Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 15th November 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, D. Mowatt,
A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance: The Clerk
500/10 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Wakerley and Linnette.
501/10 Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 508/10.
502/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2010:
Item 465/10 change date from 15th October to 14th October and remove the words “tender documents” and replaced with “full and detailed”
Item 473/10 change date from 15th October to 18th October.
With these amendments it was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Simmonett and agreed that the minutes should be signed as a true record.
503/10 Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
504/10 Village Car Park:
(a) Letter from Mr Larcombe – digital register from Land Registry. Noted
(b) Letter from Mr Larcombe – request for a cheque for £100. This was agreed to by the committee.
(c) Plans, costings and on-going maintenance charges had been received from Huck Partnership. It was decided that these would be discussed at the next planning meeting on 6th December. Councillors were asked to forward any comments to Cllr. Sherwen in readyness for the next meeting.
Cllr. Mulcock enquired if the rent for the car park could be changing in the next 99 years. As this is a peppercorn rent he was informed that it would not change.
505/10 Police site in centre of village:
Cllr. Hales had hoped that Planning would have come back to the Council by now with dates for the liaison group meetings.
506/10 White House Farm:
There was nothing to report at this time and there were still no signs of any reaction to enforcement orders that are in place. The Clerk is to contact Cllr. Barrett and ask for a status report on the enforcement order pending on White House Farm.
507/10 Co-operative Store:
It was reported that at the moment, as a trial, a car parking space was being used to store the trolleys in. This matter will continue to be monitored. Cllr. Mowatt felt that the dog leg fence needed to be replaced. There was a need to find out who owned this fence.
508/10 Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
At the present time there was nothing to report.
509/10 Village Green Registrations:
With regard to Greengage Rise, the Clerk was asked to write to the builders (Wimpy) requesting that it passes over the responsibility of the play area to the Parish Council.
510/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) There were no Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
511/10 Planning Applications:
(a) 31 The Moor – New vehicle access with associated parking/turning areas for existing dwelling. S/1823/10. Recommend Approval with comments.
It is important that the Japanese Knotweed is removed/destroyed throughout the site, similarly the Hogweed. It is an offence to cause Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed to spread into the wild (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981). There is every possibility of this happening in this location.
The Clerk is to request that, as a matter of urgency, the Ranger goes round the Council land and highways checking for Japanese Knotweed.
(b) 80 High Street – Change of use of part of Outbuilding to form Independent Dwelling. S/1430/10. Amended site plan for information only.
[The next item was taken out of order]
(d) 8 New Road – Alteration and extension including formation of first floor accommodation and erection of detached double garage. S/1870/10.
Recommend Approval with comments.
House location etc approved but the committee would recommend the garage is re-sited behind the house as in nearby developments on 12A New Road where the garage was moved to improve the visual impression of the frontage.
(c) Oak Cottage, 6a Vicarage Close. First floor extension. S/1881/10. Recommend Refusal with comments.
The Committee consider this is overdevelopment. The submitted site and location plans are out of date.
(e) There were no further planning applications received.
512/10 Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Ian Baker – Old Police site liaison group. Noted.
[Cllr. Brett declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in the next item and left the room]
(b) E-mail from Jenny Clark – Access over Vicarage Close.
The Committee were happy to accept this access from 38 High Street over Vicarage Close with the restriction of entry only from the existing access from the High Street. It would also like the Conservation Officer and Police to be consulted
[At this point Cllr. Brett returned to the meeting]
(c) There was no further correspondence received.
513/10 Urgent Matters:
Cllr. Mulcock enquired if there were any salt bins on the car park. He was informed that there are no bins on the car park at the present time but there is one on the corner of Vicarage Close and the High Street. The Clerk is to enquire of CCC when the four new bins ordered by the Parish Council will arrive. She is to also ask if there are any spare bins and if so whether the Parish Council can purchase one for the car park.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm