Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 2nd November 2009 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.55pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), V. Barrett, A. Brett, R. Gatward,
J. Hales, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt, C. Purbrook and R. Wakerley.
In Attendance: The Clerk and two members of the public
374/09 Apologies for Absence: Cllr. D. Hardingham
375/09 Declaration of Interests: There were no declarations of interests.
376/09 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th October, 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Brett that the minutes of 19th October 2009 should be signed as a true record.
377/09 Matters Arising:
Item 350/09 (Urgent Matters) Cllr. Gatward enquired if there had been any further development on this matter. The Clerk informed the Council that she had written to the Arts Development Officer on this matter and was now awaiting a reply. The Clerk is to write to SCDC enquiring if there was any S106 money from Camstead Homes and if so where this money is at the present time.
Item 343/09 (Parish Facilities) Cllr. Sherwen enquired if there had been any further progress with the leasing of the car park. The Clerk is to contact Mr Larcombe and request an update on the situation.
378/09 Parish Facilities:
Cllr. Purbrook reported that it had been suggested to him that the Parish Council may wish to think about purchasing The Star public house. The Clerk was asked to register the Parish Council’s interest in this building for use as a Parish Office, Library and Police Station with the vendors.
379/09 Police site in centre of village:
A meeting is to be held with Andrew Lansley CBE MP to enable the Parish Council to voice its concerns over the sale of the site.
Cllr. Mowatt felt it was very important that the councillors be in full agreement with what is wanted for the site.
The Clerk was asked to write to the Chairman of the Police Authority requesting any documentation on the sale of the Police Site.
380/09 White House Farm:
Cllr. Sherwen said this should remain an agenda item at the present time so that the Parish Council could be kept informed of the situation with regard to the enforcement notices on the site.
381/09 Grinnel Hill:
Cllrs. Barrett and Linnette will source companies with regard to a soil test analysis being done on this land.
382/09 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – 8 Mortlock Street. Annexe. S/1276/09/F. Permission Granted
(b) Planning Inspectorate Appeal against Enforcement Notice by Mr and Mrs Mutty for Land at 80 High Street, Melbourn.
(c) SCDC – 17 Portway. Extension. S/1233/09/F. Permission Granted
(d) SCDC – 8 Pryors Orchard. Extension. S/1283/09/F. Permission Granted
(e) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
383/09 Planning Applications:
[An e-mail received from Sarah Bampton on the following item was read out by the Chairman.]
(a) Former Plasmon Data Systems Ltd site, Whiting Way – Change of use from B1(c) to Ambulance Station. S/1356/09/F. Recommend Approval with comments.
Strong concern with lack of pedestrian pavement in Back Lane. Local residents use this to travel to shops and surgeries. It is used by HGV’s delivering to the industrial estate and domestic vehicles accessing this end of the village. As it will be 24/7 operation it is important to NOT activate sirens in this area. Recommend Approval
(b) 9 Rupert Neve Close – Conservatory. S/1437/09/F. Recommend Approval
[Cllr. Barrett declared a Personal Interest in the next item]
(c) 63 Orchard Road – Erection of Covered Way following Removal of Existing Canopy. S/1512/09/F. Recommend Approval
(d) There were no further planning applications received.
384/09 Correspondence:
[The next item was taken out of order]
(c) Letter from Tracy Pearce and Cathy Lowe – Greengage Rise Play Area.
Cllr. Sherwen enquired of Cllr. Barrett if she had had chance to look into grants for play equipment. Cllr. Barrett replied that at the present time she had not.
The committee felt that there is a need to check who owns this piece of land as it may be owned by the residents who paid a nominal sum of £1 when purchasing their homes. Cllr. Barrett will take this to SCDC to look at the original plans and status of planning application, which has now been withdrawn.
Cllr. Barrett will inform Tracy and Cathy of her findings.
(a) SCDC – Local Development Framework Public Participation. Noted.
(b) Copy of E-mail from Mrs Sage to Nigel Blazeby and Saffron Garner. Noted
(d) CCC – Melbourn Primary School – Planning Application S/01293/09/CC will be considered by Development Control Committee on 19th November 2009 at 1.45pm at the Oasis Community Centre, St Michael’s Avenue, Wisbech.
It was hoped that C. Cllr. van de Ven would attend this meeting on behalf of the Council and she is to be made aware that there is a need for full facilities for the Children’s Centre.
(e) E-mail from Mrs Sage with attached Objections to Planning Application S/1071/09/F Buildings 1 and 2 Whiting Way. (Employment Policies).
The Clerk is to write to SCDC requesting that the Parish Council are given copies of responses to residents’ concerns. She is to inform SCDC that the Parish Council have received a copy of these objections and looks forward to its response.
(f) E-mail from Ian Senior – BCC to elected member and to parish councils. – Noted
(g) SCDC – Grinnel Hill. Noted
(h) E-mail from Mr Larcombe to Ms Peek of SCDC with relation to contract for the leasing of the car park. Noted
(i) Hertfordshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework. Noted.
(j) There was no further correspondence received.
385/09 Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.23pm