Planning Meeting 6 July, 2009


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 6th July at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen, V. Barrett, J. Guest, R. Gatward, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt and  C. Purbrook.

In Attendance:  The Clerk

103/09                Apologies for Absence: Cllr. R. Wakerley.
104/09                Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Linnette declared a personal interest in Item 110/09(c)
105/09                Minutes of the meeting held on 1st June, 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward and seconded by Cllr. Mowatt that the minutes of 1st June 2009 should be signed as a true record.
106/09                Matters Arising:
Item 36/09 (49 High Street) Cllr. Guest reported that the owner of 49 High Street is being taken back to court for non-compliance.  If after this hearing there is still no compliance then SCDC have the right to go in and take down the offending buildings and charge the owner for this work.
With regard to the state of the Old Post Office the Enforcement Officer has asked that the side wall of the Post Office be re plastered, the back gates be re-installed and the step from the front of the old sorting office be removed.  He has also requested that the wasps nest be removed.
Item 36/09 (Parish Facilities) Cllr. Sherwen reported that the Council had agreed to take over the village car park.  The Council are now waiting to hear a formal decision on this from SCDC.  All legal fees, maintenance and rates with be undertaken by the Parish Council
Item 36/09 (White House Farm) Cllr. Guest reported that at the present time the new house was receiving its services through the old house.
Within two months of the services being connected directly to the new house, the process of taking down the old house must commence.
Cllr. Purbrook asked if people were now living in the new house and he was told that this was the case.
The Clerk is to make White House Farm an agenda item for the next Planning Meeting.
107/09                Parish Facilities:
Cllr. Guest said that SCDC had raised concerns with regards to the possible contamination of the soil at the Conservation site.  Cllr. Guest advised them that there was no intention of carrying out any digging down into the earth.
The Clerk was asked to write to SCDC informing it that the Parish Council would comply with the conditions of the planning permission.
Cllr. Hardingham has sourced some top soil for the jumps which will be delivered to site.
Cllr. Guest is to supply the Clerk with a diagram of the site showing the proposed height and position of the jumps.  The Clerk is to send this diagram to the Council’s Insurance Company, seeking its advice with regard to insurance cover for the site.
Cllr. Purbrook enquired on the progress of the Parish Plan.  He was told there had been a very good response from the public at the Fete. So far 15 people had shown interest in serving on the steering committee.  There had been an article on the Plan placed in the local press, which among other things had asked for some younger people to come forward and join the steering committee.
108/09                Police site in centre of village:
Cllr. Mowatt had agreed at a recent Library meeting to invite the Chairman of the Hundred Housing Society to a meeting. A discussion took place as to which meeting this should be.  It was decided that a meeting separate from a full Parish Council meeting, may be best.  Cllr. Mowatt felt that this meeting could be held in All Saint’s Community Hall and all Councillors would be welcome to attend.
109/09                Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a)                SCDC – 13 Elm Way.  Dormer Window.  S/0581/09/F.  Permission Granted
(b) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
110/09                Planning Applications:
(a) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  53 High Street the felling of a dead/dying Plum Tree in the front garden.  Deemed Consent was granted under Section 198 of the ‘Town and County Planning Act 1990’ Deemed Consent.
(b) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  91 High Street removal of three trees, two Evergreen Conifers and one Leyland Cypress to clear boundary.  Clearance will allow boundary fence to be re-built.  No Comments.
(c) Foxfield House, Fowlmere Road, Melbourn.  Extension.  S/0838/09/F  Recommend Approval.
(d)            There were no further planning applications received.
111/09                Correspondence:
(a) Appeal to Secretary of State by Mr J Mutty against refusal of planning permission by SCDC against Land at Mulberry Hall, 80 High Street.  S/1906/08/F.  Noted
(b)        E-mail from Mr and Mrs Cooper – with regard to the official opening of Riverside Park Stockbridge Meadows.
The Clerk is to write to Mr and Mrs Cooper offering the Council’s apologies if residents were made to feel very unwelcome at the ceremony.
(c)            E-mail from the Mr David Hawtin, Deputy Head of Estates Services East Anglia  – Renewal of lease for the use of hut by Cambridgeshire ACF.  The Clerk is to contact Mr Hawkins and refer him to the Church Commissioners on this matter, as unfortunately the Council cannot issue leases for use of land which is not registered in its name.
(d) E-mail from Mark Rowney – Melbourn CP School – Proposed Development, Community Consultations.  Noted.
(e) There was no further correspondence received.
112/09                Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm

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