Planning Meeting 7 November, 2011



Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.

Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 7th November, 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Sherwen (Chair), J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, J.Poley, and R. Gatward
In Attendance: The Deputy Clerk and 2 members of the public.
449/11     Apologies for Absence: Cllr Simmonett
450/11 Declaration of Interests:
Cllr Sherwen declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in 457/11 (b) as the firm is one of his clients.
451/11     Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October, 2011:
408/11 line 5: Delete Cllr Mulcock: insert Cllr Poley.
It was proposed by Cllr Hales and seconded by Cllr Poley that the minutes of 17th October should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
452/11 Matters Arising:
(a)    407/11 (b) 370/11: The details for the registration of the New Recreation Ground have been re-submitted to the Land Registry. The Deed of Dedication for the New Recreation Ground has been accepted and is being processed.
(b)   410/11: Cllr Gatward asked if Matthew Lane Sanderson might be asked to submit a design for the proposed metal guard around the Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Oak. The Deputy Clerk to enquire. A discussion took place about the nature and extent of any proposed guard and the Deputy Clerk was asked to enquire of Acacia Tree Surgery, which has been authorised to plant the tree, as to whether or not the proposed guard was both rabbit and deer proof. In the meantime, the committee agreed to fit a simple/quick solution as a temporary measure.
(c)    413/11 (b) & (c): The Deputy Clerk has spoken to Jenny Clark and conveyed the council’s decisions on both 35 and 43, Medcalfe Way.
(d)          413/11 (d): The Deputy Clerk has spoken to Debra Bell, Enforcement Officer, and she is dealing with the concerns about the Co-op and Greenlows.
453/11     Village Car Park
Cllr Sherwen reported that a number of quotations have now been received for work on the car park. However, the tendering process is still not complete and the Deputy Clerk to check that the contractors have been made aware of the proposed starting date. Scrutiny of the quotes was deferred until the next meeting.
454/11 Police Site
Cllr Poley reported that the public exhibition of the proposed plans for the police site by 100 Houses had been held on Tuesday, 1st November. Members of the Community Hub Subcommittee had been present to answer people’s questions. The meeting had been quite well attended (60+). The councillors had sought opinions from many people and had received a variety of views. There were a lot of questions about financing and funding about the building and the running costs. He reported that the sub-committee is seeking the help of Cambridge ACRE about Model Business Plans and the running of the community hub as a Charitable Trust. This work is to be carried forward by the sub-committee.
Cllr Sherwen thanked Cllr Poley and the sub-committee for the success of the exhibition and all its hard work.
Mr & Mrs Ellis asked about the submission date of the proposed plans to the Planning Authority and were told that it likely to be Mid-November. As far as anyone knows, no modifications to the proposals have been made.
455/11 Deed of Dedication registrations:
The Deputy Clerk reported that Fields in Trust has decided to nominate the land submitted (The New Recreation Ground) for the Queen Elizabeth II Field Challenge. Cllr Hales explained that this would protect the land in perpetuity from development and it would also enable the council to apply for additional grants. Cllr Hales reported that there is a plan in mind to join with Melbourn Village College in registering both their land and ours to protect the whole field area in perpetuity. The council will be liaising with the Village College on this as soon as the land has been successfully registered.
Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification granting permission for a single storey extension (to replace existing) and associated alterations at 9, Meeting Lane, Melbourn SG8 6AN on behalf of Mr & Mrs & & R Houghton and Wilson was noted.
(b) Notification granting permission for the display of proposed Signs at 49, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6DZ on behalf of Mr Dipak Solanki, Melbourn Stores was noted.
457/11 Planning Applications:
(a) Consultation on application to undertake tree works within a conservation area at 9, The Lawns Melbourn SG8 6BA on behalf of Mr S.Childerley C/11/17/070/02. This was taken with C/11/17/70/02 as they relate to the same place and the same work. This was accepted without comment.
(b) Application for the erection of extension to the existing dormer window on the front elevation of the property at Asygarth, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6ER on behalf of Mr & Mrs Giles S/2104/11. This was accepted without comment.
[At this point Cllr Sherwen withdrew from the meeting. In the absence of the Vice-Chairman, The Chair was taken by Cllr Hales]
(c) Application to raise the roof of an existing building at AV Engineering Services Ltd, Saxon Way, Melbourn SG8 6DN on behalf of Mr Norman Shires S/1961/11. This was accepted without comment.
[At this point, Cllr Sherwen returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair]
(d) Consultation on application to undertake tree works within a conservation area on behalf of Mr J.Goodricke, 81 High Street, Melbourn and the agent Mr T.Brown, Bartlett Tree experts, Unit 8 TC Ginn Industrial Estate, Murdock Road, Bedford. The committee recommended refusal on the following grounds: ‘No details of intended work are detailed. This is a conservation area and should not be submitted without reference to any TPOs on these trees’. The Deputy Clerk to contact Roz Richardson, Tree Officer about this matter.
458/11 Correspondence:
459/11 Urgent matters:
Cllr Linnette brought to the attention of the committee problems over parking at 85, High Street, Melbourn. He asked that this matter be placed on the next planning agenda and asked the committee to consider selling the rear triangle of the land at 83, High Street in order to resolve this issue.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25 p.m.


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