Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 13th August, 2012 at the Parish Office,
Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. K.Crosby (Chair), J. Hales, M. Linnette, M.Sherwen, R.Gatward, and R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Barrett and 1 member of the public
PL/48/12 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs A.Mulcock and P.Simmonett
PL/49/12 Declaration of Interests: None
PL/50/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th July, 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Sherwen and agreed that the minutes of 30th July, 2012 should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PL/51/12 Matters Arising: PL/40/12: The Clerk reported that he has been unable to contact the Licensing Authority. He will try to do so soon.
ACTION: The Clerk
PL/52/12 Village Car Park: Cllr Sherwen reported that he had met with Rob Meads of Purplerecycling on site to consider quoting for the demolition of the garages. This quote will be considered by SCDC together with the quotes it has obtained. Cllr Sherwen said that there is a lot of greenery and vegetation needing removal behind the garages and possibly fencing required to the end property. Cllr Hales replied that this will all be done as part of any contract to deal with the garages and 4 existing tenants will be re-housed. He will also find out from SCDC what specifications it is working from for requesting tenders.
ACTION: Cllr Hales
PL/53/12 To report any further developments in connection with the Police site in the centre of the village.
Cllr Hales reported that the council is awaiting the letter from SCDC giving consent to the proposed development.
The committee agreed that the Community Hub Subcommittee will co-ordinate the response to the development process through the Development Programme. Any suggestions for inclusion to be forwarded to Cllr Hales. Cllr Gatward raised the question of the screening of the bins. Cllr Hales has asked Alan Brett to liaise between the residents, the Parish Council and the developers and he has agreed.
ACTION: Cllr Hales
PL/54/12 Deed of Dedication registrations: In the absence of Cllr Simmonett, Cllr Hales reported that 4 sites had now been completed and dedicated: New Recreation Ground, BMX Trails, Stockbridge Meadows, and Clear Crescent Play Area. The rocks to carry the plaques are being sorted out and they were to be anchored down.
ACTION: Cllr Simmonett
PL/55/12 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification granting permission for an extension to the dwelling at 68, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6AJ on behalf of Mr Alex Laurie was noted.
(b) Notification granting permission for First Floor addition to form larger bedroom with en-suite shower and dressing room at 35, The Lawns, Melbourn SG8 6BA on behalf of Mr & Mrs Steve Lamb was noted.
(c) Notification refusing permission for First Floor extension at 10, Ash Grove, Melbourn SG8 6BJ on behalf of Mr & Mrs Emery was noted.
(d) Notification refusing permission for the erection of 6 dwellings (comprising one 4-bed house, one 3 bed-house, one 3-bed bungalow and one 2-bed house, with 2 one-bed flats (affordable units), and remodelling of existing public house car park. At 29, High Street, Melbourn on behalf of Mr Tom Nichols, Letchworth Palace Ltd was noted. The Chairman read out the reasons for the refusal of this development: this led to a discussion concerning the absence of concern expressed about the access arrangements included on this proposed development and possible consequences thereof on any fresh proposals and on the clauses contained in the original development proposals for altering the licensing arrangements for the public house which might have a detrimental effect on the business. Any future proposals to be closely monitored.
PL/56/12 Planning Applications: (a) Planning application Non-Material Amendment to S/1691/11 to change the approved double doors to a single door on the side elevation and omission of approved rooflights on single storey extension and insertion of sun pipes at 38, Orchard Road, Melbourn SG8 6BT on behalf of Mr & Mrs Carter was noted.
PL/57/12 Correspondence: None
PL/58/12 Urgent matters: Cllr Gatward raised the issue of the possible development of the site beyond Victoria Way and adjacent to New Road Cemetery which has already been highlighted. The member of the public present became involved at this point as he was representing the present owner and possible developer. There then followed a discussion about the relative merits of developing the site and the possible concerns about affordable housing, access to the cemetery, impact on the proposed green burial site, extension of the woodland and the mixture of types of housing in any forthcoming proposal. This discussion to be taken further at the next meeting which will be attended by Mr Ray Houghton, representative of Bidwells, the proposed developer.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.08p.m.