesday 1st March to complete the online survey.

Please don’t forget to get your children/grandchildren involved so we can hear their views on the designs.

To view the designs below, please click on the images to enlarge .

OPTION A) Playground Facilities Ltd



OPTION C) Wicksteed 

Please click on the link, Public Consultation Survey ,to submit your vote and comments about the design.

Thank you for participating in the public consultation. Your comments will help to shape the final decision.