Planning Meeting 17 August, 2009


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 17th August at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman) V. Barrett, R. Gatward, J. Guest, J. Hales,
M. Linnette, D. Mowatt and C. Purbrook.

In Attendance:  The Clerk

203/09     Apologies for Absence: Cllrs.  D. Hardingham and R. Wakerley.
204/09     Declaration of Interests: None
205/09     Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd August, 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Purbrook and seconded by Cllr. Barrett that the minutes of 3rd August 2009 should be signed as a true record.
206/09     Matters Arising:
Cllr. Gatward said that yet again she had been informed that the matter of the bins and clearing up the front of the Co-operative Store was a separate planning application.  To help resolve any confusion, the Clerk was asked to write to Planning at SCDC for a full summary of all planning applications for this store.
207/09     Parish Facilities:
Cllr. Linnette reported that he had been up to the proposed BMX Track and the jumps had been created by the earth moving company.  There was extra work needed and the site would not be open to the public until March.
A discussion followed regarding insurance for the site.  It may be that a specialist insurance company is needed.  The Clerk is to contact Mr. Larcombe with regard to the wording of a disclaimer notice.  She is also to contact Linton Council to see if they have a BMX track and if so to enquiry how they deal with the insurance aspect of the site and what notices, if any, have been put on the site.
Cllr. Guest has been in discussion with the Planning Officer with regard to the discharge of 2 clauses on the planning application.  These are in connection with hazardous materials on the site and the landscaping of the site. The Landscape Officer has been contacted and Cllr. Guest was told that there is no problem as the site is already well screened.
Cllr. Linnette has been to measure the site and found a fence post which is where  he thinks the boundary fence used to be and this appears to be in accordance with the Ordnance Survey map.  Mr. Roy Cooper, who joined Cllr. Linnette on site, is disputing this boundary.  The Clerk is to contact the Land Registry to see if they can help with the boundary problem.
Cllr. Guest reported that the Scout hut which burnt down has now been removed from site.  The Church Commissioners paid for the removal of the remains of the hut and the clearing of the site.  Cllr Guest reported that one of the removable posts is missing and needs replacing.   The Clerk had already arranged for Morley Manufacture to look into this matter.
208/09     Police site in centre of village:
The Council was waiting to hear from C. Cllr. van de Ven with regard to the proposed meeting with the Chief Executive from Hundred Houses Society.  Cllr. Mowatt is going to speak to the Chief Executive to ascertain if he is willing to meet with the Council.
209/09 White House Farm:
There was nothing to report at the moment on this matter.
210/09     Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) There were no Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
[Cllr. Sherwen having declared a personal interest in  item 211/09 (a) then left the meeting at 8.00pm]
[Following Cllr Sherwen’s departure, the Chair was taken over by Cllr. Purbrook, the Vice-Chairman]
211/09     Planning Applications:
(a)        Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  2/4 Little Lane work to Walnut tree raise crown to 3 metres all round.  Work to Sycamore tree lessen canopy overhang to garden by approximately 20% by removal/reduction of selective limbs.  Work to Beech tree reduce height to 10 feet and lightly trim lateral growth.
Recommend approval subject to clarification as to whether the Beech tree is to be reduced “by 10 Feet” rather than “to 10 feet”
(b)        Building 1 and 2 Whiting Way – Change of use to B1(c) to B2 and associated infrastructure.  S/1071/09/F. Recommend Approval with comments.
Recommend approval subject to SCDC enquiring as to whether the change of use will result in undue additional noise levels.
(c)            There were no further planning applications received.
212/09     Correspondence:
(a)        Letter from Comberton Parish Council – Chairman’s Delegation Procedure.
The Clerk is to send two letters, one to the meeting to be held on the 1st September and the other to the meeting to be held on 7th October, both letters advising SCDC that the Parish Council supports the letter sent by Comberton Parish Council.
(b) E-mail to Mr Wherrell from Mark Rowney – CCTV cameras.  Noted
(c)        Letter from SCDC – New Arrangements for Indemnity for the transfer of open space contributions.
As requested by Catriona Dunnett, Principal Solicitor to SCDC the Clerk is to write supplying the names of Cllr. Mowatt and Cllr. Townsend as its two authorised signatories.
(d) There was no further correspondence received.
213/09     Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters
There being no other business the Vice- Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

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