Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 10th January 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette,
A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance: The Clerk
608/10 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Mowatt and Wakerley.
609/10 Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 616/10 as he had family living in the village.
610/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Brett and agreed that the minutes should be signed as a true record.
611/10 Matters Arising: Cllr. Hales advised that the Council think carefully when setting its precept, as that future funding options may be greatly affected by the Localism Bill which has yet to become law. But will not be law until after the setting of the 2011/12 precept.
612/10 Precept requirements for the Committee for the year 2011/2012:
Further precept requirements will be considered at the Finance and General Purpose meeting on the 17th January.
613/10 Village Car Park:
Cllr. Sherwen reported that he had received some comments from Councillors on the drawing and budget quotation for improvement works to the car park and he is to circulate these comments to all Councillors.
614/10 Police site in centre of village:
The Clerk is to write again to Hundred Houses Society enquiring if any progress has been made. She is also to state that the Council would like to be kept informed of any developments or changes for the site.
615/10 White House Farm:
There was nothing to report and the Clerk was asked to remove this item from the agenda.
616/10 Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
At the present time there was nothing to report.
617/10 Village Green Registrations:
It was decided that any land which the Council wishes to have registered should have its boundaries surveyed first before the registration takes place.
618/10 Discussion of SCDC proposal to use IT forum at Parish Council level:
Cllr. Mulcock had attended an IT Forum meeting at SCDC. These meetings will be held 4 times a year. He explained to the Committee that the Planning Portal has changed with a new and improved system which unfortunately does not work well for public viewing. The aim is effectively to tag electronically, who owns what with regard to Highways, trees etc. Eventually it will be a fully electronic (paperless) system.
619/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC -31 The Moor. New Vehicular Access with associated parking/turning areas for existing dwelling. S/1823/10. Permission Granted.
(b) SCDC – 78 High Street. Reconstruct entrance walls and piers. S/1145/10. Permission Refused.
(c) SCDC – 8 New Road. Alterations and extension including formation of first floor accommodation and erection of detached double garage. S/1870/10. Permission Granted.
(d) SCDC – Brantwych, 5 New Road. Erection of a Greenhouse. S/1600/10. Permission Granted.
(e) There were no Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
620/10 Planning Applications:
(a) Millside Cottage, 31 Station Road – Replacement Gates and Fence. S/1991/10. Recommend Approval.
[Due to the consultation period ending prior to this planning Meeting, Item 620/10(a) has already been dealt with by the Planning Committee. The outcome was to Recommend Approval]
(b) 8 New Road – Alterations and extension including formation of first floor accommodation and erection of detached double garage. S/1870/10.
Amendment to plans showing annotation of elevation. For Information Only.
(c) Building 1 & 2, Whiting Way. Discharge of Conditions 2,4,5 and 10 of S/1071/09/F. S/1892/10. For information only. Discharge of Conditions 1,4,5 and 10.
(d) There were no further planning applications received.
621/10 Correspondence:
(a) There was no correspondence received.
622/10 Urgent Matters:
Cllr. Hales reported that a resident had spoken to him with regards to Falconers Court. It appears that a possible conversion of a commercial building which has not received planning permission now appear to have has a person living there. This matter has been drawn to the attention of a Planning Officer who has in turn past it on to the SCDC Enforcement Team.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.43pm