Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 21st November, 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Sherwen (Chair), J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, J.Poley, R. Gatward, P.Simmonett, R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Deputy Clerk and 1 member of the public.
482/11 Apologies for Absence: None
483/11 Declaration of Interests: None
484/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November, 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr Hales and seconded by Cllr Wakerley that the minutes of 7th November should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
485/11 Matters Arising:
(a) 454/11: Cllr Poley wished to add his thanks to Cllr Sherwen and the team for their help in ensuring the success of the exhibition on the development of the police site.
(b) 452/11: The Deputy Clerk reported that he had not heard from Matthew Lane Sanderson or Acacia Tree Surgery. Cllr Sherwen said he didn’t think it was rabbit-proof and this was confirmed by Cllrs Hales and Gatward. Cllr Hales reported that he had been in touch with Acacia Tree Surgery who had informed him that the tree was fitted with a slow-release water bag which will need replenishing two or three times a week. We will need access to the bag and that means we cannot fit a permanent guard within the first year but we can protect it with a mixture of posts and chicken wire. Cllr Mulcock asked if the watering of it had been budgeted for and was informed that it was expected that the volunteers would take this on using the River Mel as a source. The exact location of the tree has not, as yet, been fixed and was a matter for the Conservation Committee.
(c) 455/11: The New Recreation Ground has been successfully registered with the Land Registry. Cllr Hales reported that they would now seek to work closely with Melbourn Village College in order to include the Back Field and the one nearest the school in the Deed of Declaration.
(d) 457/11; The Deputy Clerk has been in touch with Ros Richardson the Tree Officer and the mistake in the submission of tree works at 81, High Street, Melbourn has been rectified and will be dealt with later.
486/11 Village Car Park
The committee considered the submission of three quotes for the work on the car park:
- BSV/AYR for £33,822.14 + VAT
- Timotay for £30,200 + VAT;
- Land Structures for £56,205 + VAT
The quote from Land Structures was discounted as being too expensive. The other two were considered in some detail although it was still felt that they were not bidding to the same specification, especially with regard to the size of the area to be tarmacked and it was felt that this issue needed to be resolved by meeting both parties on site and this is to be arranged through Cllr Sherwen. Cllr Mulcock complained that he did not realise that the area in front of the garages, still owned by SCDC, was not included in the project and stated that he believed the general public would not understand if the job was seemingly half done and would expect the whole area to be tarmacked, including the area in front of the garages. Under these circumstances, he said he could not give his support for the project as he believed it was doing a half-job instead of a full one. Cllr Hales responded that the area under discussion was being left un-tarmacked as it is an area used for access by pedestrians and motorists using the garages which the council has no control over nor receives any income from. This question has been discussed with SCDC which is unwilling or unable to allocate some £10,000 of funds needed for upgrading the area in front of the garages for what essentially amounts to a footpath.
487/11 Police Site
The committee received a copy of a letter with amended plans for the police site from Mr Ellis which he has submitted to SCDC. He was thanked for this. Concerns were raised about the retention of the wall which had formerly formed part of the Manor House. Cllr Hales reported that this had been considered on numerous occasions with the developers who had committed themselves to preserving it. This aspect of the development is to be included on the agenda for the next Conservation Committee meeting.
Cllr Poley reported that the Community Hub Sub-committee is preparing a report for submission to the next Full Parish Council meeting on 28th November. At the moment the sub-committee is discussing Heads of Terms with the council’s solicitor and a meeting has been arranged with him for next Monday. In the meantime, the sub-committee is exploring the options available for establishing a Charitable Trust for running the hub.
Mr Ellis asked about the consultation process involved with the development of the police site. Cllr Hales explained the timescale for a project like this.
488/11 Deed of Dedication registrations:
Discussed and dealt with under 485/11.
489/11 To consider the need for a right of way across Haggar’s Close to facilitate the maintenance of the land adjacent to 35, Medcalfe Way.
490/11 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification granting permission for a single storey side extension at 25, Portway, Melbourn SG8 6EU on behalf of Mr Peter Allison S/1309/11 was noted.
491/11 Planning Applications:
(a) Consultation on application to undertake tree works within a conservation area on behalf of Mr J.Goodricke, 81 High Street, Melbourn and the agent Mr T.Brown, Bartlett Tree experts, Unit 8 TC Ginn Industrial Estate, Murdock Road, Bedford. The committee reconsidered this application having now received the details of the work omitted from the application submitted to the previous meeting. The committee added comments concerning the amount to be taken off a beech tree which they felt would endanger the tree and was considered inappropriate.
492/11 Correspondence:
(a) The Housing Strategy Document was presented. The questionnaire should be returned by 31st January. This document has been sent to all councillors. Councillors will be asked to fill in this document and take it to their next committee meeting for discussion and to try to arrive at a consensus position before being considered by the Full Council.
(b) Letter from Mr Purbrook regarding the signs outside Mr Solanki’s shop. The letter was noted. The Deputy Clerk to write to Mr Purbrook thanking him for his letter and stating that the council is fully aware of the problems and is investigating further. The Deputy Clerk to write to Andrew Phillips at SCDC asking for an explanation of the rules and legislation governing this decision.
493/11 Urgent matters:
(a) Cllr Hales raised the issue of the access round the back of Mr Mutty’s old house which was still being used. Cllrs believed that this should be blocked off permanently. The Deputy Clerk to ask Debra Bell, Enforcement Officer about this.
(b) Cllr Mulcock asked about what progress was being made about the Co-op and Greenlows. The Deputy Clerk to get in touch with Debra Bell to ascertain what progress has been made.
(c) Cllr Mulcock asked about the cones which have appeared between The Dolphin and Meeting Lane. The Deputy Clerk to investigate.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 p.m.