Planning Meeting 21 September, 2009


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 21st September at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), V. Barrett, A. Brett, R. Gatward,
D. Hardingham, J. Hales and R. Wakerley.

In Attendance:  The Clerk

270/09     Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. J. Guest, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt and C. Purbrook.
271/09     Declaration of Interests: None
272/09     Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September, 2009:
With the alteration of the figures in Item 244/09 (c) from “505% to “50%” It was proposed by Cllr. Wakerley and seconded by Cllr. Hales that the minutes of 3rd September 2009 should be signed as a true record.
273/09     Matters Arising:
Cllr. Gatward enquired if there had been an answer to the letter sent to SCDC Planning Department by the Clerk on 18th August in connection with the planning applications for the Co-operative store.  The Clerk replied that as yet there had been no answer.  The Clerk was requested to write again.
274/09     Parish Facilities:
Item 240/09 (Parish Facilities) Cllr. Sherwen questioned what had been discussed at the meeting held on 7th September under “terms of reference and possible overnight closure of the car park”.  Cllr. Sherwen was informed that this meeting will be reported on at the full Parish Council meeting on the 28th September.
275/09     Police site in centre of village:
Cllr. Sherwen said that at a previous meeting Cllr. Mowatt had been going to arrange a meeting with the Chief Executive of Hundred Houses Society.  As the meeting had not taken place as yet, the Clerk is to contact the Chief Executive and invite him to attend an informal meeting to discuss the possible development of the Parish facilities on the 19th of October at 7.00pm prior to a Planning meeting which will commence at 7.45pm.
276/09 White House Farm:
An e-mail sent by Cllr. Guest was discussed.  The electricity company have still not connected the supply to White House Farm.  At the moment there is no further information on the Mobile Home.
The District Councillors will speak to the Enforcement Officers.
277/09     Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a)           SCDC – Land to the North-east of 15 Fordham Way.  House.  S/0482/09/F.  Permission Granted
(b)           SCDC – Plot adjacent to 12 New Road.  S/0993/09/RM. Approval of details of reserved matters for the approval for Layout and Scale for the Erection of One Dwelling.
(c) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
278/09     Planning Applications:
(a) Melbourn Scientific Ltd, Saxon Way – Plant area and fencing.  S/1234/09/F.  Recommend Approval.
(b) 8 Mortlock Street – Annexe.  S/1276/09/F.  Recommend Approval.
(c) 17 Portway – Extension.  S/1233/09/F.  Recommend Approval
(d) Plot adjacent to 12 New Road – Approval for layout and Scale for the Erection of One Dwelling (Amended Design)  For Information only (Reduced depth of garage, minor elevational changes to windows and front door, accurate street scene drawing). Noted
(e)        8 Pryors Orchard – Extension.  S/1283/09/F.  No Recommendation
The site plan is out of date and does not show houses built in proximity of application site, nor all roads.
(f)         Melbourn Primary School – Redevelopment of existing school including the erection of hall, reception offices, children’s centre and plant room, demolition of existing HORSA school building and alteration to existing school buildings.   S/01293/09/CC
The Chairman is to send comments on issues raised at the meeting by this application before the 6th October per the regulations set out by Town and Country Planning CCC.
(g)           There were no further planning applications received.
279/09     Correspondence:
(a)           Letter from SCDC – Car park off High Street, Melbourn Parish Council.  Noted
(b) Letter from SCDC – Chairman’s Delegation Procedure (Planning) meeting of the 7 October 2009.  Noted.
(c)           Letter from Mr Larcombe – Land on Grinnel Hill.  Noted
(d)           Letter from Mr Larcombe – Land on Grinnel Hill Plus letter from Land Registry.  It was proposed that the Parish Council ask Mr Larcombe to proceed with the Deed of Confirmation.
(e)        Letter form Mr Larcombe – Lease of Car Park off High Street, Melbourn.
The Clerk if to write to Mr Larcombe stating that the Parish Council would like the normal searches to be carried out. The Clerk is to enclose copies of letters sent to SCDC setting out terms of agreement.  She is also to inform Mr Larcombe that the Parish Council wishes to keep the car park and maintain it as a facility in the village and that it would also like the ability to develop the site if necessary.
(f)         SCDC – Planning Appeal made by Mr Mutty, Mulberry Hall, 80 High Street, Melbourn.
This appeal will be attended by the District Councillors.
(g) There was no further correspondence received.
280/09     Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters
There being no other business the Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm

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