Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 24th August at Vicarage Close Community Centre at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, A. Brett, J. Guest,
J. Hales, R. Gatward, M. Linnette, C. Purbrook, J. Robson, M. Sherwen, C. Stead,
M. Townsend and R. Wakerley
In attendance: The Clerk,
214/09 Apologies for absence: Cllr. D. Hardingham and C. Cllr. Susan van de Ven
215/09 Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
216/09 Minutes of the meeting held on 27th July 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Wakerley and seconded by Cllr. Barrett that the minutes of 27th July 2009 be signed as a true record.
217/09 Matters arising: There were no matters arising
218/09 Minutes of the Planning Committee:
3rd August: Item 177/09 (White House Farm) The first sentence should read “Cllr. Barrett following a complaint from a nearby resident informed the Enforcement Officer that lorries were visiting the site on a regular basis.”
17th August: Item 207/09 (Parish Facilities) Cllr. Sherwen enquired if the Clerk had contacted Linton Council with regard to the BMX Trails. The Clerk replied that she had done so but as yet had not received a reply.
219/09 Finance and General Purpose Committee:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward THAT CLLR. PURBROOK BE INVITED TO SERVE ON THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. Seconded by Cllr. Bloomfield and CARRIED. Cllr. Purbrook accepted this invitation to serve on the committee.
[Cllr. Hales declared a personal interest in item 220/09]
220/09 Allotment Rents:
It was proposed by Cllr Stead THAT THE COUNCIL RAISES THE RENTS OF ALL ALLOTMENTS BY £2 FOR THE YEAR 2009/2010. THESE RENTS ARE TO BE REVIEWED ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. Seconded by Cllr. Wakerley and CARRIED with one abstention.
221/09 Financial Report as at 31st July: Noted
222/09 Cheques to be signed:
Cheque list for August 09
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £ 11,300 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £139 from the Magazine Account to the Business No Notice Account.
It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Stead and carried with one abstention.
Cllr. Gatward did not vote on this matter as she was a Cheque recipient.
The Clerk was asked to write to BT with regard to clarification on payment times of Local Government Bills.
223/09 Correspondence:
(a) Letter from Royston and District Community Transport – thanking Melbourn Parish council for its continued support and most generous award of £400. Noted
(b) Copy of letter + plan sent to C. Cllr from Richard Preston, Head of Network Management for CCC – Waiting restrictions, Station Road.
The Clerk was requested to call a public meeting which will be held at the Village College in October commencing at 6.30pm. This will be followed by the Neighbourhood Panel meeting. Cllr. Bloomfield is to advise the Clerk of the date of the Neighbourhood Panel Meeting.
The Clerk is to invite Mr Richard Preston and the Police to attend.
To inform people of this meeting a letter will be sent to all residents on Station Road, a notice will be put in The Crow and on the village notice board.
(c) E-mail from Mrs Taylor – Problem with rabbits down The Moor.
The Clerk is to contact Mrs Taylor and tell her that unfortunately rabbits on private land are the householder’s responsibility.
(d) E-mail from Kylie Kavanagh, Waste, Recycling and Minimisation Officer – Textile Bank.
The Clerk is to write saying the Parish Council has no wish for a textile bin.
(e) SCDC, Multi Agency Project – request for appropriate community based buildings. The Clerk is to inform CCC of John Impey Way and Vicarage Close Community centres all of which come under SDCD Sheltered Housing Scheme. Cllr. Gatward will pass on details of All Saints’ Community Hall.
(f) CCC – Emergency Planning Awareness Seminar.
Cllrs. Stead and Townsend will attend this meeting.
The Clerk will notify the Emergency Management Officer of these attendances.
(g) E-mail from Mr. Larcombe – advice on wording for sign.
The Council agreed that Cllr. Linnette was to source a notice which would inform the public that the site is not open to the public at the present time.
The Clerk is to contact the Insurance Company with regard to the difference for insurance purposes of a BMX Track and BMX Trails.
The Clerk is to contact Mr Larcombe with regard to the registration of this land.
[At this point in the meeting Cllrs. Purbrook and Stead left the meeting, the time being 9.00pm]
(h) SCDC – Car Park off High Street, Melbourn.
The Clerk is to write to Jenny Clark requesting that the third paragraph in her letter to the Parish Council be altered to read “50% of any sums received by the Parish Council on development”. The Clerk is also to supply the name and address of the Council’s Solicitor.
(i) SCDC – Scrutiny and Overview Committee of SCDC. Noted
(j) CALC – The Future Jobs Fund.
The Clerk is to contact CALC and say that the Parish Council would be interested in this matter.
(k) Letter from Matthew Lane Sanderson – Invoice No I
The Clerk is to write to Matthew informing him of the price set for this work and that the Council believes that this first amount paid is part of the total sum which will include design, manufacture and installation. She is also to inform Matthew that the Cemetery Committee will meet on 7th September to discuss his design.
(l) No further correspondence was received.
224/09 Report from County Cllr. Susan van de Ven:
There was no report due to C. Cllr van de Ven being away on holiday.
225/09 Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record:
No report was given as it was not clear which Councillor should have been carrying out the inspection.
226/09 New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Sherwen reported that time was now being spent concentrating on sorting out the whole area. There was a need to decide what to do with the mound. Regular mowing needs to be carried out, trees need to be replaced and supports for the remaining trees need attention.
227/09 Further Developments to Village Car Park:
This had been dealt with under Correspondence item (i).
228/09 Update on BMX Trails:
This had been dealt with under Correspondence item (g)
229/09 ASB High Street Panel:
In future this item is to be entitled “Problem Solving Group”. Next meeting to take place on 4th September at 2.00pm at the Police Station.
230/09 Parish Plan:
Cllr. Robson informed the meeting that the Parish Plan has now been changed to Melbourn Village Plan. This decision was taken at the meeting of the Steering Committee held on Monday 17th of August. It was at this meeting that the officers had been duly elected.
The Chairman, Mr John Travis, would like to introduce himself to the Council. Cllr. Robson is to ask him to attend the Parish Council meeting in September when he will be asked to address the meeting during the period set aside for Public Participation.
At present there are 9 members of the Steering Committee and the committee is looking to recruit 3 to 6 more members.
231/09 Neighbourhood Panel:
No Councillors were available to attend the last meeting. The next meeting is to be held in October at Melbourn Village College.
232/09 Cars for sale being parked in Bus Stop Bay opposite Portway:
As requested Cllr. Barrett had reported this matter to the Police who had handed it over to Trading Standards.
233/09 Committees:
(a) Play Areas, Recreation and Youth: Item 186 (d) (Correspondence) The Clerk was asked if she had received a reply to her e-mail to Gillian Morland. The Clerk advised that she had received no reply.
Cllr. Townsend spoke about the One-on-One Basketball Court which she seemed to think was not in the intended position. She was told by Cllr. Bloomfield that it had been moved as it was thought that it was better positioned away from the changing room.
The matter of the Rocking Horse was discussed. Cllr. Robson had been in contact with a mobile welding unit who could repair the horse. The Clerk had been in contact with Morley Manufacturing who could also repair the horse. The Clerk is waiting for a price for this work. Morley Manufacturing are also going to provide a price for the replacement metal post on the Old Recreation Ground.
Cllr. Guest enquired if JW Maintenance was going to purchase the White Lining machine. The Clerk reported that as yet she had not heard from JW Maintenance on this matter.
(b) Cemeteries: Cllr. Sherwen reported that at the present time the three lots of the Anglo-Saxon remains which are to be returned to the Council are having the investigation work carried out. The £900 paid for this work covers all the remaining Anglo-Saxon remains and Cllr. Sherwen has been assured that there will be no more charges made when the rest of the remains are returned in due course.
(c) Urgent reports from Committee Chairmen: There were no urgent reports.
234/09 Future Meetings.
(a) 7th September – Planning + Cemetery
(b) 14th September – Highways and Rural Footpaths + Conservation
(c) 21st September – Planning + Cemetery
(d) 28th September – Parish Council
235/09 Urgent Matters.
Cllr. Linnette reported that Youth Projects have £95,000 to give to Youth activities. Either he or Cllr. Barrett will write for an application form.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm