Planning Meeting 1 October, 2012


Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.

Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 1st October, 2012 at the Parish Office,
Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.

Present: Cllrs. K.Crosby, M.Sherwen, J. Hales, M. Linnette, P.Simmonett, R.Tulloch, R.Gatward and R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Clerk, and 3 members of the public               
PL/71/12     Apologies for Absence: Cllr D.Mowatt
PL/72/12     Declaration of Interests:
PL/80/12(b): Cllr Simmonett as a resident of Greengage Rise; Cllr Gatward as she knows the person making a planning application;
PL/79/12: Cllr Hales as he lives in Elm Way        
PL/73/12   Minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2012: It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen, seconded by Cllr. Simmonett and agreed that the minutes of 13th August, 2012 should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PL/74/12     Matters Arising: PL/68/12: The Clerk has written to Mr Mitchell re: the proposed development at 29, High Street, Melbourn.              
PL/75/12     Village Car Park: Cllr Sherwen reported that the Clerk has written to Jenny Clark re: dates for the demolition of the garages in the week beginning 29th October. The Clerk has also written to the Primary School, Mr Russell-Yarde and Mr & Mrs May-Gillings. The Clerk has also written to Purplerecycling verifying the starting date.

Quotes are being asked for from Royston Fencing, Cambridge Fencing and Purplerecycling for the fence along the boundary edge. The specification from Jenny Clark has been communicated to them.

A discussion took place about the spoil generated by the demolition: this will be decided at a meeting of the Car Park Working Party which will be meeting in the next few days.

Cllr Tulloch asked about the plans for the refurbishment of the car park and was informed by Cllr Sherwen that the former plans would have to be revised in the light of the demolition of the garages and that he had made a preliminary start on this which would be discussed by the Car Park Working Party.

ACTION: Cllr Sherwen and the Car Park Working Party
PL/76/12 To report any further developments in connection with the Police site in the centre of the village.
Cllr Hales reported that work on the plans for the new drainage scheme was on-going.
PL/77/12 Deed of Dedication registrations: Cllr Simmonett reported that the Clerk has written to Metropolitan, the owners of Worcester Way, to begin negotiations for the purchase of Worcester Way open space for the sum of £1.00.
There is still no news with regard to the Old Recreation Ground as the council is still waiting for the Church Commissioners solicitors to make contact with them.
ACTION: Cllr Simmonet
PL/78/12     To consider a request re: 56 Bramley Avenue The Committee considered the request passed on to it from the Parish Council. The committee decided that, although it has no objection in principle, it wishes to see that any plans reduce the amount of land sold, takes cognisance of the adjacent property (No 58) and that all boundaries should be built in brick to match other houses. The Clerk to write to Jenny Clark.
ACTION: The Clerk
PL/79/12   Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:

(a) Notification granting permission for a dormer window at 5, Elm Way, Melbourn SG8 6UH on behalf of Mr Guy Unsworth S/1556/12/FL was noted;

(b) Notification granting permission for the demolition of four existing dwellings, police station and outbuildings (garages) at High Street, Melbourn on behalf of Hundred Houses Society S/0572/12/CA was noted;

(c) Notification granting permission for the erection of 13 affordable dwellings & community building following demolition of four existing dwellings, police station and outbuildings (garages) at High Street, Melbourn on behalf of Hundred Houses Society S/0571/12/FL was noted.

PL/80/12  Planning Applications:

(a)   Planning application  for a replacement dwelling, following demolition of existing dwelling at 32, Station Road, Melbourn SG8 6DX on behalf of Mr O.Makings & S.Saunders S/1392/12/FL was recommended for approval with the following comments: It is recommended that an English Heritage Level 2 Record be carried out before demolition. To support the Conservation Team’s recommendation regarding materials used, particularly in relation to the roof.

(b)   [At this point Cllrs Simmonett and Gatward withdrew from the meeting].Planning application for an extension and alterations at 47, Greengage Rise, Melbourn SG8 6DS on behalf of Mrs S.Murphy S/1904/12/FL was recommended for approval without comment. [At this point Cllrs Simmonett and Gatward returned to the meeting];

(c)   Planning application for the demolition of front and side single extension. Proposed front porch. Conversion of the garage into habitable living accommodation. Remodelling and extension of rear extension. Rear dormer windows at 9, Drury Lane, Melbourn SG8 6EP on behalf of Mr Hugh O’Malley S/1799/12/FL was recommended for approval with the following comments: It should always remain a single dwelling and not subdivided; The conservation Team’s recommendations should be followed in relation to the use of materials.

PL/81/12 Correspondence: The committee considered the exchange of letters between Mr B.Chappell of 1, Dickasons, Melbourn and Wayne Stewart, Tree Manager of Cambridge County Council with regard to the Willow Tree on County Council land adjacent to Mr Chappell’s property. The committee discussed the matter and IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR SIMMONETT AND SECONDED BY CLLR LINNETTE THAT THE PROPOSAL FROM THE TREE OFFICER, SUPPORTED BY MR CHAPPELL, FOR SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED, FROM THE 2013-14 TREE BUDGET, FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE TREE SHOULD BE ENDORSED. THIS WAS CARRIED.

However, great concern was expressed regarding the manner in which this matter has been handled by the Tree officer and the Clerk to write seeking an explanation as to why this solution has been proposed instead of the way this matter had been dealt with in the past.

ACTION: The Clerk
PL/82/12     Urgent matters:

(a)   Cllr Sherwen raised the issue of the felling of the Poplar trees on Bury Lane Fruit Farm. The Clerk was asked to write to the Tree Officer at South Cambridgeshire District Council to enquire as to whether or not the tree-felling was legally carried out.

(b)  Cllr Simmonett reported that the Party Day for Clear Crescent Play Area will be going ahead and the council will be receiving an invoice which will be paid from the promised funding.

ACTION: The Clerk               
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.37p.m.

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