Planning Meeting 1 February, 2010



Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 21st June, 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), V. Barrett, A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales,
D. Mowatt, A. Mulcock and P. Simmonett
In Attendance:  The Clerk
93/10       Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Hardingham, Linnette and Wakerley.
94/10       Declaration of Interests: None.
95/10       Minutes of the meeting held on 7th June 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Gatward that the minutes of 7th June 2010 should be signed as a true record.
96/10       Matters Arising:
Item 57/10 (Police site in centre of village) Cllr. Gatward enquired if the suggestion of e-mail comments before the meeting was still to take place.  She was told that it was and that these comments should be addressed to either Cllr. Sherwen or Cllr. Mowatt.  The comments should be received by Monday 28th of June.   
97/10 Village Car Park:
 The Council had received an e-mail with the revised lease and map from Joanna Peek.  Cllr. Brett will write to Mr Larcombe with his comments on the lease.
 Cllr. Gatward said that she hoped that the Safer Routes to school would not be changed.
 Cllr. Brett said that the fence on the boundary of No 43 High Street and the car park which belongs to SCDC and agreement is needed that SCDC will undertake to do the repair.
 Cllr. Mowatt felt that the beds in front of the car park needed tidying up.  This is to go on the Conservation Agenda.
98/10       Police site in centre of village:
 There is to be a meeting with Iceni Homes on 1st July which is to be held at the Parish Office commencing at 7.30pm.  Councillors will meet at 6.45pm to discuss the agenda for the meeting.
99/10        White House Farm:
 There are no further developments at the present time. Cllr. Barrett has been and will continue to chase the Planning and Enforcement Officers in this matter.
100/10      Co-operative Store:
 Cllr. Gatward reported there had been a skip on the car park and had wondered if it was connected with the commencement of the work to relocate the Refrigeration Unit.
101/10      Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
Cllr. Hales reported that Sarah Scott, the Clerk to Heydon Parish Council had been trying to obtain a dozen supporting documents but had been unsuccessful.  Cllrs. Barrett and Hales had requested these documents be sent to Sarah who was now in possession of them.
102/10     Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – 65 Beechwood Avenue.  Conservatory.  S/0582/10/F.  Permission Granted.
Cllr. Hales thought it would be a good idea to have a Planning Officer to attend a meeting because at times the Council did not receive all the documentation that was available to SCDC Planning Department.
(b) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
103/10     Planning Applications:
(a) 2 Cross lane.  Extension.  S/0846/10/F.  Recommend Approval.
(b) Cambridge Technology Centre, Back Lane.  Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission S/1822/05/F to allow use of car park for further temporary period of 5 years.  S/0900/10/F.  Recommend Approval with comments: The Committee are still concerned about flooding at the London Road/Royston Road/Back Lane junction and questions whether the run off from this car park is contributing to the flooding problem in this area.
(c) There were no further planning applications received.
104/10      Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Mrs Gynane – Garden “Grabs”
The Clerk is to thank Mrs Gynane for her e-mail and request that she contact Garth Jones, Head of Planning so that he can confirm her understanding of the legislation regarding this matter as the Parish Council is not able to at the present time.  The Clerk will contact the PCSO’s to ask them if they will look into the matter of delivery lorries parking on the pavement.
(b) E-mail from Ian Baker – Development of the police station and houses.
The Clerk is to reply to this e-mail and inform Mr Baker that she has contacted Mike Cooper with regard to the location of the soak-away pipe and that the matter will also be discussed with Iceni Homes at the meeting in 1st July.
(c) E-mail from Samantha Moor, Iceni Homes – Proposed Meeting on Thursday, 1st July.  Already dealt with under Item 98/10.
(d) SCDC – Planning Forum.  For the information of the Council.  Noted.
(e) There was no further correspondence received.
105/10     Urgent Matters:
(a) Cllr. Mulcock reported that due to the installation of a new IT system for SCDC planning service, from 2nd July to 26th July all records already on the website will continue to be updated but no new application will appear until after 26th July.  The Clerk is to request that Planning Services send out all associated paperwork with the plans during this period.
(b) The Clerk informed the meeting that MD Landscapes could meet with the council on Wednesday 23rd.  As a number of Councillors could not make that date the Clerk was asked to contact MD Landscapes again and request that he supply several dates when he was available over the span of the new two weeks.
(c) Cllr. Mowatt reported that the traffic island in the middle of Station Road is overgrown with weeds.  The Clerk will report this matter to Mike Cooper and request that this is sprayed at the same time as spraying of the gutters in the village is carried out.
(d) Cllr. Sherwen said that as the Council had been given notice to quit the Parish Office, he wondered what the alternatives were.  Some suggestions were put forward and these were discussed.  They will be discussed again in greater depth at the full Parish Council meeting on 28th June.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40 pm

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