Parish Council 19 December, 2011



Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 19th December, 2011 at The Parish Office at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, J. Poley, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M. Townsend.
In attendance:  The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven and 3 member of the public.
565/11            Apologies for absence:  Cllrs Barrett & Wakerley
566/11 Declarations of Interest:
Cllrs Mowatt and Brett declared a Personal interest in 571/11as they live on the High Street.
Cllrs Sherwen, Poley and Bloomfield declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in 576/11 as cheque recipients.
Cllr Simmonett declared a Personal interest in 578/11 (b) because of where he lives.
567/11            Minutes of the meeting held on 28th November, 2011:

  1. 1. 507/11 : delete 495/11: Insert 498/11
  2. 2. 495/11: delete ‘Melbourn and Meldreth Self-help Group’ : Insert ‘Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme’

It was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Hales that the minutes of 28th November be signed as a true record. This was carried.
568/11            Matter arising:
Cllr Simmonett raised the question of the Woodland Trust and the need to respond to their offer of trees by 5th January. All that is required is to register and give them an address to send the delivery to. Cllr Simmonett to act on this and the trees are to be delivered to the parish office after the 31st January. The Conservation and Cemetery Committees are to investigate where the trees might be planted. The volunteers have expressed a desire to help.
569/11 To receive a report from C. Cllr van de Ven
C.Cllr van de Ven presented her report:-
Melbourn Parish Council, County Councillor Report, December 2011
50 MPH links from A10: I’ve contacted Highways about the anomalous links of road between the newly speed-reduced stretch of A10 between Shepreth and Foxton, and 30MPH zones in settled areas. There are three such stretches which stand at 60MPH and this makes no sense: Shepreth Road Foxton, Fowlmere Rd Shepreth, and Cambridge Road Shepreth.  It seems to me that this is going to be a generic problem across the county and while tools may exist for parish councils to apply for speed limit reductions, the process is arduous and uncertain and the results will be inconsistent.  So I’ve asked Highways if this can be approached on a county-wide policy basis. The problem is recognized and the matter will be taken forward.  Meanwhile I understand that Shepreth PC may be applying for funding under the Minor Highways Improvement budgets for the Cambridge Road stretch.
A general discussion took place on this item with several councillors expressing similar views to C.Cllr van de Ven about the anomalous situation with regard to the speed limits on the A10 and surrounding village road. A desire for a continuation of the 50 M.P.H beyond the first A10 turning to include all the junctions to Melbourn towards Royston was expressed. However, concern about these limits was stated by Cllr Stead as a member of the Road Haulage Association about the lack of consultation with road users. It was noted that Shepreth Parish Council was applying for Minor Highways Improvement funds for the Cambridge Road stretch.
Civil Parking Enforcement Policy has been held back by County due to unhappiness at the slim consultation response. This seems unfortunate and I’ve protested – there is an expectation that the policy is coming and it will I think be generally helpful.  Please do look out for the reinvigorated consultation effort.
Possible new project for MAYD:  I’ve been involved with a ‘localism’ project which to be honest I’d been quite sceptical about – lots of fishing around without focus or much money, and changing titles for the project which makes it confusing – but it is coming into focus now and could benefit MAYD. The project is now called Community Connect and the agreed remit is to develop transport options for young people. While it is hardly in a position to solve broad transport issues it can generate a new very small-scale piece of work.
The group agreed earlier this week that having secured a promise from the Chief Constable of donations of bicycles from the police stash of unclaimed stolen bikes (about 30 per month), and with a possible grant source from Young Lives and interest from Outspoken, a bike training and development organization which delivers Bikeability cycle training in schools, that we would like to test a youth club based project to teach cycle maintenance to the higher end of the youth club age group, with an opportunity for accreditation.   Free bicycles would definitely be available for the young people to keep at the end of the process and there is a much better chance that they would be used, and used responsibly, if the users had brought them back to life in the first place. This would inject a new element into youth club of gaining skills toward employability.  We’ll be presenting the idea to MAYD in early January.
LAP precept request from other PCs: I have always made a pitch for donations to the Melbourn LAP, to other parish councils in the catchment area.  I’ll do so again this year but am aware that with the Melbourn hub project hopefully coming to fruition before too long, the discussion with other parish councils should be broadened Is there scope for doing some more work in terms of contacting those councils officially regarding aspirations for the hub?
Community Transport Funding motion: I brought a motion to the last meeting of the county council proposing that a government grant of £258K for community transport, should be released to community transport providers (like Royston and District Community Transport).  The grant is currently being held back pending the development of a new franchise-based transport project which involves subsidizing potential commercial businesses with public money – this called ‘Cambridgeshire Future Transport.’ My motion failed. This is important because bus subsidy cuts will resume come April, and Cambridgeshire Future Transport does not look to be in a position to help fill the transport gaps that will inevitably arise – whereas established community transport providers are ready to go.
Late items: I had the pleasure of visiting Melbourn Children’s Centre in its new primary school location.  It looks great with a whole range of excellent activities.  It seems that the biggest impediment to take-up is transport.
570/11 To receive a report from Cllr Brett re: the Play Park Team constitution
Cllr Brett presented the revised version of the constitution which councillors accepted. The Clerk to sign it and send it to the chair of the Play Park Team.
571/11 Report on the Police Site:
Cllr Poley presented the December Report of the Community Hub Sub-committee (see Appendix 1).
Cllr Poley presented the report. He said he had no more information on the housing development except to say that the plans would probably be presented towards the end of January.
Cllr Poley explained the work that had been done on the Client Briefing Document, which he described as a User Requirement Specification, and on the discussions with the Quantity Surveyor about the Design Statement.
Cllr Poley explained the need to establish a Holding Trust in anticipation of the setting up of the Charitable Trust. This had come out of a meeting between John Travis, Chairman Designate, and Philip Peacock, Cambridge ACRE. The Parish Council is to be asked to formally approve the setting up of the Holding Trust (see next item).
572/11 To receive a proposal that the Parish Council formally approve the setting up of a Holding Trust for the Melbourn Community Hub.
It was proposed by Cllr Hales and seconded by Cllr Linnette THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL APPROVES THE SETTING UP OF A HOLDING TRUST FOR THE MELBOURN COMMUNITY HUB. This was CARRIED. Cllrs Brett and Mowatt did not vote due to a personal interest as indicated in 566/11.
573/11 Notifications:

  1. Notification granting permission for the erection of an extension to the existing dormer window on the front elevation of the property at Aysgarth, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6ER on behalf of Mr & Mrs Giles S/2104/11 was received and noted;
  2. Notification granting permission for a proposed new orangery at West Barn, Grange Farm, New Road, Melbourn SG8 6BX on behalf of Mr Colley S/1403/11 was received and noted.

574/11 Planning Applications:
A Planning Application for a change of use from offices (Class B1) to hairdressing salon (Class A1) at 10 The Moor, Melbourn SG8 6ED on behalf of Deborah Clark S/2044/11 was received and noted without comment.
575/11 To receive the Financial Report dated 30th November, 2011.
Cllr Brett pointed out that some of the figures were incorrect. The Chairman said he had no confidence in the document
576/11 To receive a details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice Account’.
Melbourn Parish Council
Expenditure transactions – approval list Start of year 01/04/11
Tn no Cheque Gross Headin Invoice Details Cheque
24940            103254            £150.00            118/4            01/12/11            Morley Manufacturing – Repair and remount the             £150.00
gate at the Moor Community Centre
24942            103257            £88.14            117/2            01/12/11            Stationery Cupboard – Paper A4 & A3, files            £110.13
24943            103258            £42.00            110            01/12/11            Unlimited Logos – Vinyl text signs for salt bins            £42.00
24944            103241            £25.91            103/2            05/12/11            Cambridge Water Company – water charges             £394.17
New Road Cemetery
24945            103241            £26.72            100            05/12/11            Cambridge Water Company – water charges             £394.17
Allotments rear of 39-45
24946            103241            £310.75            100            05/12/11            Cambridge Water Company – water charges for             £394.17
24947            103241            £30.79            118/2            05/12/11            Cambridge Water Company – water charges for             £394.17
Sports pavilion
24948            103251            £320.00            106/1            05/12/11            Meadow Nursery – shrub cutting & hedge cutting            £320.00
24949            103252            £550.00            117/6            05/12/11            Melbourn Village College – parish office rent            £792.15
24952            103247            £84.00            118/4            06/12/11            Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited            £276.00
– Overmark 2 pitches
24953            103247            £192.00            118/4            06/12/11            Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited            £276.00
– Rolling of recreation ground
24954            103242            £32.00            153            08/12/11            Cambridgeshire ACRE – Publications sale:             £32.00
Model B Lease & Trust Deed
24955            103252            £242.15            118/4            08/12/11            Melbourn Village College – MAYDS: use of             £792.15
24959            103244            £674.85            114/1            12/12/11            CPALC – Annual membership fee            £674.85
24967            103245            £316.80            117/5            19/12/11            Edge Designs Ltd. – 3rd Year Licence            £316.80
24968            103257            £21.99            117/2            19/12/11            Stationery Cupboard – Black clip files            £110.13
24970            103243            £10.00            109/1            19/12/11            CAPS – deduction form P.Andrew’s wages            £10.00
24971            103249            £70.00            134            19/12/11            John Poley – Hire of projector for volunteer             £70.00
24972            103253            £117.88            104            19/12/11            Mike Sherwen – drink for chairman’s reception            £117.88
24976            103256            £1,332.41            121            19/12/11            Peter Horley – Clerk’s salary            £1,332.41
24977            103255            £867.87            109/1            19/12/11            P. Andrews – Wages            £867.87
24978            103246            £232.56            109/1            19/12/11            G.D. Squires – Wages            £242.16
24979            103246            £9.60            151            19/12/11            G.D. Squires – Mileaage allowance 16 x 0.60            £242.16
24980            103250            £385.56            109/1            19/12/11            K. Rudge – Wages            £444.3
24981            103250            £58.80            151            19/12/11            K. Rudge – Mileage allowance 98 x 0.60            £444.36
24982            103240            £42.00            118/2            19/12/11            Alison Cockburn – Cleaning of the pavilion            £42.00
24983            103248            £42.00            118/2            19/12/11            Janice Wakerley – Cleaning of the pavilion            £42.00
24984            103259            £806.33            127/1            19/12/11            HM Revenue & Customs – Tax and NI            £806.33
24985            103260            £100.00            90007            19/12/11            Petty Cash – cash            £100.00
Total £7,183.11
The Clerk recommends the transfer of £8,000 from the Business No Notice account to the current account. This was received and signed.
506/11 To consider the investment of Parish Council funds with SCDC
Cllr Hales explained the background of this item. SCDC has contacted the 12 largest parish councils with an offer to invest money on their behalf. Most have replied negatively due to the fact that councils can get a better return themselves by investing in Fixed Rate Bonds. The Deputy Clerk to consult the internal auditor about this.
507/11 To consider allocating £50,000 working funds to the Community Hub Sub-committee.
This item was dealt with under 495/11.
508/11 To consider allowing Mr Les Brierley to help control the rabbit population in Stockbridge Meadows.
This was discussed and remitted to the Conservation Committee for further consideration. The Deputy Clerk to check with the insurance company about this. CCllr van de Ven suggested contacting Environmental Health for advice as they often handle enquiries about this endemic problem in the villages.
509/11 Arrangements for the Chairman’s Reception
The arrangements are on-going: food is ordered, All Saints’ Community Hall is hired, invites stored and collated. There was a brief discussion about possible recipients of Community Awards and any suggestions are to be submitted to the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council.
510/11            To receive a report for C.Cllr van de Ven
Melbourn Parish Council, November 2011, County Councillor Report
1. Youth Club Funding
An award of £5,720 from Cambridgeshire County Council’s Transformation Fund has been made to Melbourn Area Youth Development for administrative support.  This will enable professional coordination of the new volunteer network and a focus on funding applications.
In awarding the grant, recognition was made of the commitment of five parishes – Foxton, Fowlmere, Meldreth, Shepreth and Melbourn – to pool resources and work together. Also noted was the strength of the volunteer network now in place, including drivers from Royston and District Community Transport now providing lifts to Tuesday evening youth club.  We’d like to thank County Council Locality Manager Anna O’Leary for her encouragement and support.
2. County Bus Consultation
Please ensure you have responded to this consultation, which closes on December 9th, and can be done on line at
It is expected that the county council will resume its withdrawal of bus subsidies starting in April 2012.  The daily 128 late morning bus linking Shepreth, Meldreth and Melbourn with Royston, which is subsidized, is well used.
3. Local Highways issues:
a. Little Lane: As raised nearly two years ago by Cllr Linnette and mentioned in my report of February 2010, Little Lane, which is the only one in the village to be situated just before a set of traffic lights, has no sign visible to drivers coming from Royston informing them that the lane is for access only, so quite a few use it to cut through to Orchard Road.  I’ve been contacted by a resident who has had informal discussions with several others in Little Lane regarding the matter.  I have in turn been back in touch with Highways who still agree that a sign is needed, though funding would need to come from parish council. The question of positioning the sign would also need to be sorted as the best place is on the wall of a private property.  Would the parish council support moving forward with this issue?
b. Directional signage into the village:  if the parish council is thinking about this as an overall issue, could it indicate whether or not it would be willing to include signage indicating pedestrian access to Melbourn from Meldreth Station?  This could include the village name, plus prominent locations such as the Village College, the Hub, Science Park, etc.  The suggestion has come from the Rail User Group and the Campaign for Better Transport.  Meldreth PC would not provide funding but would support in principle.
c.  You’ll have received my email about the County’s Minor Highways Improvement funding pot (£50K total, for South Cambs) and now you should have had the relevant papers direct from CCC.  Application closing is end December.
4. Near Melbourn
a. The first new 50MPH sign on the A10 from Royston to Cambridge, near Frog End/Dunsbridge Turnpike, will be changed to a reflective yellow-backed sign to highlight the beginning of a lower speed limit zone.
b. First Capital Connect have agreed to the Rail User Group’s argument that parking charges at Meldreth and Shepreth Stations should be lowered.  The current charge of £3 will be dropped to £1.50.  These station car parks already had the lowest charge on the FCC line and so this is a dramatic change and a very genuine gesture.   Meetings with FCC and CCC to forge out a ‘Community Rail Partnership’ for our three local stations will take place early in the new year, and I hope that the new Melbourn business forum can play a role.
5. Community Hub
I have been keeping other parish councils informed of Melbourn’s work on the community hub, particularly of the area-wide services such as the library that will benefit a wide field of people, and conveying the importance of supporting the project.
6. County Council support for hub and Village Plan Implementation
A few weeks ago I approached county council officers regarding a number of strong Melbourn projects led by volunteers which I felt would benefit enormously from financial support to help get firmly established – youth club, the community hub and various strands of Melbourn Village Plan implementation. Officers were well aware of the detailed work that has been happening on all of these projects and some funding sources were identified.  I then invited a small number of councillors/MVP representatives who had been closely involved with these projects to attend a meeting at the county council in order to explore these funding possibilities more closely (Cllrs Hales, Simmonett, and Brett, and John Travis).  As you’ve heard, Youth Club funding has now been secured. Another funding source was identified that could substantially support the early work of the community hub, with a connection to the Village Plan implementation. The lead officer came out to Melbourn last week to follow up and is optimistic. We should have a result hear soon.  The general comment from officers was Melbourn is in a strong position on all of these projects , having already done  detailed preparation and planning work.
7.  Practical Solutions Group
The PSG earlier this month and agreed that our most constructive approach to serve Melbourn would be to support the work of the Village Plan Implementation Team.  The PSG’s Annual Report is below.
Practical Solutions Group
Annual Review, November 2011

  1. Good liaison with MVC community, Police, Parish Council, Village Plan
  2. Helpful communication generally in the community
  3. Support for Melbourn Area Youth Development (MAYD), which has seen successful beginning for a new Youth Club situated on college premises
  4. Support for community transport links to MAYD including five volunteer drivers and three volunteer escorts, thanks to Royston and District Community Transport
  5. Support for extra-curricular activities at college, especially Basketball Club, Carnival Project at Vicarage Close, Meldreth Station litter pick and summer gardening
  6. Admin is becoming easier due to written reports and bi-monthly meetings
  7. The PSG is now becoming associated with its more constructive ‘Practical Solutions Group’ title, as opposed to the ‘Anti-Social Behaviour Problem Solving Group’

Challenges and Aims for coming year

  1. Work on High Street car park moving forward
  2. PSG can build and support certain links and activities on a modest scale, but cannot expect to be a cure-all
  3. Continuing work with MVC in developing and strengthening community ties
  4. Supporting the Parish Council in its work toward a community hub
  5. Support Village Plan Implementation Team work
  6. Continue to promote and support all work related to Melbourn Area Youth Development, and other projects for young people such as those listed in ‘e’ above.

g.   Keep a watching brief and aim to provide support on the issue of decent transport options for young people
h.  Carry on with all liaison work
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Practical Solutions Group and to Melbourn Village College for hosting our meetings.
Cllr Mowatt thanked C.Cllr van de Ven for her report.
Cllr Hales reported that the Melbourn Area Youth Development is considered a model of its type and this has helped secure funding.
511/11 To receive the revised Standing Orders and to consider changes to p.20 of 26 (f) to include Vice-Chairman of other committees and (h) to increase the number of members on each committee
The proposals were discussed and the following amendments agreed:-
(f) The membership of the Finance and General Purposes Committee shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council and Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the other committees of the Parish Council…
(h) There shall be a minimum of 6 members on each committee of the Parish Council…
[As the time was approaching 10.00 was proposed by Cllr Simmonett and seconded by Cllr Townsend that the meeting continue until 10.15p.m.]
512/11 To consider the placing of a blue recycling bin in the car park.
Although councillors had already expressed their disquiet about this matter, it was agreed that the siting of the bin for a 6 week experiment could go ahead. Cllr Mowatt said that the council needs to review its bin strategy in the near future.
513/11 To receive the Financial Report dated 31st October, 2011
The report was noted
[As the time was approaching 10.15p.m. it was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Simmonett that the meeting continue until 10.30p.m.]
514/11 To receive details of the cheques to be drawn on the Prish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amounts to be transferred from the ‘No Notice Account’.
Cheque Paid
number Tn. no date Gross Vat Net               Suppliers               Details
103203               24870               25/10/11               £1,521.60               £0.00               £1,521.60               Ten Insurance Services Ltd                                                                                   Insurance for Grinnel Hill BMX
103204               24913               28/11/11               £486.50               £0.00               £486.50               Wintercomfort                         repayment due to lost cheque
103205               24911               28/11/11               £36.75               £0.00               £36.75               All Saints Community Hall               Hire of hall on 28th November
103205               24916               28/11/11               £42.00               £0.00               £42.00               All Saints Community Hall               Parish Council Reception
103205               28/11/11               £78.75               £0.00               £78.75
103206               24896               28/11/11               £486.00               £81.00               £405.00               Cambridgeshire County                Salt bins and salt
103207               24912               28/11/11               £154.70               £24.70               £130.00               Digitial River Ireland Limited               Merlin 2 software
103207               24939               28/11/11               £100.00               £0.00               £100.00               Regional Services               Projector and screen hire on 25th October
103207               28/11/11               £254.70               £24.70               £230.00
103208               24899               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Overmarking of 2 pitches
103208               24900               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                overmarking of 2 pitches
103208               24901               28/11/11               £264.00               £44.00               £220.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Lift trees in Cambridge Road
103208               24917               28/11/11               £216.00               £36.00               £180.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Spike recreation ground
103208               24918               28/11/11               £42.00               £7.00               £35.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Overmark one pitch
103208               24919               28/11/11               £252.00               £42.00               £210.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Next to 83, High Street: overgrown shrubs
103208               24920               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Overmark 2 pitches
103208               24933               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                overmarking of 2 pitches
103208               24934               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                Overmarking of 2 pitches
103208               24935               28/11/11               £84.00               £14.00               £70.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                overmarking of 2 pitches
103208               24937               28/11/11               £96.00               £16.00               £80.00               Herts And Cambs Ground                hedge reduction on boundary orchard road cemetery& 23a
103208               28/11/11               £1,374.00               £229.00               £1,145.00
103209               24921               28/11/11               £1,600.95               £0.00               £1,600.95               HM Revenue & Customs               Tax & NI for November
103210               24897               28/11/11               £95.00               £0.00               £95.00               J E Travis               Printing of Invitations for Village Plan Meeting
103211               24910               28/11/11               £550.00               £0.00               £550.00               Melbourn Village College               Office Rent
103212               24907               28/11/11               £4,000.00               £0.00               £4,000.00               Melbourn Youth Area                Precepted contribution
103213               24906               28/11/11               £201.60               £33.60               £168.00               PAS Building Services               Repairs to Pavilion roof
103214               24914               28/11/11               £100.00               £0.00               £100.00               Petty Cash               cash
103215               24915               28/11/11               £50.73               £8.46               £42.27               Ricoh Capital Limited               For photocopying
103216               24898               28/11/11               £40.80               £0.00               £40.80               South Cambs District Council               120 Speed Stickers for Wheelie Bins
103216               24908               28/11/11               £524.00               £0.00               £524.00               South Cambs District Council               Rates on Car Park
103216               24909               28/11/11               £56.00               £0.00               £56.00               South Cambs District Council               Rates on New Road Cemetery
103216               28/11/11               £620.80               £0.00               £620.80
103217               24928               28/11/11               £1,954.62               £0.00               £1,954.62               A. Mellor               Salary
103217               24929               28/11/11               £9.60               £0.00               £9.60               A. Mellor               Mileage allowance 16 x 0.60
103217               28/11/11               £1,964.22               £0.00               £1,964.22
103218               24927               28/11/11               £10.00               £0.00               £10.00               CAPS               Deduction from P.Andrew’s wage
103219               24922               28/11/11               £351.90               £0.00               £351.90               G.D. Squires               Wages
103219               24923               28/11/11               £19.20               £0.00               £19.20               G.D. Squires               Mileage allowance 32 x o.60
103219               28/11/11               £371.10               £0.00               £371.10
103220               24924               28/11/11               £612.00               £0.00               £612.00               K. Rudge               wages
103220               24925               28/11/11               £69.60               £0.00               £69.60               K. Rudge               Mileage 116 x o.60
103220               28/11/11               £681.60               £0.00               £681.60
103221               24926               28/11/11               £984.38               £0.00               £984.38               P. Andrews               wages
103222               24930               28/11/11               £1,303.32               £0.00               £1,303.32               Peter Horley               Salary
103223               24931               28/11/11               £91.00               £0.00               £91.00               Alison Cockburn               cleaning of pavilion
103224               24932               28/11/11               £91.00               £0.00               £91.00               Janice Wakerley               cleaning of pavilion
103225               24936               28/11/11               £185.58               £30.93               £154.65               British Telecom               broadband rental
103226               24938               28/11/11               £205.74               £34.29               £171.45               AmeyCespa(East) Ltd               Hire of skip for allotments
£17,308.57               £441.98               £16,866.59
The Clerk recommends the transfer of £26,500 from the Business ‘No Notice’ Account to the Current Account and the transfer of £506.40 14-Day Notice account to the Business No Notice Account.
515/11 Correspondence:-
(a) E-mail from Lynda Budd CFRS Community Champion Scheme Co-ordinator – Pilot Scheme for Community Champions was noted.
(b) E-Mail from Rev Duncan Goldie – Melbourn Village 2012 Olympic Event. The Deputy Clerk to write to him expressing our support and suggesting that he contact the Village Fete Committee to discuss the matter.
516/11 Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection report
Cllr Simmonett apologised for not having done it yet but will endeavour to do so before the end of the month.
517/11 New Road Cemetery
Cllr Sherwen reported on:-
(a)   The need to re-hang the gates as recorded in 497/11.
(b)  The need to hang the gates at the Summerhouse Lane entrance using the excess gates;
(c)   He has ordered the steel channel for the soil store;
(d)  The last section of the iron fencing for the new gates has not yet been received. He will contact Matthew Lane Sanderson.
518/11 To consider any further developments with the village car park
Cllr Sherwen reported that that quotes on the car park had been considered at the last planning meeting but because of on-going concerns with the tender details, he was still chasing contractors for clarification.
519/11 To receive an update on the BMX Trails
Cllr Barrett reported that the committee will be meeting on 6th December.
Invitations to the Chairman’s Reception were discussed.
520/11 To provide information on the Meetings of the Neighbourhood Panel
There was nothing to report.
521/11 To receive the minutes from the Parish Council committees
These were noted.
522/11 Urgent Matters
Cllr Sherwen reminded everyone that the SCDC Housing Strategy Consultation document needed to be completed by all and the findings brought to a meeting of the council for collation before the deadline of the 31st January.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.30p.m.

Melbourn Community Hub
Progress Report

Melbourn Community Hub Subcommittee
21st November 2011
Table of Contents
1.            Introduction            12
2.            Interactions with Suppliers            13
2.1.        Letter to Iceni for Homes        13
2.2.        Heads of Terms        13
2.3.        Preparation of Design and Access Statement        13
2.4.        Evolution of the Design of the Building        13
3.            General Commications Activities            13
3.1.        Public Meeting        13
3.2.        Further Public Meetings        13
3.3.        Press Reports        14
3.4.        Melbourn Magazine Entry        14
4.            Meetings            14
4.1.        Formal Meetings:        14
4.2.        Informal Meetings:        14
4.2.1.    Meetings with advisors    14
4.2.2.    Attendance at Conference    15
4.3.        Official meetings        15
5.            Creation of the Business Plan            15
6.            Charitable Trust            15
7.            Purchases            16
8.            Appendix            17
8.1.        Appendix 1: Letter to Iceni Homes        17
8.2.        Appendix 2: Q & A list presented at the Public Meeting on 1st November        18
8.3.        Appendix 3: Article in the Melbourn Magazine        19


This document summarises the work carried out by the Hub Subcommittee during the month of November 2011, following the decision by the full council to proceed with the recommendations set out in Section 2 of the Report on the Resident Consultation Exercise, 24th October 2011.
The headings of the report follow notional project work streams and logical cross links between streams are identified where appropriate.
Most of the work is of an on-going nature and so will be subject to further updates in future reports.

Interactions with Suppliers

Letter to Iceni for Homes

A letter has been sent to Iceni Homes informing them of the Parish Council’s decision to proceed with the arrangements for the Village Community Hub, subject to contract.
Appendix 1 displays a copy of this letter.
Iceni Homes have provided acknowledgement of receipt of this letter.

Heads of Terms

The parish Council received a draft of the Heads of Terms from Iceni Homes on the 16th November. The draft will require modification before we formally respond to Iceni Homes. A meeting with the Parish Council solicitor to discuss the drafting of the response is scheduled for Monday 28th November.

Preparation of Design and Access Statement

This document provides a description of the intended use for the building and serves as a guide for its design. The preparation of this document is in progress and on schedule.

Evolution of the Design of the Building

The architects continue to provide updated draft drawings with modifications to the proposed design of the Hub Building.
The modifications are of a detail nature and the Hub Subcommittee continues to respond and comment as appropriate.
It is the intention of Iceni Homes to apply for planning permission during the month of November 2011.
A meeting is scheduled with the Quantity Surveyor on 13th December to discuss performance requirements of the building elements. This will not affect the date for submission of the planning application.

General Communications Activities

Public Meeting

A public meeting was held on 1st November by Iceni Homes at Vicarage Close Community Centre.
In preparation for the meeting, the Hub Subcommittee prepared a Q & A list that was presented at the meeting, on display boards along with relevant verbatim extracts from the Report on the Resident Consultation Exercise. The Q & A list is attached as Appendix 2.

Further Public Meetings

Further public meetings will be required – particularly to seek the views of special interest groups in the community about the internal layout and function of building. For example, meetings will be required with the library group, mothers and toddlers groups, pensioners groups, etc. It is likely and appropriate that these meetings will be arranged and facilitated by the members of the community Hub Charitable Trust.
Among the important benefits of such meetings are the following:

  • They help to optimise the internal design of the Hub to suit the needs and uses of the community
  • They help to build within the community a sense of ownership and involvement in the Hub
  • It is very beneficial when seeking funding in the form of grants from government, trusts, etc. to be able to demonstrate the active involvement of the community at large in the Hub project

Press Reports

The Crow, Evening News, etc have produced several press reports. The reports were mostly factually correct and impartial. The incorrect statement that the Hub would contain a Post Office was rectified in the subsequent week’s issue of the Weekend News.

Melbourn Magazine Entry

An article has been written for the impending edition of the Melbourn Magazine. An early draft of this article is set out in Appendix 3.
As part of  the programme of assuring continued awareness and support for the Hub project within the community, it will be necessary to include articles in each subsequent edition of the Magazine, up to and beyond the date when the Hub is opened.
It will be necessary to discuss with the Magazine organisers the implications of introducing this programme of articles.


In addition to the public meeting discussed above in 3.1, the following meetings have been taken by the Hub Subcommittee during November:

Formal Meetings:

These meetings took place on the following dates:

  • 1st November
  • 8th November
  • 22nd November

It is believed that announcements of these meetings, agendas and minutes have been notified to the public in accordance with requirements.

Informal Meetings:

Meetings with advisors

Meetings have taken place with advisors and a conference attended. The purpose of these meetings is for the Hub subcommittee to receive advice and guidance on the various and numerous aspects and work streams involved in the Hub project. Numerous such formal meetings are likely to take place in the coming months. Key meetings that have taken place are as follows:

  • Visit to Parish Office on 9th November by Ian Dewar of CPALC to advise on the strategic aspects of procuring the building and its leasing to a charitable trust
  • Visit to Parish Office by Philip Peacock on 11th November to advise on creation of the business plan, operational considerations of the building and other related matters

Notes from both these meetings are appended to the minutes of the formal meeting of the 22nd November.

Attendance at Conference

The Village SOS Roadshow all day conference was attended, in which presentations were made by organisations who have successfully achieved similar community projects; including a community hub and a village shop. Advisors from various funding and support bodies also made presentations. A number of contacts have been made which will be followed up soon to increase the subcommittee’s understanding of the aspects involved in the Hub Project and to form mutually supportive links for the future.

Official meetings

Among the official meetings scheduled in the short term are the following:

  • 28th November: First meeting with Parish Solicitor to discuss Heads of Terms document
  • 13th December: Meeting with Quantity Surveyor to discuss ‘performance requirements for the building elements’.

Creation of the Business Plan

Work is proceeding on the creation of the Business Plan. It has become clear from discussions with experienced bodies and organisations, who have advised on or have run similar projects successfully in the past, that the creation of a valid and relevant Business Plan for the Community Hub will need to evolve over a number of months. Among the key steps that have been achieved so far towards this objective are the following;

  • Receipt of advice and guidance documentation and templates from ACRE
  • Commissioning of the Parish Council Internal Auditor to assist in the creation of the document
  • Initial contact with organisers of Community Hub and similar facilities run on a charitable basis who can provide sight of their business plans and advise from their experience of key issues, operational aspects etc.

In addition, the Charitable Trust will, of course, eventually need to take ownership of the Business Plan and manage is execution. To this end, the formation of the core of the organisation that will eventually become the charitable trust is a matter of priority and urgency for the Hub Project. To this end, steps have now been taken towards its formation.

Charitable Trust

The Hub Subcommittee has been advised by both CPALC and ACRE that the formation of the core organisation that will eventually form the chartable trust should be commenced immediately. This is because a number of the decisions and actions that will need to take place in the near future have an impact on the ultimate operation of the Hub facility and consequently can influence its success; an important example is the creation of the business plan discussed in Section 5 above. Therefore it is important for the eventual members of the trust to be involved from an early stage.
In addition, there are a number of activities that have relatively long lead times and need to be set in motion at an early stage, for example: the arrangement of consultations with interest groups within the village, as discussed in Section 3.2 above.
The Subcommittee has been advised that the charitable trust should ideally comprise ten individuals: five representatives of the parish council and five local residents.
An approach has been made to John Travis, the chairman of the Melbourn Village Plan project, inviting him to be the chairman of the Charitable Trust. He will need to identify five appropriate local residents in the coming weeks.
The Parish Council will need to nominate five of its members to represent the interests of the Parish Council to the trust.
A further three or four residents of the village also need to be identified that are not connected with the Parish Council nor are connected with the charitable trust. There are legal technical reasons with this that can be explained at a later date.


A professional quality Project Planning software application has been purchased for use in project managing the Parish Council aspects of the Hub Project. The Parish Council project plan is in preparation and will link manually with the plans from other appropriate parties including the building providers and the charitable trust. It is likely that the Charitable Trust will need to purchase a further licence for this software application and also that sharing software will be required for use by members of the subcommittee and other relevant parties.
In the light of these further software purchases and the likely need for other items to be purchased over the course of the coming twelve months, for example legal services and on-going expenses, it is proposed that £50,000 of the ring-fenced funds for the Community Hub be retained in the community fund account for use on Hub-related project activities; to be drawn on in compliance with the normal purchasing processes and procedures.


Appendix 1: Letter to Iceni Homes

Appendix 2: Q & A list presented at the Public Meeting on 1st November

Most Asked Questions

  • What is a Hub?

Ans: A social networking centre where the village residents can meet for community related activities.

  • What is the total cost of the build?

Ans: Current estimated total cost of the fabric of the building is £504,000 but is likely to increase a little as specifications are refined. Internal fit out costs such as library shelving, furniture, etc. will be in addition.

  • What will be the running costs?

Ans: The design of the building is aimed at optimal energy efficiency. A charitable trust will operate the building in order to achieve maximum savings on tax, rates, etc. Experience from similar facilities in nearby parishes indicates that running costs can be net neutral for a non-profit operation.

  • Who will own the building

The parish.

  • Who will run the Hub?

Ans: A charitable trust will run the hub on a non-profit basis.  The parish will lease the building to the trust at a peppercorn rate.

  • Who will make up the Charitable Trust

Ans: The charitable trust will comprise members of the village plan, members of the parish council, and other residents.

  • How much is all this going to cost me and for how long?

Ans: The consultation document stated that the yearly repayment cost of the loan would be in the region of £22,000; equating to approximately £1.12 per household per month (based on band D properties). The Parish Council is mindful of government recommendations for rate increases in the coming years. The precept for 2012/13 will not be increased.

  • Is this a done deal?

Ans: Yes this project is going ahead subject to planning permission. We have carried out a diligent consultation process inspired by a widespread request for this facility that emerged from the Village Plan survey. The response of the residents is strongly in favour of a Hub and the Parish Council has made the decision based on this residents’ response.

  • Why could you not have waited until the economic climate is better?

Ans: We will probably never again be presented with such a good opportunity for a central location for a Hub facility.

  • When is it all going to start?

Ans: Construction will commence in summer 2012, pending timely granting of planning permission.

  • Who is going to use the building?

Ans: The building is intended for the use and benefit of residents of all ages. A key aim of the architecture and the fit-out will be flexibility of use. For example, the library shelves will be mobile to enable the space to be freed up for other purposes.

  • Will the library be open all day?

Ans: This is not yet established but it is intended that the building will be open during normal working hours and so increased regulated library hours would be possible if the library volunteers so wish.

  • Is the ATM going to be free?

Ans: It is the intention that the ATM operation will be free. However, whether this is possible will be governed by the amount of usage.

  • Can I buy food there?

Ans: One of the intended functions of the building is as a meeting place in which light refreshments – beverages, cakes, biscuits will be available. The charitable trust will need to establish what is possible, based on demand and feasibility (H & S etc.).

  • Will I be able to have big parties in the Hub?

Ans: No, the intention is that the Hub is available for the use of community and special interest groups of all types and ages.  Other facilities are already available in the village for big parties. It is hoped that the hire of all such facilities in the village might be promoted via the Hub reception.

  • Can we rent it for evening events?

Ans: Yes, in line with the comments above on parties.

  • Will I be able to use the computers and the Wi-Fi free?

Ans: Yes. It is hoped that volunteers will come forward to provide Silver Surfer support to less confident users.

  • Why have you put more meeting rooms in when we have so many already?

Ans: It was expressed in the village plan that residents would like additional small meeting rooms.  Two rooms in the Hub can be used for meetings, of typically up to ten people. The library area can be converted for use as a slightly larger meeting area in some circumstances.

  • What is the capacity of the meeting rooms?

Ans: Downstairs room: roughly ten people for a meeting around a table.  Upstairs room: approximately 14 people.

  • How big is the library space?

Ans: 90 square metres (comparable with the current library)

  • What else could we use the library space for?

Ans: Small temporary exhibitions, small fundraising events, discussion groups, etc.

  • How much will it cost to rent the space(s)?

Ans: It is intended to make the use of the facility cost effective for all members of the community and rates may vary according to the use for which it is rented. However, it is not the intention to run in competition with other facilities in the village. The rents will be determined by the need for the hub to be a viable non-profit operation.

  • I suppose there will be car parking on the High Street now?

Ans: The parish council has recently taken out a 125 year lease on the village car park opposite the Hub and are in the process of improving its layout to alleviate parking on the High Street. We have the aim of providing a pedestrian crossing at this point too.

Appendix 3: Article in the Melbourn Magazine

The Old Police Site…
In 2009 the Police Authority sold the Old Police Station to the housing association Iceni/Hundred Houses, for redevelopment involving the construction of affordable housing.
In 2010 informal discussions took place between the Parish Council and the developers to establish what plans were envisaged for the site.
Following these discussions, the developers agreed to build a community building at the front of the site, which would reduce the number of houses built. It was also agreed that the Parish Council could purchase the land at the front of the site on both sides of the entrance road. Following this proposal, the developers revised their plans and suggested that only fourteen dwellings would be built. However, this has since been further reduced to thirteen.
As the position of the site comes under the restrictions of the conservation area, a low community building is to be built. The community building is to be set back almost to the line of the current Police garage buildings and as such, the visual impact on this important area will be far less than it would have been, had the proposed building of the twenty houses gone ahead.
The Parish Council has used Melbourn Magazine and the Melbourn Village Website to inform the village about the progress of the site and a possible community centre or HUB. The Council has explained to the residents the proposals, the benefits of the building and suggested its possible uses.
Vision for the Community Hub
Melbourn Parish Council took the opportunity to consult the residents of Melbourn on whether or not a community centre/hub should be built. The Council felt that a rigorous consultation process should be undertaken. The most transparent and proper route was to consult the entire village and not just a representative section of the community, as is widely practised elsewhere. A Consultation Document was delivered to every household in the parish of Melbourn. The community was asked whether or not ‘residents thought the village would benefit from the provision of a community hub’, centrally located on the old police site, High Street.
The Council has had complements from Cambridge Acre, SCDC electoral services and CPALC on the vigorousness and thoroughness of the consultation. The CEO of CPALC has commented that he sees the process that the Parish Council has gone through has evolved into a template, or best practice guide for other like-minded councils to follow.
A great deal of planning took place to ensure all members of the community were informed of the proposal to build a community hub and had an opportunity to vote. Every effort was made to include all residents.
Along with the thoroughness of the process, the Council were mindful of costs. When the process above was costed, the total bill amounted to £752.
Results from the Melbourn Village Plan survey (52% of households responded, constituting 1830 individuals) were also taken into account in assessing the views of Melbourn residents, which showed a widespread desire for a ‘Village Centre Facility’.
There was a very strong feeling that the library facilities should continue in the village, and that the facilities need to be improved. There was also strong support from both adults and youth for a meeting place for the young. The meeting place to include a coffee shop, Internet café and meeting room.
Hub services and facilities
The comments from the Hub Consultation exercise appear to be consistent with the comments obtained from the survey for the Village Plan.
These include a Library facility; Community access point (CAP); information facilities, including Wi-Fi and Internet access. Access to people who can advise / answer appropriate and important queries.
Convenient and efficiently managed access to the Parish Clerk on village matters would be of tremendous value to the entire village and so location of the parish office at the Community Hub will be beneficial.
A comfortable casual meeting place for people of all ages with coffee / refreshment-making facilities (not necessarily a kitchen). Small meeting room facilities, which are easy and economic to hire for short, non-routine meetings. Flexibility to rearrange the spaces in the Hub to cater for a variety of types of usage, such as support services / CAB / job opportunities / youth support, meetings of special interest groups, etc. An ATM, preferably without commission charges. Toilets, including facilities for disabled and baby changing. Space for the display of high interest artefacts and small, short-term exhibitions, etc.
A nearby safe pedestrian crossing is desirable
By making the best possible use, of the space available, the aim will be to satisfy as many as possible of the needs and hopes of Melbourn residents.
Therefore, a driving principle of the design will need to be flexibility. For example, mobile shelving for the library would enable that same space to be used for the temporary display of exhibition material.
The estimated cost for this project is £504,000 and the finance package for the Community Hub will be made up from several funding streams. The intention is to access grant funding where possible to ease the ultimate burden on the Council taxpayer.
In August 2011 the full Parish Council agreed to make available to the project £250,000. The Council is also exploring other routes of funding. These include, Grant funding from SCDC’s capital grants program. Small grants, from SCDC funding toolkit. Negotiations for S106 monies, and the public works loan board for the remainder. The loan can be repaid over twenty years. The yearly repayment cost of the loan, would be in the region of £22,000. This equates to approximately £1.12 per household – per month (based on band D properties). Opportunities to minimise repayment costs through active management of the loan are being investigated and may result in a shorter repayment period
The Parish Council is aware of the potential running costs for the building and is looking for ways to reduce these. These include installing solar panels on the building, already incorporated in the price given above. Installation would enable us to take advantage of the feed-in tariffs that the village would receive from the generation of clean electricity.
The Parish Council is aware that there is a significant amount of work involved in carrying out the provision of the community hub facility. It is proposed that the operation of the Hub facility is carried out by a charitable trust, which will take on the task of establishing the necessary operational running of the Hub.
This project has the potential to benefit everyone in the village.
The full Consultation Report is available at the Parish Office, in

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council