Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 7th March 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette,
D. Mowatt, A. Mulcock, P. Simmonett and R. Wakerley.
In Attendance: The Clerk
745/10 Apologies for Absence: None
746/10 Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 751/10 as he had family living in the village.
747/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 21st February 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes should be signed as a true record.
748/10 Matters Arising: Item 720/10 (Urgent Matters) Cllr. Gatward enquired if the Chairman of the Play Areas had been to look at the piece of land it was proposed to fence off. The Clerk replied that both she and the Chairman of Play Areas had looked at this today and the Chairman was to contact Cambridge Fence Company and arrange a site meeting so that the construction of a fence could be discussed.
It was suggested that after the quote was received for the fencing, a letter be sent to all parties concerned explaining that the Parish Council were going to be defining the boundaries of this piece of land.
749/10 Village Car Park:
The Clerk reported that she had been visited in the office by a resident who had informed her that due to the height of the rubbish between the fence and the garages children were now gaining access to the garage roofs by climbing up the rubbish. This matter had been reported to Environmental Health Services at SCDC with a view to getting the rubbish removed.
750/10 Police site in centre of village:
The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with Iceni Homes on either the 5th or 7th of April. The time of the meeting was to be either morning or early afternoon.
751/10 Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
At the present time there was nothing to report.
752/10 BMX Site:
Cllr. Linnette has heard from the surveyor who is coming on Monday 14th March to survey the site of Grinnel Hill. Cllr. Linnette will liaise with the surveyor over the boundary of this site. A letter will then be sent to the owner of the adjacent piece of land explaining what the Council intends to do with regard to the erecting of a boundary fence. Cllr. Brett will liaise with the Clerk over this letter.
The surveyor will then walk the other two sites of Council owned land before submitting quotes for the surveying of these.
753/10 Discussion of SCDC proposal to use IT forum at Parish Council level:
Cllr. Mulcock reported that data has been copied into the new and improved system. The period of consultation for Councils will start 21 days from the document appearing on the site. There is a pre-application time of up to a 14 day interval for consultation with SCDC.
The Clerk will be notified of the plans and then it will be up to the Council to get information from the SCDC server.
Although Councils are being asked for input on the new system there has only been one meeting so far. The next meeting is to be held later this month.
754/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) There were no Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
755/10 Planning Applications:
(a) Former Plasmon Site, 2 Whiting Way. Fuel Store. S/0269/11. Recommend Approval.
(b) 16 Water Lane. Single Storey Front and Rear Extension and First Floor Side Extension. S/03125/11. Recommend Approval.
(c) There were no further planning applications received.
[Cllr. Mowatt left the meeting at this point the time being 8.54pm]
756/10 Correspondence:
(a) There was no correspondence received.
757/10 Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm