Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 30th July, 2012 at the Parish Office,
Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. K.Crosby (Chair), J. Hales, M. Linnette, M.Sherwen, R.Gatward, A.Mulcock, P.Simmonett, D.Mowatt and R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Barrett and 1 member of the public
PL/37/12 Apologies for Absence: None
PL/38/12 Declaration of Interests: Cllr Hales 45/12(b): knows the owners
PL/39/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th July, 2012:
PL/32/12: Line 4: Cllr Simmonett said that the phrase in Line 7 should read ‘… Granta Housing which believes it has …’
It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes of 16thJuly, 2012 should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PL/40/12 Matters Arising: PL/36/12 Cllr Hales reported that he had talked to Juli Stallabras about the trial period for the kebab van and that she had replied comprehensively about the regulations concerning the van and the trial period which equated with what the council had put forward. The trial period is to go ahead from 1st August and end on the 31st October.
Cllr Mowatt asked whether or not this meant that the car park could be used by other traders without reference to the parish council, the answer to which was, no. Cllr Sherwen asked about the need for a licence for the fish van which also used the car park. The Clerk to check with the Licensing Authority about this.
ACTION: The Clerk
PL/41/12 Village Car Park: Cllr Hales asked the Clerk to find contractors which might clear the site. Cllr Sherwen asked that any potential contractor contact him prior to any site visit.
ACTION: The Clerk & Cllr Sherwen
PL/42/12 To consider the composition of the Holding Trust in the light of councillor resignations: The council considered the letter and documentation sent in by John Travis, Chairman of the Holding Trust, with regard to the composition of the Holding Trust in the light of the resignation of Cllrs Poley and Brett and the stipulation by the Parish Council that the composition of the Holding Trust be 50% councillors and 50% non-councillors. Mr Travis pointed out that the stipulation is not in the Holding Trust Deed and that he will not be seeking the resignation of the two ex-councillors as they are core members of the team. The stipulation of the 50%-50% composition of the Holding Trust was originally put forward by the Community Hub Sub-committee at its meeting on 22nd November (CH/54) and endorsed by the Parish Council at its meeting of 28th November. After the resignation of the two councillors, the meeting of the Parish Council held on 23rd July, 2012 proposed a resolution reinforcing the stipulation that the 50-50% composition should still apply. This resolution was carried and accordingly, the committee called for 4 councillors to volunteer to be members of the Holding Trust in order to comply with the stipulation if only for an interim period until the matter is finally resolved after the meeting of SCDC Planning Committee and talks held between the Holding Trust and the Parish Council. Cllr Wakerley said that as the two members on the Holding Trust had resigned from the Parish Council and were there representing the Parish Council, they should also resign form the Holding Trust. Cllr Mulcock said he agreed with Cllr Wakerley.
Cllr Mulcock pointed out that according to Article 36 of the Standing Orders any resolution passed by the parish council cannot be reversed in six months except either by a special resolution, the written notice whereof bears the names of at least seven members of the council, or by a resolution moved in pursuance of a report from or recommendation of a committee. This point was accepted and after a discussion it was decided to defer a decision until after the 1st August meeting and to bring it back to the Planning Committee on 13th August and, in the meantime, for the Clerk to write to Mr Travis explaining the council’s position.
ACTION: The Clerk
PL/43/12 Deed of Dedication registrations: Cllr Simmonett reported that Stockbridge Meadows/Clear Crescent/New Recreation Ground/BMX Trails are now registered. Negotiations with the Church Commissioners about the Old Recreation Ground are going well and should be resolved very shortly. Cllr Simmonett is to meet with the Area Manager of Granta Housing to discuss the matter on 31st July.
Two large boulders have been placed on the Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Ground and Stockbridge Meadows and are awaiting the mounting of the plaques. The total cost was £375.10.
ACTION: Cllr Simmonett
PL/44/12 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification giving information that consideration of the planning application S/0843/12/FL at 29, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6EB is to be held on 1st August, 2012. This led to a discussion about the density of developments. Cllr Mowatt asked if there are any clear rules and regulations concerning density for developments. Cllr Hales replied that the maximum is 35 per hectare but that these rules can be mitigated by developments such being in a conservation area or on the developments impact on neighbours. Cllr Hales gave the example of Greengage Rise to illustrate an example of local residents, the parish council and the planning officers working together to thwart an unwanted development. Cllr Mulcock said that there is a paper on the website about this matter. He is going to e-mail it to the Clerk who will forward it to all members of the committee. Cllr Mowatt said that the council should be prepared to defend the interests of the village even if the arguments are subjective. Cllr Barrett said that the Planning Committee of SCDC expected a representative of parish councils to attend its meeting if the council had recommended refusal of a planning application.
ACTION: Cllr Mulcock, The Clerk
(b) Notification giving information that consideration of the planning application S/0571/12/FL at High Street, Melbourn SG8 6DZ is to be held on 1st August, 2012 was noted.
PL/45/12 Planning Applications:
(a) Planning application (amended) for the erection of 6 dwellings (comprising one 4 bed house, two 3 bed house and one 2 bed house, with two 1 bed flats (affordable units)), and remodelling of existing public house car park at 29, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6EB on behalf of Mr Tom Nichols, Letchworth Palace Ltd S/0843/12/FL was recommended for refusal on the same grounds as last time. Cllr Sherwen will be attending the meeting on 1st August to voice the parish council’s objections.
(b) Planning application (amended) for a first floor extension at 10, Ash Grove, Melbourn SG8 6BJ on behalf of Mr & Mrs Emery S/1298/12/FL was recommended for approval without comment;
(c) Planning application (amended) for new building for horticultural use at Langdale Farm, Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6EY on behalf of Mr Jason Usher S/1138/12/FL as information only was noted.
(d) Planning application (amended) for the erection of 13 affordable dwellings and community building following demolition of four existing dwellings, police station & outbuildings (garages) at High Street, Melbourn SG8 6DZ on behalf of Hundred Houses Society S/0571/12/FL for information only was noted;
(e) Planning application for extensions following demolition of existing garage at Fairfields, Newmarket Road, Melbourn SG8 7ND on behalf of Mrs Lesley Zedah S/1380/12/FL was recommended for approval without comment.
PL/46/12 Correspondence: None
PL/47/12 Urgent matters: None
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.49p.m.