<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES</h2>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong>Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 10<sup>th</sup> September, 2012 at the Parish Office,
Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.</strong></p>
<strong>Present: Cllrs. M.Sherwen (Vice-Chair) J. Hales, M. Linnette, P.Simmonett, A.Mulcock and R.Wakerley<em></em>
In Attendance: The Clerk, and 4 members of the public </strong>
<strong>PL/59/12 Apologies for Absence</strong>: Cllrs K.Crosby, R.Gatward
<strong>PL/60/12 Declaration of Interests:</strong>
PL/68/12(d): Cllr Simmonett as a resident of Greengage Rise
<strong>PL/61/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 13th, August 2012:</strong>
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Linnette and agreed that the minutes of 13<sup>th</sup> August, 2012 should be signed as a true record. This was carried.<strong> </strong>
<strong>PL/62/12 Matters Arising: </strong>None
<strong>PL/63/12 To meet with a representative of Bidwells re: land west of New Road and Victoria Way:</strong>
Mr Ray Houghton, Planning Consultant for the owners of land to the rear (west) of Victoria Way and north of the Cemetery acting on the owners’ behalf through South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Local Development Framework, presented his case for sites130 and 235, which are to be developed together, which have been identified for housing by SCDC’s recently published Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and the Issues and Options consultation. Mr Houghton distributed copies of the initial proposals which, as he stressed, are in the very early stages of being drafted and that the reason for the meeting was to consult closely with the council to identify its wishes and concerns in order to ensure the site is developed in close co-operation with all stake-holders.
The plans, for a mixed development of 90-100 2 and 3-bedroom houses, including 40% affordable houses, complete with community facilities, open spaces and landscaping, spread over 6 years with 15 houses per year being built, were discussed by the committee and the developers representatives, including the landowner, Mr Butch Tyler. Areas of concern and debate were raised including the questions of access, parking, play areas, provision of woodland/orchard areas, the design and size of the affordable housing, conversations with Registered Social Landlords, the proposed phased development and the possible need for excavating the depth of the soil. Mr Houghton thanked the committee for its constructive views and that more detailed plans will be produced as a result and brought back to the council.
<strong>PL/64/12 Village Car Park:</strong>
The committee received notice from Jenny Clark, SCDC Lands Officer, confirming the details of the proposed demolition of the garages and asking that the quote obtained from Purplerecycling, on behalf of the Parish Council, be accepted. The Clerk to write to Jenny Clark asking for the letter to be amended by inserting the following words at the end of the second paragraph ‘up to a maximum of £3,000 not including the cost of replacing the fence’.
<strong>ACTION: The Clerk</strong>
<strong>PL/65/12</strong><strong> To report any further developments in connection with the Police site in the centre of the village.</strong>
Cllr Hales reported that the council is awaiting the letter from SCDC giving consent to the proposed development. It is estimated that the demolition work will begin at the end of October and work on the development begin in December. County Highways had been on site today with regard to the drainage scheme which should benefit a large number of people living on the High Street.
<strong>PL/66/12</strong><strong> Deed of Dedication registrations:</strong>
Cllr Simmonett reported that 5 sites have now been completed but still awaiting Worcester Way and decisions from the Church Commissioners regarding the Old Recreation Ground. The Millennium Copse is now being worked on. Permission has also been granted by Melbourn Village College for the land to the rear of the college to be included in any Deed of Dedication.
<strong>ACTION: Cllr Simmonett</strong>
<strong>PL/67/12 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:</strong>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(a) Notification refusing permission for extensions following the demolition of existing garage at Fairfields, Newmarket Road, Melbourn SG8 7ND on behalf of Mrs Lesley Zedah was noted.</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(b) Notification granting a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development relating to one double unit mobile home on part of the site known as West Field Orchard, Ashwell Street, Kneesworth SG8 0RS was noted.<strong> </strong></p>
<strong>PL/68/12 Planning Applications:</strong>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(a) Planning application for the erection of 5 dwellings (comprising one 4 bed bungalow, one 3 bed house, one 2 bed house and two 1 bed flats (affordable units)) and remodelling of existing public house car park on behalf of Mr Tom Nichols, Letchworth Palace Ltd, was recommended for refusal with the following comments:- <em></em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em>1. Access road initially 5m wide but reduced to 4minside the gated entrance. This is too narrow for vehicles to pass around the two tight 90degree bends and with restricted vision from the planting and hedgerows is probably dangerous;</em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em>2. This initial access (10m) to the gated entrance is apparently not separated from the public house car park and this will cause problems; </em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em>3. As previous objection the reduced number of car parking spaces for the pub will lead to parking on the High Street; </em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em>4. We object to a ‘gated community’ so prominent on the High Street. What is the reason for this?;</em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em> 5. The Bin Storage area (a) if this is an unadopted road rubbish collection vehicles will not service them as they are some 30m from the highway (b) the location is adjacent to a bungalow and we are concerned about smells from 14 bins affecting their property in particular (c) some residents will be expected to take their bins 40-50m to this area;</em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em> 6. No disabled parking is shown either in pub car park or on development site, likewise visitor parking which were shown on previous applications; </em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”><em>7. Is there a public footpath across private land and with a gated restriction into the site? If it isn’t public how do the public access it? 8. See other objection from a nearby resident’.</em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(b) Planning application for a change of use from office to bedsit at 1st Floor Office, 10, The Moor, Melbourn SG8 6ED on behalf of Mr Ian Rumbold was recommended for approval;</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(c) Planning application for the erection of a detached house at land to the rear of 151-155 High Street, Melbourn on behalf of Mr Graham Newton was recommended for approval;</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>(d) <em>[At this point Cllr Simmonett withdrew from the meeting].</em></p>
<p style=”padding-left: 60px;”>Retrospective planning consent for two canopies – one attached to rear aspect of house and one freestanding in the garden at 60, Greengage Rise, Melbourn SG8 6DS on behalf of Dr Michael Lilley was recommended for approval.</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”><em>[At this point Cllr Simmonett returned to the meeting]</em><em></em></p>
<strong>PL/69/12</strong><strong> Correspondence:</strong> None<strong> </strong>
<strong>PL/70/12</strong><strong> Urgent matters:</strong> None<strong> </strong>
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00p.m.