Planning Meeting 20 April, 2009


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 20th April at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), V. Barrett, R. Gatward, J. Guest, D. Hardingham, M. Linnette and D. Mowatt.

In Attendance:  The Clerk

651/08     Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. C. Purbrook and R. Wakerley.
652/08     Declaration of Interests: None
653/08     Minutes of the meeting held on 6th April, 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Linnette and seconded by Cllr. Gatward that the minutes of 6th April 2009 should be signed as a true record.
654/08     Matters Arising:
Cllr. Guest reported on the following five items.
Item 542/08(b) (White House Farm)   A site inspection had been carried out with regard to planning application S/1253/08/F (Refusal). Work had been previously discontinued as requested.  Officers informed that a revised scheme is shortly to be submitted.  Two steel storage containers on site without consent are being used for the storage of building material for the new house and household furniture.  The owner was informed that planning permission is required for these storage units.  All situations are being monitored closely as is the requirement to demolish the old house after the occupation of the new dwelling.  With regards to the possible new access the owner is aware that planning permission would be required and that it would be unlikely to have Officer support.  Also the hedge which has been removed will need to be re-instated.
Scout Hut : Smith Gore intend to demolish the building but are currently waiting for an asbestos assessment.
Item 588/08 (53 High Street) A letter had been sent to the occupants with regard to the current state of the grounds, however a response has not been received.  In the absence of a reply it is the Enforcement Officer’s intention to issue a Section 215 Amenity Notice to the ensure the necessary work is carried out.  The Officer had noted approval to replace the gates had been given in June 25th 2008, but this work had not been carried out as yet.
80 High StreetAn enforcement notice is to be issued within the next 7 to 10 days.  The owner of the property is aware of this.
49 High Street The Enforcement Officer has reported successful prosecution had been made and a further site visit required to ensure compliance – if still outstanding a further court action will be required.
Item 583/08 (Parish Facilities) Cllr. Hardingham asked who had reported this matter.  Cllr. Barrett said that as requested the Police are keeping an eye on this site.  Cllr. Hardingham reported that some of the jumps have already been reduced in size.
655/08     Parish Facilities:
Cllr. Guest enquired of the meeting where the Council had got to with regard to the village car park.  Cllr. Sherwen replied that SCDC were awaiting a reply with regard to which proposal was to be taken up by the Council.
These proposals are to be discussed at the main Parish Council meeting on Monday 27th April.
656/08     Police site in centre of village:
C. Cllr. McCraith, as requested by Cllr. Mowatt, had spoken to Mr Chris Jackson the Chief Executive for Hundred Houses Society with regard to the Council taking an active part in the development.  Mr Jackson had thought it a little early to go into the future development of the site at this point in time.  Cllr. Mowatt had contacted C. Cllr. Walter, the Chairman of the Police Authority, who had agreed that it was of no consequence where the Police were situated in Melbourn.  Conversations with the Village College had already taken place with regard to the re-siting of the Library and the Police Station.  Cllr. Mowatt felt the village would be best served with a central Police Office as part of the development on the same site as it was situated now.  Cllr. Mowatt felt that a mutual development with the Police, Parish Council and Hundred Housing Society would be a good thing for the village.  It was thought that a letter from the Parish Council needed to be sent to Mr Jackson setting out a vision by the Council for the site.
Cllr. Mowatt was disturbed that the Police Authority seemed to have had no respect for  the community in the matter of the sale of the land.
657/09 Building Plot adjacent to No 7 New Road:
Cllr. Guest is to ask that SCDC Planning Department put a note on the file for this Building Plot, requesting that the situation of the wall which had been partly removed, due to two trees being cut down, be considered along with any planning application.
658/08     Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a)     SCDC – 73 Orchard Road.  Garage Conversion. S/0076/09/F.  Permission Granted.
(b)      SCDC – 71 High Street.  Relocation of Multi Compressor Condensing Pack and 2 Coldroom Condensers (Retrospective), following Removal of 3 Condenser Units, Refrigeration Plant and Housing.  Installation of 4 Air Conditioning Units.  S/0065/09/F.  Permission Refused
(c)       The Planning Inspectorate – Appeal Decision for an extension at Ivy House, 19 High Street.  S/1476/08/F.  Planning Permission Granted.
(d) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
659/08     Planning Applications:
(a)            There were no planning applications received.
660/08     Correspondence:
(a) There was no correspondence received.
661/08     Urgent Matters:
Cllrs. Barrett and Sherwen had been asked to look into CCTV cameras.  A quote had been received from the  company 247 CCTV Security Limited which was very reasonably priced.  A separate unit would be needed for the car park due to lack of power in the car park.  Visual images would be sent to a digital video recorder.  Cllr. Mowatt had grave doubts about CCTV cameras, as he felt the images were not always very clear and these images would not help the Police with any incidents.
Cllr. Guest reported that she had submitted the plans for change of use from pocket park to recreational use in relation to the proposed BMX Trails.
[Cllr. Linnette left the meeting at this point the time being 8.35pm]
Cllr. Gatward enquired if the Council were proposing an official opening for Stockbridge Meadow Riverside Park.  A date of 4th July was decided on by the meeting and Cllr. Gatward is to inform the Editor of the Melbourn Magazine of the official opening and its date.
Cllr. Guest reported that Rob Mungovan was willing to lead another working party for Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park. Cllr. Guest is to talk to Rob about a date in October for this project.  Cllr. Guest reported that much to Rob’s disappointment nobody from the Parish Council had attended the last working party.
Cllr. Hardingham enquired when the wall at All Saint’s Church was to be finished.  Cllr Mowatt said he would look into obtaining the missing coping stone.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council