Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 19th July 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, Gatward, J. Hales, A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance: The Clerk
169/10 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Hardingham, Linnette and Wakerley
170/10 Declaration of Interests: None,
171/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 5th July 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Mulcock, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes of 5th July 2010 should be signed as a true record.
172/10 Matters Arising:
Item 146/10(b) Cllr. Hales reported that he and Cllr. Barrett are taking up the reins of the BMX site. He asked councillors to visit the site and identify and record the names of hedging, trees and plants.
Cllr. Hales is to clarify the area required for filling in with top soil.
The Clerk asked for clarification on the action needed at Item 139/10 Cllr.
Hales suggested that instead of the Clerk writing as proposed, the Chairman and other councillors visit SCDC Planning department in person and request a visit by Planning and Conservation officers to discuss matters relating to any proposed development by Housing Associations in a conservation area.
173/10 Village Car Park:
The Clerk had circulated by e-mail a letter received from Limbach Banham and this was discussed.
The letter from Mr Larcombe on the Lease of the car park was discussed by the committee.
Jenny Clark had made a request for a site visit with the owners of 43 High Street and a Parish Council representative to discuss the state of the boundary fence. Jenny requested that this visit take place late morning on either Thursday or Friday this week.
Cllr. Brett will check which date is suitable for him and advise the Clerk.
174/10 Police site in centre of village:
There has been no further development. The Council are still awaiting the report along with revised designs and proposals.
175/10 White House Farm:
It was reported that the area that has been concreted over does not contravene any planning laws unless building takes place on it.
Cllr. Hales pointed out that the access for the drive is not as discussed with the agents.
176/10 Co-operative Store:
It was thought that works were now complete. Trolleys are still not being stored behind the new gates. Delivery lorries are being parked up to the traffic lights causing a danger to the public. It was suggested by Cllr. Simmonett that a letter be sent to Co-op Head Office, the store and the Police Authority with regard to the above matters. Cllr. Simmonett will draft this letter and circulate to councillors prior to the presentation at the full Parish Council meeting.
177/10 Wind Farm at Heydon Grange:
Cllr. Hales reported that Heydon Parish Council had sent information to Paul Sexton with regards to the oil pipe line which runs through the proposed site. So far there has been no confirmation from Paul Sexton that this information has been received.
178/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) Unit 2 Former Plasmon Site, Whiting Way. Fuel Store Permission Granted. S/07682/10/F.
The Committee thanked Cllr. Hales for his valuable information on the need for bund walls and leakages.
(b) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
179/10 Planning Applications:
(a) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area. 4 New Road – work to two Hornbeams, major reduction, Horse Chestnut reduce and tidy, possible removal of trees bordering property.
The Planning Committee are in agreement with work following approval by Tree Officer.
(b) There were no further planning applications received.
180/10 Correspondence:
(a) Letter from Brian Somerville – Melbourn Science Park.
The Clerk is to write to Mr. Somerville thanking him for his proposed work to the boundary wall of the Melbourn Science Park and requesting that he keep in touch with news of developments with regard to any work needed to be carried out on the coping stones.
(b) Letter from Dr. Ellis – trees overhanging the roadway of Orchard Road.
The Clerk is to write to Dr. Ellis thank him for his letter and enclosed HM Land Registry document. She is to pass on a copy of the letter and land registry document to Mr Mike Cooper.
(c) There was no further correspondence received.
181/10 Urgent Matters:
(a) Cllr. Mulcock reported that land open to the public for 20 years could be deemed as a village green. Cllr. Brett had requested from the Countryside Access Team at CCC that a Form 44 and other guidance literature on what can be deemed as a village green be sent to the Clerk.
(b) Cllr. Gatward reported concerns at the meeting of the School Governors about the access from the village car park re Safer Routes to School.
The Clerk was requested to write to Julie Norman, Chairman of the Governors reassuring her that the access is to be retained as advised by Cllr. Gatward and inviting a representative to attend the next planning meeting to discuss the plans.
(c) There were discussions about publishing the Parish Councils position on various items and there would be future considerations which would then be reported to the all Parish Council members with a view to presenting the Parish Councils position on various issues.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm