Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 4th October 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance: The Clerk.
380/10 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Brett and Wakerley
381/10 Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 388/10. Cllr. Simmonett declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 389/10
382/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes of 20th September 2010 should be signed as a true record.
383/10 Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
384/10 Village Car Park:
There is to be meeting between members of the Planning Committee and the Huck Partnership. This meeting is to be held at the Parish Office on 14th October, commencing at 2.00pm.
385/10 Police site in centre of village:
The Chairman read out an e-mail received from Paul Sexton, in which he advised the Council that he and Corrie Newell, Principal Conservation Officer will be attending the Planning meeting on 18th October.
386/10 White House Farm:
There was nothing to report at the present time.
387/10 Co-operative Store:
It was felt that at the present time things had improved. Lorries were seen to be parking further away from the traffic lights.
388/10 Wind Farm at Heydon Grange:
At the present time there was no new information to report.
389/10 Village Green Registrations:
The Clerk had contacted James Fisher of SCDC with a view to confirming the registration of Clear Crescent Play Area. At the present time it was not clear if the Parish Council has ownership of this land.
The Land Registry is to be contacted with regards to the play area and at the same time the status of the New Recreation Ground is also to be checked.
390/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – Land to the South-west of 50 Greengage Rise. Erection of 5 Dwellings and Associated Access, Car Parking and Amenity Space. S/0279/10/F. Permission Refused.
(b) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
391/10 Planning Applications:
(a) Application to carry out tree works subject to a Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area – 27 The Lawns work to one Lime tree in rear garden pollard back to previous pollarding. No comments.
(b) Application to carry out tree works subject to a Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area – Norgetts Thatch, Norgetts Lane
1. Pollard Weeping Willow which is overhanging High Street and thatched part of property. 2. Prune back Fig tree which is overhanging property and neighbours garden. 3. Prune spreading growth of Smoke Bush which is interfering with other trees and pressing against boundary fence. 4. Remove diseased Cyprus Conifer. 5. Remove double trunked Leylandi which is crowding out Ornamental Plum. 6. Prune and reshape Ornamental Plum.
In addition it is proposed to cut back a Leylandi boundary hedge.
The Planning Committee would ask that the Tree Officer considers the proposals. The Committee has no objections.
(c) Plot Adjacent to 12 New Road – Approval for Layout and Scale for the erection of One Dwelling (Amended Design). Non-material amendment has been received. S/0993/09/RM. For Information only.
(d) 80 High Street – Change of use of part of Outbuilding to Form Independent Dwelling. S/1430/10. No Recommendation.
(e) There were no further planning applications received.
392/10 Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from James Fisher – Development of Clear Crescent/Fordham Way. Dealt with under Item 389/10.
(b) Letter and application pack from Land Registry – Voluntary First Registration. Noted
(c) SCDC – Election of Parish Council Member to the Standards Committee + Ballot Paper to be returned by noon on the 22 October.
The Clerk will return the ballot paper to Holly Adams at SCDC.
(d) There was no further correspondence received.
393/10 Urgent Matters:
Cllr. Linnette enquired why the school crossing lights were on all weekend.
This matter needs sorting out and the Clerk was asked to Contact C. Cllr. van de Ven requesting that she lobby CCC for a timed system.
Cllr. Gatward requested that the Clerk make an agenda item for the next meeting of the Highways and Rural Footpath Committee on 8th November with regard to vehicles accessing the High Street from Water Lane.
Cllr. Hales reported that it was a pity that the Liaison meeting was to be held on the same evening as the Planning meeting (18th October), as the agenda was very interesting. Cllrs. Barrett and Townsend were to be asked if they would attend the Liaison meeting and report back to the Council on items of interest.
Cllr. Hales reported that he and Cllr. Simmonett had attended a meeting with the Warden and Business Manager of the Village College with regard to a possible space for the Parish Office. The site in question is the Adult Education office, as this would be moving into the main school building. Details were discussed and there would be a need for a contract to be put in place. Part of the agreement would be that the Parish Council deals with this matter. It was thought that a 2 year contract should be drawn up, which would be looked at again, at the end of the first year. The rent would be £550 a calendar month which would include any council tax.
If the Parish Council agreed to these terms it was felt that the Christmas break would be an ideal time to move.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.17pm