Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 15th August 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, P. Simmonett and R. Gatward
In Attendance: The Deputy Clerk, Cllr. Barrett and 2 members of the public.
255/11 Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Wakerley
256/11 Declaration of Interests: There were no declarations of interest.
257/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 1st August, 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Simmonett and agreed that the minutes of 1st August, 2011 should be signed as a true record.
258/11 Matters Arising:
(a) 219/11: Cllr Gatward enquired about the ownership of the garages on the village car park. She was informed that SCDC still retained ownership of the garages.
(b) 219/11: Cllrs Hales and Barrett will pursue the matter with SCDC over the garages when all quotations for the removal of the asbestos and demolition costs, have been received by the Council.
(c) 224/11(e): the Clerk has acknowledged receipt of the petition from the residents of Greengage Rise re: Planning Application S/1298/11.
(d) 225/11: The Clerk has written to Mr Collison about the building being erected at the back of Riverside Guest House but has not yet received a reply
259/11 Village Car Park:
The Committee considered the quote submitted by Cambridge Asbestos Removal for the removal of asbestos from the garage roofs on the Village Car Park. The quote was for £230 + VAT per garage. The quote also included details of the licence required for carrying out such work. The next step is to get a quote for the demolition of the garages and the removal of the waste. Cllr Linnette to contact possible demolition contractors. The importance of ensuring that the waste was disposed of correctly was stressed. Cllr Gatward said Environmental Health might be able to help. Cllr Sherwen stated that these quotations are for information only so we are aware of the costs involved as the garages are still under SCDC ownership. The Deputy Clerk to contact SCDC.
260/11 Police Site:
A letter has been received from Hundred Houses in reply to the Deputy Clerk’s letter with regards to the situation of the residents on the site. Cllr Linnette raised some concerns about the letter and its ambiguity concerning the status of the residents. Cllr Hales replied that it does fulfil the criteria referred to in the initial conversation with the Operations Director and does therefore give the commitment the council has been seeking.
The Deputy Clerk asked that minutes or notes be kept of the forthcoming meeting between councillors and ICENI Homes on 17th August.
The letter from Hundred Houses was given to the two members of the public at their request. The committee assured them that their interests were being protected. The meeting on the 17th is primarily concerned with the provision of the proposed community building on the site and the councillors will be taking the councils ideas to that meeting.
261/11 Village Green registrations:
(a) The Clerk has not received from councillors any information on pieces of land in the village that may qualify for Village Green registration.
(b) There was a discussion about the land on the Royston Road around London Road alongside the wood. The verge up to 1 metre away from the highway belongs to SCDC although the parish council maintains the land and is thinking about registering the land between the ditch and the wood. A query was raised about whether or not the parish council might purchase the woodland area in order to maintain it. The Clerk/Deputy Clerk to write a letter to the owner asking if he might be willing to sell the land to the council.
(c) The correspondence from Mr Pritchard re: Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge was discussed at this point. The importance of detailing the areas owned by the parish council was stressed. The committee compiled a detailed list: New Recreation Ground, Old Recreation Ground, The Moor Allotments (St George’s), Armingford Crescent Public Open Space, the junction between Beechwood Avenue and Elm Way Public Open Space x 2, the land at the junction between Beechwood Avenue and Elm Way, Chalkhill Barrow, Worcester Way, Clear Crescent playground, Grinnell Hill, Stockbridge Meadows, Orchard Road verge, and Russet Way. Mr Pritchard is to be asked to co-ordinate this. Cllr Simmonett to liaise with him on this matter. If the council can only register one piece of land under this scheme it will be Stockbridge Meadows. The deadline for submission is the 16th September.
Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Certificate of Lawful or Development with regards to S/1180/11 for Noon’s Folly Farm was noted
There were no other notifications.
262/11 Planning Applications:
(a) Application to undertake work on trees situated within a conservation area at 82, High Street: The Thatched Cottage C/11/140/070 on behalf of Mr S. Challis. Approved without comments.
(b) Planning Application S/1567/11 for a Conservatory at White House Farm, Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6EY on behalf of Mr Parmir Rai. Recommended Refusal on the following grounds:
Plans showing elevations/house do not correspond with site plan outlined in the application detail. A need to resubmit with correct detail.
(c) Planning Application S/1568/11 for New Access at White House Farm, Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6EY on behalf of Mr Parmir Rai. Recommended Refusal on the following grounds:
This application introduces accident potential in so far as an additional entrance/exit close to a junction and another existing exit/entrance is being introduced.
The proposal exits into the middle of Fowlmere Road junction and the two existing houses requiring their own entrance/exit rights.
Refuse on the same grounds as previous application S/0894/10/F.
(d) Planning Application S/1569/11 for the construction of a Garage at White House Farm, Cambridge Road, Melbourn SG8 6EY on behalf of Mr Parmir Rai. Recommended Refusal on the following grounds:
Concern that the proposed garage/workshop size is out of proportion with house and other buildings.
Unclear as to what will be done with all the existing building structures surrounding the proposed garage.
Design/access statement not clear on the reasons for the red outlined area on the site plan
(b) There were no other planning applications.
263/11 Correspondence:
(a) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Management Waste Plan: contents noted.
(b) Letter from Mr Pritchard: Permanent Protection of Lands in Melbourn: this was dealt with under 261/11.
(e) There was no further correspondence.
(c) 264/11 Urgent matters:
Cllr Mulcock raised concerns about the appearance of a satellite dish on the front of the Co-op Store in the High Street which is in a conservation area. Cllr Gatward stated that the clothing bank on the same site had been earmarked for bicycles. The Deputy Clerk to contact Mr Charles Swain, SCDC, about these matters.