Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 7th September at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. C. Purbrook (V. Chairman), R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt and R. Wakerley
In Attendance: The General Assistant. (Cllrs. Bloomfield, Stead and Townsend after 8.00pm)
236/09 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. V. Barrett, M. Sherwen, J. Guest, and D. Hardingham and the Clerk.
237/09 Declaration of Interests: None
238/09 Minutes of the meeting held on 17th August, 2009:
Item 207/09. The last line of the first paragraph was altered to read, “until at least March 2010”.With this amendment t was proposed by Cllr. Linnette and seconded by Cllr. Hales that the minutes of 17th August 2009 should be signed as a true record.
239/09 Matters Arising:
Item 207/09. Cllr. Linnette reported that notices have been erected at the site. More information is needed as to obtaining insurance for the site. It was reported that there is a similar facility at Abbey Road in Cambridge and the Clerk was asked to investigate how this site is covered with Cambridge City Council.
Planning Consent for the site has not yet been given and there is concern of the possibility of injury before insurance is obtained. The Committee agreed to ask Cllr. Hardingham to meet the BMX users, explain the situation and obtain agreement that the site will not be used until insurance is obtained. It was pointed out that building of the jumps can go ahead.
It was understood that D Cllrs V. Barrett and J. Guest met with SCDC Officers on the site and will be asked to report the findings from this meeting.
Item 206/09. Still awaiting plans requested from SCDC.
Item 200/09. Cllr. Mowatt reported on the current situation and that meeting will take place.
240/09 Parish Facilities:
Cllr. Purbrook reported that a meeting went well with twelve people attending. Terms of reference were agreed and the possible overnight closure of the car park discussed. Any resolutions will be passed to the Parish Council by the Melbourn Anti Social Behaviour Problem Solving Group..
Discussion on the BMX site had taken place under Matters Arising above and further discussion was carried forward to the next meeting of the Planning Committee.
241/09 Police site in centre of village:
It was reported that the Police are considering an office in the village but as the present Police site will not be developed for a number of years it is understood this will be on the MVC site.
242/09 White House Farm:
There was nothing further to report.
243/09 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) Foxfield House, Fowlmere Road – Extension. S/0838/09/F. Permission Granted.
(b) 15 Chalkhill Barrow – Extension. S/0934/09/F. Permission Granted.
(c) 35 Greengage Rise – Erection of Garage; Extension to form Pitch Roof. S/0810/F. Permission Granted.
(d) 29 The Moor – Install Partition in Bedroom 2 following removal of Cupboard. S/0694/09/LB. Permission Granted [With Conditions]
There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
244/09 Planning Applications:
(a) Melbourn Scientific Ltd, Saxon Way – Alterations to External Elevations. S/1165/09/F. Recommend Approval.
(b) 3 Lantern View – Tree Works, Sycamore; reduce two limbs over garden. C/11/17/070/01. Recommend Approval.
(c) 71 High Street, Co-op Group – Remove 1 no Refrigeration Unit from within the Acoustic Housing, Relocate within Acoustic Housing, 2 no Glycol Cooler Units and adapt Multi Compressor Condensing Pack so that all 3 Fans operate at 505%of Maximum Speed during the night (Retrospective Action). S/0785/09/F. There was much discussion on this application. The meeting Recommended Refusal with the following comment: ’Melbourn PC continues to be concerned about the close proximity of the equipment to the adjacent residential properties. The PC is also concerned that the multiple retrospective planning applications for the extension to the retail premises is causing confusion as to the proposed development’.
There were no further planning applications received.
245/09 Correspondence:
(a) SCDC Senior Planning Officer – Mulberry Hall Appeal. The meeting supported the Planning Appeal but if a contribution is required would wish it to be paid in one instalment.
(b) There was no further correspondence received.
246/09 Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters
There being no other business the Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm