<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><strong>MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL</strong></h2>
<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><strong>MINUTES</strong></h2>
<span style=”font-size: small;”><strong>Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Parish Council Meeting.</strong></span>
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<strong>Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on </strong><strong>Monday, 24<sup>th</sup> January 2011</strong><strong> at All Saints’ Community Hall at </strong><strong>7.15pm</strong><strong>.</strong>
<strong>Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), V Barrett, I. Bloomfield, A Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, M. Sherwen, P Simmonett, C Stead and M. Townsend.</strong>
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<strong>In attendance: The Clerk, C. Cllr. van de Ven and Catherine Shilton a Rural Housing Enabler from Cambridgeshire </strong><strong>ACRE</strong><strong> </strong>
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<strong>635/10 Apologies for absence</strong>: Cllr. Wakerley
At this point in the meeting Catherine Shilton, Rural Housing Enabler from Cambridgeshire ACRE addressed the meeting and said that ACRE supported rural community participation and provided funding advice, facilitating community-led planning. Cambridgeshire ACRE was a charity and acted as a go between with SCDC and the Parish Council.
Catherine explained that the average income in Melbourn was £25,900 and that the average age for taking out a mortgage was 28. It took 17 years to save for a mortgage and a lot of people could not afford it. There were young people in the village wanting to move out on their own and elderly people wanting downstairs facilities.
If you register with the Council or Housing Association you are placed in bands from A to D depending on your circumstances, band A being given the highest priority. Houses are built to at least code level 3 which is very good quality. Affordable housing would be built on an Exception Site and ring-fenced for local people. A S106 only applies to development outside of the development boundary.
A letter of support from the Council could be sent to ACRE who would then carry out a survey in the village.
Cllr. Mowatt said that the Council were sold on affordable housing in the right place, at the right cost. He said that the Parish Council were very appreciative of Catherine attending the meeting.
<strong>636/10</strong><strong> Declarations of Interest:</strong> Cllr. Mulcock declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in Item 644/10 as he was a payee. Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in item 644/10 as he was a member of the Mobile Warden Scheme Committee. Cllr. Barrett declared a Prejudicial Interest in Items 639/10, 640/10 and 641/10 as she is a member of the Planning Committee at SCDC. Cllrs. Brett and Sherwen declared a Personal Interest in Item 645/10 as they are members of the Village Plan Steering Committee.
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<strong>637/10 Minutes of the meeting held on </strong><strong>13<sup>th</sup> December 2010</strong><strong>:</strong>
It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen and seconded by Cllr. Gatward that the minutes of 13<sup>th</sup> December be signed as a true record.
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<strong>638/10 Matters arising: </strong>
<strong>Item 602/10 (BMX Trails)</strong> Cllr. Linnette had produced a map. <strong> </strong>
<strong>639/10</strong><strong> To receive the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on </strong><strong>10<sup>th</sup> January 2011</strong><strong>:</strong>
<strong> </strong>10<sup>th</sup> January: <strong>Item 615/10 (White House</strong> <strong>Farm)</strong> Cllr. Barrett had not been able to give an update on this due to lack of information at the present time. She has contacted a Planning Enforcement Officer who had informed her that the Planning office is still trying to speak to the Legal Office. At the present time the Planning Officer is not in a position to give a report.
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<strong>640/10 </strong><strong> Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:</strong>
<strong>(a)</strong><strong> </strong>SCDC – 56 Orchard Road, Single Storey Side Extension. S/1730/10.<strong> Permission Granted </strong>
<strong>(b)</strong><strong> </strong>SCDC – 18 Armingford Crescent. Change of use of Existing Garage to Living Accommodation. S/1756/10. <strong>Permission Granted.</strong>
<strong> </strong>
<strong>641/10 </strong><strong> Planning Applications:</strong>
<strong>(a)</strong><strong> </strong>The Pink Geranium, 25 Station Road. Change of use from Restaurant (A3) to Dwelling (C3) & Extension, Outbuildings and Garage/Outbuilding. S/1983/10. <strong>Recommend Approval.</strong>
<strong>(b)</strong><strong> </strong>The Pink Geranium, 25 Station Road. Demolition of Stores, kitchen, food prep area, conservatory, w.c. and laundry and alteration to gateway and Extension and alterations including link, infilling openings, alterations to doors, additional partitions and provision of kitchen, utility and bathrooms.
S/1984/10. <strong>Recommend Approval 6 votes for: 1 vote against by Cllr. Gatward who is uncertain about the works to be carried out.</strong>
The Committee are concerned that the existing flint wall on Station Road is preserved. Also how construction traffic and equipment will be kept without hindering access to existing premises.
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<strong>642/10</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Financial Report as at 30<sup>th</sup> November and 31<sup>st</sup> December </strong>: Noted
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<strong>643/10 </strong><strong> Schedule of Financial Risk Assessment:</strong>
<strong> Damage or Loss by fire, weather or vandalism of council buildings and equipment or any other fixed assets</strong>. Back up of the computer system to be carried out on a daily basis.
<strong> Banking and investment control: </strong>Cllr. Hales is to talk to SCDC with regard to their investment list.<strong> </strong>
<strong>Accidents in, on or around Council property</strong>: Public Liability Insurance<strong> </strong>cover<strong> </strong>needs changing from £5M to £10M.<strong> </strong>
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<strong>644/10 Cheques to be signed:<a class=”pdfppt-link” href=”http://melbourncambridge.co.uk/pcminutes/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Cheque-List-for-24th-Janaury-11.pdf”>Click to see Cheque List<img src=”http://melbourncambridge.co.uk/pcminutes/wp-content/plugins/pdf-ppt-viewer/icon_pdf.gif” alt=”” /></a></strong>
<strong> </strong>The Clerk recommended the transfer of £17,500 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £9.47 from the Magazine Account to the Business No Notice Account.
The Clerk recommends the transfer of £76.00 for the Business No Notice Account to the Magazine account as this amount was paid directly into the Business No Notice Account as payment for a magazine advert.
It was proposed by Cllr. Townsend that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Sherwen and Carried.
Cllrs. Hales and Mulcock did not vote on this matter due to reason stated under Item 636/10.
<strong>645/10</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Precept for 2011/2012:</strong>
<strong> </strong>It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen <strong>THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL RATIFY THE PRECEPT AMOUNT OF £190,309 FOR THE YEAR 2011/2012 WHICH WAS SET AT THE FINANCE </strong><strong>AND</strong><strong> GENERAL PURPOSE </strong><strong>MEETING</strong><strong> </strong><strong>ON</strong><strong> 17<sup>TH</sup> JANUARY</strong>. Seconded by Cllr. Stead and<strong> CARRIED</strong>.
<strong> </strong>
<strong>646/10 Correspondence:</strong>
<strong>(a) </strong>Cambridge Community Services NHS – Providing a lifetime of care: consultation on becoming an NHS Foundation Trust. Noted
<strong>(b) </strong>The British Legion – Great Poppy Party Weekend.
Cllr. Barrett will contact the Women’s Branch of the British Legion to see if they propose to carry out any celebrations.
<strong>(c) </strong>Letter from Mr Colin Charter – Thanking the Council for the presentation of garden vouchers. Noted.
<strong>(d) </strong><strong> </strong>Letter and copy of year end Accounts from Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group – request for support in the form of a donation.
<strong> </strong>It was proposed by Cllr Bloomfield <strong>THAT AS PRECEPTED FOR IN 2011/2012 PRECEPT A DONATION OF £400 BE GIVEN TO MELBOURN </strong><strong>AND</strong><strong> MELDRETH SELF HELP GROUP IN APRIL</strong>. Seconded by Cllr. Brett and <strong>CARRIED</strong>.
<strong>(e) </strong>Letter from Mr Harris – requesting use of Old Recreation Ground from 5<sup>th</sup> to 12th June.
The Clerk is to contact Mr Harris and ask if the date for the fair could be changed to 1<sup>st</sup> July. If not, the dates requested by Mr Harris of 5<sup>th</sup> to 12 June are approved.
<strong>(f)</strong><strong> </strong>Letter from Circus Tyanna – request to use Old Recreation Ground from 15<sup>th</sup> to 22<sup>nd</sup> May. The Council approved these dates.
<strong>(g) e</strong>-mail from Mr Shorten – increasing problems of dog faeces.
The Clerk is to contact Mr Shorten and inform him that the Council are constantly reviewing the situation and it is to contact other Parish Council’s to see how they deal with the problem.
<strong>(h) </strong><strong> </strong>Letter and copies of accounts from Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme – request for a donation under S137. Dealt with under <strong>Item 644/10</strong>.
<strong>(i)</strong><strong> </strong>The Connections Bus Project – Bus available for hire. Noted
<strong>(j) </strong>Letter and Title information document from Limbach Banham – Melbourn Recreation Ground.
This was noted and the Clerk is to contact Mr. Hawtin, Estate Officer to the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for East Anglia Cadets with regard to a new lease for the Cadet Hut.
<strong>(k)</strong><strong> </strong>E-mail from Glen Woolridge – Dog fouling.
The Clerk is to e-mail Glen and inform him that the Council are looking into ways of dealing with this problem.
<strong>(l)</strong><strong> </strong>SCDC – Relief for South Cambridgeshire businesses. Noted
<strong>(m) </strong><strong> </strong>Volkswind – Public Exhibition relating to proposals for a wind energy development of 8 turbines on land south of Heydon Grange Golf and Country Club by Volkwind UK Ltd. To be held on Tuesday 15<sup>th</sup> February form 4pm to 8pm and Wednesday 16<sup>th</sup> February from 10am to 2pm at Heydon Grange Golf and Country Club. Noted
<strong>(n) </strong>Shire Tree Surgery – Removal of hedge from front of the property known as The Old Elm Tree, High Street and replace with planting of low flowering shrubs with a rope and post finish and no brick wall.
The Clerk is to inform Shire Tree Surgery that the Council has no objections to this work being carried out.
<strong> <em>[Cllr. </em></strong><strong><em>Bloomfield</em></strong><strong><em> left the meeting at this point the time being </em></strong><strong><em>9.55pm</em></strong><strong><em>]</em></strong>
<strong>(o) </strong>No further correspondence was received.
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<strong>647/10 Report from C. Cllr. van de Ven:</strong>
<em>1. County Council Budget will be voted on at the Feb 15 council meeting. There is now a period of intensive scrutiny.</em>
<em>The budget looks for £50 million savings in 2011-12, and £160 million over five years. </em>
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<em>Please see <a href=”http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/”>www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk</a> website for details, or feel free to ring me with queries. Some of the headlines include: </em>
<em>Bus subsidies to be phased out</em>
<em>Post-16 transport to be ended other than poorest students</em>
<em>Big changes to home-school transport – including no more transport to denominational schools.</em>
<em>County-wide library service reconfigured into trust and shared services, plus conversion of at least 13-14 community libraries into LAP models. All ten LAPS including Melbourn protected with possibility of increased support, but detail as yet to be determined.</em>
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<em>2. Youth Club meeting this Wednesday – all parish councillors welcome.</em>
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<em>3. Rail User Group </em><em>AGM</em><em> March 8<sup>th</sup> – it would be great to have a parish council rep attending. Thanks for agreeing to pay the cost of room hire.</em>
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<em>4. Possible Heating Oil Buying Club: Residents living in outlying areas of the villages I represent, who are not connected to gas, have been in touch with strong concerns about being locked into expensive oil prices. A very good bulk-oil buying initiative in Barton was spearheaded by the local district councillor and he has kindly shared information about how it works, and indeed an opportunity to set up our own Melbourn Area Oil Club in the same way. I will be drawing up a document explaining how it works; it looks plain and simple and will hopefully be beneficial to local people.</em>
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<em>5. The Highways Cabinet member has now formally declined the suggestion of adding volunteer drivers to the Addenbrooke’s Road White List, having taken his officer’s advice that this is unnecessary. If you wish to write to him directly his email is <a href=”mailto:mac.mcguire@cambridgeshire.gov.uk”>mac.mcguire@cambridgeshire.gov.uk</a>. Cllr Hales and I attended a Community Transport Workshop where the Addenbrookes rep failed to convince us that the arrangements are fair.</em>
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<em>6. Practical Solutions Group, January 11th: Our meeting was devoted mainly to discussions with visitors for two items: </em>
<em> </em>
<strong>a. </strong><em>The Village Plan Steering Committee Chairman gave a progress report on the plan, including an outline of the specific projects which are already evolving and the very substantial volunteer base around them. We discussed possible ways in which the PSG might play a supportive role following completion of the Plan, in terms of helping to get these specific projects off the ground. A point of discussion was that momentum and continuity will be key to ensuring that the volunteer force is successfully engaged. The PSG felt that the input of the VP Steering Committee Chairman was extremely helpful to its endeavour to help foster community projects for Melbourn and we have invited him to continue to attend PSG meetings. </em><strong> </strong>
<strong>b. </strong><em>Two Year 10 MVC students who have initiated a basketball club Wednesday lunchtimes discussed with the PSG the possibility of extending the club to one after-school session per week. The PSG is looking at costs of hiring the gym for this purpose</em><strong> </strong>
<strong> <em>[As the time was approaching </em></strong><strong><em>10.00pm</em></strong><strong><em> it was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Townsend that the meeting continue till </em></strong><strong><em>10.15pm</em></strong><strong><em>]</em></strong><strong> </strong>
<strong>648/10 Cemetery & Churchyard Inspection Report:</strong>
<strong> </strong> Cllr. Townsend has carried out the inspection and spoke about areas that needed work carrying out in both New Road and Orchard Road cemeteries.
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<strong> </strong><strong><em>[As the time was approaching </em></strong><strong><em>10.15pm</em></strong><strong><em> it was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Stead that the meeting continue till </em></strong><strong><em>10.30pm</em></strong><strong><em>.]</em></strong>
<strong>649/10 New </strong><strong>Road</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Cemetery</strong><strong>:</strong>
<strong> </strong>Cllr. Sherwen reported that the planning application for the cemetery gates was now with SCDC Planning Department. Cllr. Sherwen is going to mark out an additional area for cremated remains plots.
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<strong>650/10 Village Car Park: </strong>There were no matters to report.
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<strong>651/10 </strong><strong>BMX Trails:</strong>
Cllr. Barrett said a letter needed to be sent to SCDC Planning Department informing it that the site was now secure with regard to motorised vehicles. Cllr. Barrett will liaise with the Clerk over this letter.
<strong>652/10 </strong><strong>Village Plan: </strong>
Cllr. Brett reported that a meeting had taken place of the report writing group which was refining the draft. He thanked Cllr. Simmonett for his professional advice on the presentation and layout.
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<strong>653/10 Neighbourhood Panel: </strong>This is covered under <strong>Item 647/10.</strong>
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<strong>654/10 Committee Reports:</strong>
<strong>(a) Cemetery: </strong> There were no comments on this report.
<strong>(b) </strong><strong> Urgent reports from Committee Chairmen: </strong>There were no urgent reports
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<strong>655/10 Future Meetings. </strong>Noted<strong> </strong>
<strong>(a)</strong><strong> </strong> 7<sup>th</sup> February – Planning
<strong>(b) </strong>14<sup>th</sup> February – Highways and Rural Footpaths + Play Areas, Recreation and Youth
<strong>(c) </strong>21<sup>st</sup> February – Planning
<strong>(d) </strong>28<sup>th</sup> February – Parish Council
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<strong>656/10 Urgent Matters: </strong>
<strong> </strong>Cllr. Gatward wanted the matter of access to and from Rupert Neve Close to be made an agenda item for the next meeting of the Highways Committee as she feels that due to the speed of traffic passing this entrance, a dangerous situation had been created.
Cllr. Sherwen wanted the traffic situation on Back Lane put on the next Highways Agenda as a reminder that so far no action has been taken.
Cllr. Stead reported that there are a lot of burglaries taken place in the village and he urged residents to be vigilant.
<h3>There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.26pm</h3>