Planning Meeting 9 May, 2011



Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 9th May 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt, A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance: The Clerk, Cllr. V Barrett and eleven members of the public
868/10 Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Wakerley.
869/10 Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 874/10 as he had family living in the village.
Item 878/10 (b) Cllr. Mulcock declared a Personal Interest as he had children attending the school.  Item 878/10 (b) Cllr. Gatward declared a Personal Interest as she is a Community Governor at the school.
870/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 18th April 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Linnette and agreed that the minutes should be signed as a true record.
871/10 Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
872/10 Village Car Park:
Cllr. Sherwen reported that the meeting with Huck Partnership will take place at the Parish Office on 16th May commencing at 10.30am.
873/10 Police Site:
(a) E-mail from Samantha Moor – Cost and size of a proposed community building for consideration.
The Clerk is to contact Samantha and inform her that the Council has received a letter from Hundred Houses Society informing it that due to change of government the Society is not certain about future development funding.  The Society has submitted a four year programme to the government and will know the outcome of its bid by the end of July this year.  If successful this means that development of the site will not commence until the summer of 2012.
(b) Letter from Hundred Houses Society – Uncertain about future development due to government funding and a promise to write to tenants on the Old Police site no later than the autumn of 2011.  Noted
A resident of the High Street addressed the meeting and said they had been led to believe that residents would be involved in meetings with builders.  Communication needed to come from the Parish Council so that all could be kept in the loop.  Cllr. Sherwen apologised if the resident had been left out of the loop.
There was general concern amongst those present about how the site, which is in a Conservation area, is to be developed.
Drainage problems were an issue on the High Street and this needed to be addressed when developing the site.
It was asked if members of the public could attend the meeting with Paul Sexton at SCDC on 19th May.  Two members of the public will attend this meeting along with 4 Councillors.
A resident of Kays Close enquired if the hedges between the site and Kays Close and the school playing fields would be retained.  It was also thought that the buildings were too close to the boundaries of the site.
Cllr. Mowatt was delighted that the public wanted to come on board with the council and said that the council would like to reduce the impact of development of the site for the village.
A meeting is to be held with residents prior to the meeting with Paul Sexton.  It was decided to hold this meeting on 17th May at the Parish Office commencing at 7.00pm
It was felt that there was a need to communicate with other members of the village who may not see the Notice Board or web site.
The matter of Planning agendas not being posted on the web site was raised and this is to be made an agenda item for consideration at the Parish Council meeting on 23rd May.
874/10 Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
At the present time there was nothing new to report.
875/10 Village Green registrations:
At the present time there was nothing new to report.
876/10 Discussion of SCDC proposal to use IT forum at Parish Council level:
Cllr. Mulcock reported that he will attend the meeting to be held at SCDC on May 12th.
877/10 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) SCDC – 16 Water Lane.  Single Storey Front and Rear Extension and First Floor Side Extension.  S/0315/11.  Permission Granted.
(b) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
878/10 Planning Applications:
(a) Melbourn Bury, Royston Road.  Erection of detached outbuildings following demolition of existing outbuildings including change of use from agricultural use to residential use. S/0746/11. Recommend Approval
(b) CCC – Melbourn Primary School – Retention of a 5 bay mobile classroom until 31st August 2016.  S/00753/11/CC.  Recommend Approval.
(c) SCDC application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Site.  14 Dolphin Lane – felling of Ash Tree which is causing damage to thatch roof.  No Comment.
(d) 7 Hale Close – Application for Non-Material Amendment. S/1611/10/F.
Amendment to the design of the rear facing dormer window from a catslide roof to a flat roof.  For Information Only.
(e) There were no further Planning applications received.
879/10 Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Elizabeth Stazicker – Police Land.
The Clerk is to write requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act and ask for the following information: the date that the Police entered into negotiations with Hundred Houses Society: cost of the site: list of conditions and caveats for the sale of the site.
(b) SCDC – Planning Appeal by Mr Taylor against refusal of Household Application. S/1881/10/F Site at Oak Cottage, 6A Vicarage Close – Proposed development First Floor Extension.   Noted.
(c) There was no further correspondence received.
880/10   Urgent Matters:
Cllr. Hales had contacted the financial section at SCDC to find out why it was stated on one of their invoices that cheques were no longer accepted.   He was told that SCDC did still accept cheques and that Parish Clerks will be contacted to inform them of this fact.
Cllr. Sherwen spoke on the e-mail with regard to SCDC Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment – Housing Market Partnership forwarded to all the Councillors by the Clerk.  He asked if the Council wanted to be involved.  It was decided that a decision with regards to this matter would be made at the Parish Council meeting on the 23rd May.  The Clerk is to make this an agenda item.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.03pm

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