Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 17th October, 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Sherwen (Chair), P. Simmonett, J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, J.Poley, Mowatt and R. Gatward
In Attendance: The Deputy Clerk, Cllr. Barrett.
404/11 Apologies for Absence: Cllr Wakerley
405/11 Declaration of Interests:
406/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October, 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr Simmonett and agreed that the minutes of 3rd October,, 2011 should be signed as a true record.
407/11 Matters Arising:
(a) 368/11: The Deputy Clerk reported that all drain covers in the car park are the responsibility of the Parish Council. Cllr Sherwen reported that he had talked to Huck Partnership about the possibility of having theft-proof drain covers when the car park is refurbished but these were proving difficulty to source.
(b) 370/11: The Allotments have been successfully registered at the Land Registry. It is still proving problematic to register the New Recreation Ground but the Clerk and Deputy Clerk are working on the case.
(c) 373/11(d): The Deputy Clerk reported that the original application for 1 dwelling on this site and an access road is still extant. Cllr Hales enquired about what might happen about this application if the land was sold to another party. Cllr Barrett to enquire at SCDC.
408/11 Village Car Park
Cllr Sherwen reported that the revised plans for the tendering process have been received from Huck Partnership, The plans have separated out the area in front of the garages from the rest in order to simplify the tendering process. Huck Partnership have been made aware of the desire to get the work done during the Easter holidays, 2012, if possible. Cllr Mulcock asked if the tender price was likely to rise if there was any delay in beginning the work by that time. Cllr Sherwen said we must be aware of this possibility but believed it unlikely.
409/11 Police Site
Cllr Poley reported that the votes had been counted and that the comments were being co-ordinated and collated. There is a workshop planned for Wednesday (18th) to carry out this process and to prepare the report for submission to the Parish Council meeting on 23rd October.
Cllr Simmonett reported that the architect’s plans for the internal and external layout of the proposed community building had been altered as a result of the sub-committee’s ideas and that the new plans would be sent to the sub-committee this week. These are likely to be the drawings used for the November presentation.
410/11 Deed of Dedication registrations:
Cllr Simmonett asked the Deputy Clerk to find out from Cambridge Acre about the Deed of Dedication Application in the light of the delay in registering the land.
Cllr Hales raised the question of the positioning of the Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Oak in Stockbridge Meadows and the need to reach a decision before Friday. Cllr Hales to liaise with Andrew Grimmer on this question. Cllr Mulcock raised the issue of watering. Cllr Hales said he hoped the volunteers might take this on.
411/11 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification of Deemed Consent at PA Technology, Melbourn to enable unauthorised access to the TPO woodland being prevented by the felling/layering of trees along the front boundary. Although this was accepted, some degree of puzzlement was expressed about what it actually meant. The Deputy Clerk to contact Roz Richardson, Tree Officer, about this.
(b) Notification granting permission for Alterations to ground floor WC and installation of a shower at Tithe Barn, 29A, The Moor, Melbourn SG8 6ED on behalf of Julian Moore S/1636/11 was noted.
(c) Notification granting permission for Erection of part first floor, part single storey extension to the rear of the property at 38, Orchard Road, Melbourn SG8 6BT on behalf of Mr & Mrs Carter S/1691/11 was noted.
(d) Notification refusing permission for the erection of a first floor pitched roof extension above the existing single storey flat roof rear extension at 2, Fordham Way, Melbourn SG8 6JB on behalf of Mr & Mrs R.Carter S/1631/11 was noted.
(e) Notification granting permission for Reconstruction of Entrance Walls (Revised Design) at 78, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6AL on behalf of Mrs Arabella White was noted.
412/11 Planning Applications:
(a) Consultation on application to carry out tree works within a conservation at 9, the Moor, Melbourn SG8 6ED on behalf of Mrs M and the agent Mr F.Cantle, Shire Tree Surgery, 1 Worcester Way, Melbourn. This was accepted without comment.
(b) Consultation on application to undertake work on trees situated in a conservation area at 32, The Lawns, Melbourn SG8 6BA on behalf of Mr A. Nicholls 32, The Lawns, Melbourn SG8 6BA and the agent Mr F.Cantle, Shire Tree Surgery, 1 Worcester Way, Melbourn. This was accepted without comment.
(c) Planning application for a Single Storey Side Extension at 25, Portway, Melbourn SG8 6EU on behalf of Mr Peter Allison. No Recommendation without comments.
413/11 Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Mr Michael Russell-Yarde re: lighting in the car park. Cllr Sherwen read out the letter. Cllr Sherwen explained the intention to light the car park centrally and, given the nature of the low-level lighting, to light the car park and the path only. As yet, there are no costs for installing the lighting. Cllr Hales reported that the portfolio holder, SCDC, wanted to take the lights back and Cllr Hales suggested they may wish to take the two lights away, especially given the fact that one of the lights has not been working for a whole year, and help the council meet the cost of installing the new lighting.
(b) Letter from Jenny Clark, Lands Officer, concerning land adjacent 35, Medcalfe Way, Melbourn asking whether or not eh Parish Council wish to purchase this land. The committee believed that this has already been done. The Deputy Clerk to check with Jenny Clark.
(c) E-mail from Jenny Clark, Lands Officer, concerning land adjacent to 43, Medcalfe Way reporting that the owner of the property has requested that he be allowed to purchase the land for garden use or to use as an extra off-road parking facility. The whole area on this corner is the responsibility of the County Council (Highways) and Cllr Hales said that thew purchase price for this would be in excess of £4,000 and could not therefore be purchased in the same way as the land adjacent to 35, Medcalfe Way. Cllr Hales suggested that if any more land became available the Parish Council should consider purchasing it, if the price was right. The Deputy Clerk to write to say that we accept the plan.
(d) E-Mail from Debra Bell, Enforcement Officer re: the satellite dish and clothing bank sited at the Co-op and the sales of quad bikes and the advertisements at Greenlows. The e-mail states that she is writing to both the Co-op and Greenlows to request a planning applications from both in respect of their activities. However, she was a little puzzled by the reference to a cycle rack at the Co-op for which she can find no planning consent. Cllr Gatward informed the meeting that the original plan had been for a motor-cycle parking space and not a cycle rack. The Deputy Clerk to clear up this matter with Debra Bell.
414/11 Urgent matters:
(a) Cllr Hales presented his spreadsheet for use on determining the Precept for next year on which each committee would indicate their ‘core commitments’ followed by any other work each committee may wish to undertake in the next Financial Year. This would enable the budget to be carefully created, controlled and monitored. It was important that there was no increase in the Precept and that the Council was shown to be cost-effective, especially given the present economic circumstances. Cllr Hales’ proposals were widely welcomed.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 p.m.