Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 25th October 2010 at All Saints’ Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, A. Brett, R. Gatward,
J. Hales, A. Mulcock, P. Simmonett, M. Townsend and R. Wakerley
In attendance: The Clerk, C. Cllr Van de Ven, 3 members of the public (part time).
435/10 Apologies for absence: Cllrs. Hardingham, Linnette and Sherwen, and the Clerk.
436/10 Declarations of Interest: Cllr. Barrett declared Personal Interests in Item 449/10(a). Cllr. Hales declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 360/10. Cllr. Gatward declared a Personal interest in Item 448/10.
437/10 Melbourn Dynamos Football Club.
Mr. Blake Carrington and Mr. David Adkins gave their thanks to the Parish Council for allowing the youth football club to play on the Recreation Field pitches. They asked if the Council would consider a reduction in the standard fee as the team was for young players and did not use the Pavilion facilities. After discussion and questioning it was proposed by Cllr Wakerley that THE CHARGES FOR THE USE OF THE FOOTBALL PITCH ON THE NEW RECREATION GROUND BY THE MELBOURN DYNAMOS FOOTBALL CLUB BE DEFERRED FOR THIS SEASON. Seconded by Cllr. Brett and CARRIED.
438/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2010:
Cllr. Barrett asked that her written report on Item 371/10 be included with the minutes. The meeting agreed and it was proposed by Cllr. Simmonett and seconded by Cllr. Gatward that the minutes of 27th September be signed as a true record.
439/10 Matters arising:
Cllr. Mulcock asked how the items not covered (372/10 – 379/10) would be dealt with. Some items were to be covered at this meeting and any others dealt with by the relevant Committee.
440/10 To receive the Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 4th and 18th October 2010:
Cllr. Brett asked that corrections were made to Items 423/10(e), (f), 425/10 and 435/10. These will be made before the Minutes are presented for approval at the Planning Committee meeting on 1st November 2010.
441/10 To consider arrangements for the Chairman’s Reception:
After discussion it was agreed that the reception would be held on Tuesday 22nd December in the All Saints’ Community Hall. A small Working Party consisting of Cllrs. Barrett, Gatward and Hales was formed to make the arrangements.
442/10 To consider the purchase of the Old Recreation Ground in The Moor:
Cllr. Brett referred the meeting to the attached documents. The terms had been agreed but the Parish Council’s solicitor is unhappy that the Church Commissioners solicitors are requesting an extra £500 in costs. Cllr. Brett reported that he had in fact since negotiated with the agent of the Church Commissioners that those extra costs would be paid by the Church Commissioners if the documentation is agreed, and he had circulated this information to all Councillors before the meeting. The Council were not aware of any activities on the site in the past that may have caused contamination of any sort. Cllr. Brett’s personal view was that the Parish Council should therefore not withdraw from the purchase simply because of the contamination issue. It was proposed by Cllr. Hales that THE PARISH COUNCIL SHOULD ACCEPT THE PROVISIONS AND CONTINUE WITH THE PURCHASE OF THE OLD RECREATION GROUND BUT SHOULD NOT PAY THE £500 COSTS REQUESTED. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett and CARRIED.
The Clerk was asked to check whether any rates would be payable on the site.
443/10 Heydon Grange Wind Farm:
Nothing to report. It was proposed that this item is removed from the agenda until there is anything to report. It will be reviewed at the meeting of the Planning Committee
444/10 Request of Melbourn Public Art Project to have a Fire Sculpture in Stockbridge Meadows:
[At 8.05 the Chairman suspended Standing Orders and asked the member of the public present if he wished to address the meeting]
[At 8.07 the Chairman resumed Standing Orders]
A ‘Fire Party’ is advertised by the Public Art Project on 21st November 2010. The Parish Council was concerned that this had been advertised without consultation or approval. It is believed that the project will consist of a lantern procession to the site and artistic illusion. The Council would allow the activity to go ahead but with no open fire in the meadow. Cllrs, Gatward, Hales and Sherwen, members of the sub-committee will consult with the organiser.
445/10 Relocation of the Parish Office:
Cllr. Brett presented the Council with a list of Heads of Terms for the Council to rent an office in MVC as a result of a meeting between Cllr. Hales and Cllr Simmonett with the Bursar of MVC. If the Council agreed with the terms it could take possession of the office from 17th December 2010 if MVC agreed. It was proposed by Cllr. Hales that THE PARISH COUNCIL MOVE TO THE PROPOSED OFFICE AT MELBOURN VILLAGE COLLEGE ON THE TERMS STATED. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett and CARRIED.
The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to all those involved in the negotiations.
At this point due to the need to advertise in the next issue of the Melbourn Magazine it was agreed to discuss the appointment of a new Clerk. Cllr. Hales, with others, had produced a number of papers consisting of an Application Form, Advertisements, costings for these and a proposed timetable. These had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. There was a discussion over the documents which were approved. Cllr. Hales agreed to show the application form to SCDC for their comments. The timetable of events was discussed, adverts will be placed at the beginning of December with the view to receiving all applications by the second week of January. Interviews to take place in the first week of February with the hope of employing the successful candidate within weeks of that date.
Advertisements will be placed in the Melbourn Magazine, The Cambridge Evening News and The Royston Crow. The interview team will consist of; The Chairman, Cllrs Townsend and Hales and the Clerk.
446/10 The Council’s position with regard to financial support for the Youth Club:
450/10 As C. Cllr Van de Ven’s report included a reference to this item it was agreed to take Item 450/10 at this point.
Melbourn Youth Club acts as a catchment area for a number of the surrounding villages, of 53 attendees over the last year 24 have been from other villages. If Melbourn Parish Council decides it wishes to take the lead in ensuring that the YC has financial resources to continue this year Parish Councils in the area were enthusiastic about making proportional financial contributions. It was agreed in principle and that the Parish Council should write to Anna O’Leary and to work out the details of such an arrangement. X. Cllr. van de Ven would draft the letter to be approved by Cllr Brett. It was agreed that this would be considered by the F & G P committee.
Access Road to surgery. C Cllr V d V had contacted Orchard Surgery about gritting the road in winter and is waiting to hear back.
The BBC Politics show is doing a focus on Melbourn Library Access Point this Sunday (Oct 31st).
A “Connexions Bus” (a mobile youth club) is visiting Melbourn every two weeks until December.
New community activities have now come to Melbourn Sports Centre and the Village College complex. These include Judo and children’s and adult’s tennis coaching.
447/10 Financial Report as at 30th September: Noted
448/10 Cheques to be signed: <Click on Link>
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £22,000 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £66.00 from the Magazine Account to the Business No Notice Account.
It was proposed by Cllr. Wakerley that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Hales and Carried.
449/10 Correspondence:
(a) Brenda Meliniotis – Double Yellow lines outside the Francis John Clear Almshouses. CCC Highways made the decision and the Parish Council was not informed. Mrs Meliniotis is recommended to contact David Lines, CCC Highways.
(b) SLCC – requesting that professional memberships or training plans come under scrutiny in the coming budget round. Noted.
(c) Melbourn PTFA – Requesting permission to erect a sign on The Cross. Granted.
(d) HSBC – HSBC new Commercial Manager. Noted.
(e) Church Commissioners – Melbourn Recreation Ground. This was covered in Item 442/10 above.
(f) Ms Renwick, 23a Orchard Road – hedge bordering her property and Orchard Road Cemetery. This will be referred to the next meeting of the Cemetery Committee.
(g) Mrs J Picking – Stockbridge Meadows Nature Reserve, bonfire party. This was discussed under Item 444/10.
(h) Cllr. Gatward referred to a request for volunteers to help a project “Planning our Parishes”. Cllr. Mulcock agreed to represent Melbourn PC.
(i) No further correspondence was received.
450/10 Report from C. Cllr V. de Ven.
See Item 446/10 above.
451/10 Cemetery & Churchyard Inspection Report:
Cllr. Gatward had carried out the October inspection. While things were generally in order she felt Orchard Road cemetery had deteriorated. This will be discussed at the next meeting of the Cemetery Committee.
452/10 New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Townsend reported that Cllr. Sherwen was seeking quotations for improving the spoil storage.
Cllr. Gatward reported that PAS have been asked to remove the existing water points and will then discuss the installation of new ones.
Cllrs. Hales and Simmonett are investigating the feasibility of contracting out the maintenance of both New Road and Orchard Road cemeteries.
[As the time was approaching 10.00pm it was proposed by Cllr. Townsend and seconded by Cllr. Hales that the meeting continue till 10.30pm]
453/10 Village Car Park:
There had been no further developments since the last meeting of the Planning Committee.
454/10 BMX Trails:
Cllr Barrett reported that the site and organisation are now coming together and are 65% completed. The fencing will be erected next week, Change of Use has not been granted, forming a committee of the BMX club is continuing and the security of the site is nearly there.
455/10 Anti Social behaviour of motor vehicles in The Moor:
Nothing further to report.
456/10 Village Plan:
Cllr. Brett reported that the statistical analysis of the questionnaires received has been completed and a first draft of the report is being compiled.
A ‘Volunteers Day’ has been arranged for the afternoon of 4th Dec at the All Saints Community Hall to thank the people helping with the survey and others who have volunteered to help the village in various ways. While the Parish Council was not specifically involved the Chairman and certain agreed Councillors were to be invited.
457/10 Neighbourhood Panel:
It would appear that there has been a decrease in anti-social behaviour in the village and this may be in part due to an increased police presence.
458/10 Committee Reports:
(a) Cemetery – Cllr Townsend referred Councillors to the minutes attached.
(b) Conservation – Cllr Gatward reported that the grass blocks at the entrance to Stockbridge Meadows had been installed. After discussion it was agreed that the chain on the disabled access gate should be removed.
(d) Urgent reports from Committee Chairmen: There were no further reports.
459/10 Future Meetings.
(a) 1st November – Planning.
(b) 8th November – Highways & Rural Footpaths, Play Areas & Recreation.
(c) 15th November – Planning
(d) 22nd November – Full Parish Council Meeting.
(e) 29th November – Finance & General Purposes.
460/10 Urgent Matters:
Councillors asked that The Cross is tidied for Remembrance Day on 11th November, this is in hand. Councillors were encouraged to attend the Remembrance Day service on Sunday 14th November.