Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 27th February, 2012 at All Saints Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, J. Poley, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M. Townsend, Bloomfield, Barrett, Townsend, Wakerley and Mulcock.
In attendance: The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven and 11 members of the public.
694/11 Apologies for absence: Cllr Linnette
695/11 Declarations of Interest:
Cllrs Mowatt and Brett declared a Personal interest in 701/11 and 705/11(i) as they live on the High Street.
Cllrs Bloomfield and Wakerley declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in 704/11 as cheque recipients for people known or working for them.
696/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January, 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr Gatward and seconded by Cllr Hales that the minutes of 23rd January be signed as a true record. This was carried.
697/11 Matters arising:
- 621/11: Cllr Stead reported that he had been in touch with the farmer over the possible siting of the Beacon for the Jubilee and would report back.
- Addendum: Cllr Stead reported that he was working on the Emergency Plan and it should be placed on the agenda for next time
698/11 To consider an application for co-option to the Parish Council
It was proposed by Cllr Poley and seconded by Cllr Brett that Kimmi Crosby be admitted as a member of the Parish Council. This was carried. Cllr Crosby took her place at the Council table.
The Parish Clerk to complete the formalities within the next few days.
699/11 To receive a report from C. Cllr van de Ven
C.Cllr van de Ven presented her report:-
Melbourn Parish Council, County Councillor Report, February, 2012
1. PSG – meeting March 13th. With PC’s permission I would like to invite Mr Joe Astley to our next meeting to hear his ideas, following his letter to the parish council. It seems an opportune time given the PSG’s commitment now to help with the implementation of the Village Plan, and it seems sensible to be proactive rather than reactive in thinking how the village might address the needs outlined in Mr Atsley’s letter – safe, well-lit meeting place for young people.
2. Rail User Group 7:30 March 14th, at Meldreth Manor School, free flower seed packets to help promote the Railway Gardens project. I hope a parish council rep might be able to attend.
Arriva came and saw the old photographs in the station bearing the name Meldreth and Melbourn. They also concurred with Railfuture’s view that the station’s footfall count warrants a half-hourly service.
3. Bikeability will now be universally offered to primary schools free of charge, which is what should have happened this year – the council had been charging £15 admin fee. Safer Cycling is to be discontinued and all emphasis put on Bikeability which is offered to a professional standard.
4. Pippins Children’s Centre will see a funding reduction of about 15%. This is very concerning. I am meeting the Children’s Centre Team on March 20th to learn more.
5. Bus subsidy withdrawal: The 127 will lose subsidy Sept. 2014. Cost per journey is £2.14. County have committed to doing their best to providing an alternative service with less funding. More on this next time.
6. Path – Armingford/Hale Close: Thanks to Luke Peploe from Hale Close for copying me on his email to the county estates regarding the unannounced arrival of a county contractor to clear the county’s path between Hale Close and Armingford Crescent. Luke, County officer and I met on Friday for two hours so I’m familiar with the site now.
I said to the county council that it would have been very easy for them to contact us to let us know they were going to carry out this work, and explained that we have just been through a similar unfortunate event with County Rights of Way in Greengage Rise.
I can understand that people who live on either side of the lane have been pretty appalled by the sudden destruction behind their garden fences – which County officer said was indeed more extensive than had been requested.
I understand that apart from the lack of communication, people are upset about
1) spending public money on something whose value isn’t immediately obvious, when it could be spent on something else, and 2) they are concerned about ASB.
County say that they should have maintained this land and are doing an overdue job, and for legal reasons need to protect consistent boundaries and access.
I promised I would take any questions or concerns tonight back to the officers.
[At this point,7.46p.m., Standing Orders were suspended in order to allow members of the public to express their concerns on this issue: see Addendum]
[Standing Orders were resumed at 8.05p.m.]
700/11 To consider a request from MVPIT to use the bank account named ‘Parish Plan’
A resolution of the Council was proposed by Cllr Barrett and seconded by Cllr Wakerley THAT THE BANK ACCOUNT NAMED ‘PARISH PLAN’ BE USED BY MVPIT AND THAT IT SHOULD TAKE OVER THE EXISTING BALANCE IN THE ACCOUNT’. This was CARRIED.
701/11 Report on the Police Site:
Cllr Poley presented the February Report of the Community Hub Sub-committee (see Appendix 1).
Cllr Poley provided a brief summary of the enclosed report.
- The purchase contract was now the subject of negotiations between the two solicitors;
- A pre-application for Planning permission has been submitted. As a result, the Planning officer called a meeting of the relevant parties for last Friday which representatives of the Parish Council witnessed. As a result of this meeting, Cllr Poley believes the project will go ahead with some modifications which are being dealt with by the architect.
- The sub-committee held discussions on 1St February with the Architect and the Quantity Surveyor about the Design Brief. The Quantity Surveyor provided an update on the cost estimate. With regard to due diligence, a second opinion is being sort from an independent Quantity Surveyor, as recommended by our solicitor. This work was temporarily halted prior to the planning discussion meeting of Friday last but has now been reactivated. Cost proposals should be presented at the next Parish Council meeting.
- The proposed dual heating system is not viable;
- There is a potential issue regarding the fitting of PV panels which needs in-depth review. As a result, the PV panels will not be included but it may be possible to fit them retrospectively without additional cost.
- The Holding Trust is up and running.
702/11 To consider signing of the S106 agreement for development of the land adj to 15, The Lawns, Melbourn.
This was signed by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council as witnessed by the Parish Clerk.
703/11 To receive the Financial Report dated 31st January, 2012
Cllr Mulcock asked a question about the amount of money kept in the Business ‘No Notice’ Account and whether or not it would be better to swap the amount in this account with the balance in the ‘14-Day Notice’ account. There followed a general discussion about the efficacy of keeping the money in the present accounts and what might be done to obtain the best interest rates for the money. The Clerk to investigate.
704/11 To receive a details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice Account’.
[Cllrs Bloomfield and Wakerley left the meeting at 8.30p.m.]
Cheque list Start of year 01/04/11
Cheque Paid
number Tn. no date Gross Vat Net Cttee Supplier Details
103289 25035 27/02/12 £3,504.00 £584.00 £2,920.00 Cncl Matthew Lane Sanderson Final payment for the extension to the railings in NRC
103290 25037 27/02/12 £19.65 £3.27 £16.38 Cncl Stationery Cupboard paper + memo duplicate book
103290 25046 27/02/12 £65.80 £10.97 £54.83 Cncl Stationery Cupboard paper & envelopes
103290 27/02/12 £85.45 £14.24 £71.21
103291 25040 27/02/12 £550.00 £0.00 £550.00 Cncl Melbourn Village College Office rent
103292 25042 27/02/12 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 Cncl Herts And Cambs Ground overmark 2 pitches
103292 25043 27/02/12 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 Cncl Herts And Cambs Ground overmark 2 pitches
103292 27/02/12 £168.00 £28.00 £140.00
103293 25044 27/02/12 £181.77 £30.30 £151.47 Cncl British Telecom Rental & charges
103294 25045 27/02/12 £14.99 £2.50 £12.49 Cncl Staples Uk Limited 6mm combinder
103295 25047 27/02/12 £87.36 £14.56 £72.80 Cncl Ricoh Capital Limited click charges
103296 25048 27/02/12 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 Cncl Unlimited Logos Metal detectors board
103296 25050 27/02/12 £42.00 £7.00 £35.00 Cncl Unlimited Logos 10 sets of vinyl text
103296 27/02/12 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00
103297 25049 27/02/12 £10.00 £0.00 £10.00 Cncl CAPS Deduction for P Andrew’s wages
103298 25051 27/02/12 £42.12 £7.02 £35.10 Cncl South Cambs District Council Dog bin collections: 9
103299 25052 27/02/12 £495.00 £0.00 £495.00 Cncl Shire Landscapes remove dead wood & rook nests from London Plain trees
103299 25053 27/02/12 £485.00 £0.00 £485.00 Cncl Shire Landscapes Fell ash tree & crown yews in Orchard Road Cemetery
103299 27/02/12 £980.00 £0.00 £980.00
103300 25054 27/02/12 £230.00 £0.00 £230.00 Cncl Bradley Surveyors Land registry site plan
103301 25055 27/02/12 £18.00 £3.00 £15.00 Cncl Wrights Mower Centre 2x snow shovels
103302 25056 27/02/12 £6.72 £1.12 £5.60 Cncl Vodafone Ltd phone bill for Feb
103303 25057 27/02/12 £10.13 £0.48 £9.65 Cncl e.0n Electricity for Orchard Road Cemetery
103303 25058 27/02/12 £26.53 £1.26 £25.27 Cncl e.0n electridity for Sports Social Club
103303 25059 27/02/12 £99.14 £4.72 £94.42 Cncl e.0n Electricity for The Pavilion
103303 27/02/12 £135.80 £6.46 £129.34
103304 25062 27/02/12 £10.50 £0.00 £10.50 Cncl Alison Cockburn Wages for cleaning pavilion
103305 25063 27/02/12 £21.00 £0.00 £21.00 Cncl Janice Wakerley wages for cleaning the pavilion
103306 25064 27/02/12 £610.20 £0.00 £610.20 Cncl K. Rudge wages for Feb 2012
103306 25065 27/02/12 £67.80 £0.00 £67.80 Cncl K. Rudge Mileage allowance 113×0. S
103306 27/02/12 £678.00 £0.00 £678.00
103307 25066 27/02/12 £447.53 £0.00 £447.53 Cncl G.D. Squires Wages Feb 2012
103307 25067 27/02/12 £19.80 £0.00 £19.80 Cncl G.D. Squires Mileage allowance 33×0.60
103307 27/02/12 £467.33 £0.00 £467.33
103308 25068 27/02/12 £989.28 £0.00 £989.28 Cncl P. Andrews Wages February 2012
103309 25069 27/02/12 £1,368.17 £0.00 £1,368.17 Cncl Peter Horley Clerk’s salary Feb 2012
103310 25070 27/02/12 £1,013.33 £0.00 £1,013.33 Cncl HM Revenue & Customs Tax + NI Feb 2012
Total £10,645.82
Cllr Hales asked the Clerk to check the electricity account for The Sports and Social Club to ensure this wasn’t linked to Little Hands Nursery.
Cllr Hales said that, in the light of continuing problems with the salt bins, would it be possible to stencil and paint words on in future.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £12,000 from the Business No Notice account to the current account. It was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Sherwen that the cheque list be received as true and accurate. This was carried.
705/11 Correspondence:
(a) E-Mail from Circus Tyanna asking permission to hold the circus on the Old Recreation Ground: Unfortunately, the dates offered clash with the weekend of the Village Fete, so Circus Tyanna will be asked to provide alternative dates;
(b) E-Mail from Joe Astley on Youth issues: This e-mail to go forward to the PSG for consideration in order to establish dialogue between interested parties in working towards improving facilities within Melbourn;
(c) Letter from Ray Pritchard requesting the Parish Council to purchase a tub for flowers in the centre of the village. The Clerk to write to Mr Pritchard suggesting he contacts ‘Melbourn in Bloom’;
(d) E-mail : Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework: This item was remitted to the Planning Committee for consideration;
(e) E-mail: South Cambs District Council Open Spaces Study: this item was remitted to the Conservation Committee;
(f) E-mail: Melbourn Parish Plan Case Study Request from Cambridgeshire ACRE: this contact was welcomed and the contents noted. The Clerk to write;
(g) E-mail: Minor Highway Improvements Applications: this informed the Council of an upcoming meeting about allocating Minor Highway Improvement Grants. Cllrs Hales & Simmonett to attend the meeting and to support the Council’s bid for a zebra crossing in the High Street;
(h) E-Mail stream concerning the access track to rear of Armingford Crescent and Hale Close: this item was dealt with in 699/11 and is included in the addendum;
(i) E-Mail stream concerning the proposed bus shelter on the Cambridge bound side of the High Street. The Council received and considered e-mails from Stephen Camberry, Clive Purbrook and Lucy and Mike May-Gillings about the proposal. Cllr Mulcock and several other councillors expressed their surprise at the response given the fact that, at the moment, there is no proposal to erect a bus shelter on this site but only a suggestion which the council is exploring in the light of the perceived needs of the travelling public and the possibility of the building of the Community Hub. The Council expressed its regret at the perception of a lack of consultation given the fact that, as yet, there is no proposal to consult on. The Council stated that it remains committed to the principle of consultation at all levels, with all interested parties and within the issue’s historical context when, or if, the need arises. However, it also emphasised its commitment to consult and address the needs of all the residents in Melbourn. The Clerk to liaise with Cllrs Brett and Poley and to reply to the e-mails;
(j) E-mail stream concerning the revamping of the skateboard. The Council received and discussed e-mails from Dr Julian Drewe, Daniel Hatcher and Alison & Matt Harris. The Clerk to reply.
706/11 Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record.
Nothing presented. The Clerk to draw up a new Cemetery Inspection Rota.
707/11 To provide information on a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Panel
Cllr Hales reported that he had attended the meeting and had secured the same level of policing visits for Grinnell Hill, The Moor, The Surgery & Vicarage Close. The next meeting will be in May.
708/11 To receive the minutes of committee meetings:
[It was proposed by Cllr Barrett and seconded by Cllr Townsend that the meeting be extended for 15 minutes. This was carried.]
- The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of 6th & 20th February were received;
- The minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting of 13the February were received. Cllr Sherwen reported that a meeting concerning New Road Cemetery would be held on Tues 28th February in the Parish Office at 7.30p.m.
- The minutes of the Conservation Committee of 13th February were received. Cllr Gatward reported that the volunteers of Stockbridge Meadows are going to meet on Wed 7th March and Sun 25th March from 10.00-12.30p.m. to help plant the trees. It is hoped that all the trees will be planted by the end of March.
- The minutes of the Highways and Rural Footpaths Committee of 30th January were received. Cllr Stead reported that his investigations found no support for the idea of employing a ‘Smart Car’ to monitor parking violations.
- The minutes of the Play Areas and Recreation Committee of 30th January were received. Cllr Barrett requested the raising of a cheque for the BMX Trails.
709/11 Urgent Matters
- C’llr Brett asked the Clerk whether he was able to give an answer to C’llr Brett’s email to him of last week requesting, either the notification of the grant of dispensation, or confirmation from SCDC that no dispensation was required, as the MVPIT is now up and running.
- Cllr Townsend raised the issue of the commemorative mugs for the Jubilee and reported that she is still looking into the matter.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10p.m.
The issue raised by the members of the public present referred to the access track to the rear of Armingford Crescent and Hale Close. Residents voiced their concerns about the manner in which this had been approached, the nature of the clearance, the effects on adjoining properties, the lack of consultation, the possible affects on wild-life and the possible longer term objectives behind the attempted clearance. Cllr Hales voiced concern that the real issue may be the opportunity to develop part of the site for housing and he wished this to be discussed with the appropriate officer. CCllr van de Ven suggested a meeting between the residents and John MacMillan, the officer in charge together with herself and councillors. This was supported and CCllr van de Ven took the residents to another room to hear their complaints fully and to try to sort out possible dates for a meeting.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC February 2012
21st February 2012
Negotiations have commenced on the purchase contract for the Hub Building
Hundred Houses have prepared a revised cost plan for the Hub Building
Hundred Houses have submitted a pre-application enquiry for planning permission for the police site as a whole
Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………. 3
2. Interactions with Suppliers …………………………………………. 3
2.1. Purchase Contract…………………………………………… 3
2.2. Application for Planning Permission ……………………………………………………………. 3
2.3. Design Brief……………………………………………………………… 3
2.4. Strategy for Cost Control and its impact on ground source heating system selection……………………………………………………………… 4
panels ………………………………… 4
Activities………………………………………………………….. 4
Subcommittee:………………………………………………… 4
Meetings……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Reports …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Magazine…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Trust……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Purchases……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC February 2012
1. Introduction
This is the fourth progress report concerning the Community Hub Project and
summarises the work carried out by the Hub Subcommittee during the month of
February 2012.
The headings of the report follow notional project work streams and logical cross
links between streams are identified where appropriate.
Most of the work is of an on-going nature and so will be subject to further updates
in future reports.
2. Interactions with Suppliers
2.1. Purchase
Work on the purchase contract between Hundred Houses and Melbourn Parish
Council is proceeding smoothly. A meeting took place on Thursday 26th January
2012 between Hundred Houses and their solicitors, and representatives of the
Parish Council and their solicitors, to explore heads of terms. The Parish Council
Solicitors, Birketts, have now produced a first draft of the purchase contract and
are in the process of discussing this with Hundred Houses solicitors.
2.2. Application
Hundred Houses submitted a pre-application enquiry for planning permission on
3rd February. South Cambs responded to this enquiry on 17th February inviting
Hundred Houses and the Parish Council to attend a meeting on 24th February.
The purpose of the meeting for further discussion on certain …. ‘areas of the
scheme’ …. ‘prior to a formal application being submitted’. There is a possibility
that the overall site plan will require some revision, following the meeting on the
24th February. There is a further possibility that the design of the Community Hub
will also require some revision and, as a result, a modification of the Design Brief
will be necessary.
2.3. Design
A meeting took place on 1st February with Hundred Houses’ quantity surveyor
and architect and representatives of the Parish Council to discuss the latest
version of the Design Brief. At the meeting, the quantity surveyor was able to
present a revised cost plan: Cost Plan Nr 2. Cost Plan Nr 1 was prepared in the
second half of 2011 for the purpose of providing Melbourn Parish Council with a
budget estimate of the cost of the basic Hub shell outlined in early plans. Cost
Plan Nr 2 reflects the refined specification that has evolved as a result of the
extensive discussions and investigations that have taken place since October
2011. Whilst the adjustment in overall cost appears to be realistic, the Parish
Council, with the advice of their solicitors, has commissioned the services of an
independent quantity surveyor to review the current design brief and its attendant
cost plan. When the review is completed, the Hub Subcommittee will be able to
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC February 2012
produce a formal Review Report and Funding Proposal for consideration by the
full Parish Council.
The work of the quantity surveyor has been put on hold; pending the outcome of
the meeting with South Cambs. planning officers, as discussed in section 2.2
above, and any potential revision to the Design Brief that may be required as a
2.4. Strategy
We have been advised against the inclusion of a dual capability under-floor
heating system that could accommodate a retrofitted ground source heating
system at some time in the future. The advice is based on the high level of
uncertainty and high potential cost of installing such a ground source system on
an established site. As a consequence there is no provision for a ground source
heating system in the current plans and Design Brief for the Hub building.
2.5. Advice
Subsequent to the preparation of the January Hub Progress Report, concerns
have been raised about the degree of shading that will be incident on the PV
panels from the roof of the entrance porch and from surrounding trees on private
land. Resolution of these concerns would necessitate the commissioning of an
independent consultant to survey the site and advise on system viability. Such a
survey is not considered practicable within the available project timescales.
In view of this and the current uncertainty about PV panel installation costs and
future feed-in tariffs, it is now proposed that the Parish Council should delay an
investigation into the viability of a PV panel system until some point in the future,
with a view to retrofitting at that time. Unlike a ground source heating system, it
is understood that the retrofitting of PV panels is technically feasible and would
not incur unrealistic additional costs in comparison with a system fitted as part of
the initial build.
3. General Communications Activities
3.1. Formal
In place of a formal meeting, an informal meeting of the Hub Subcommittee took
place on 31st January to receive advice from Ian Dewar of CPALC on the lease
structure between the Parish Council and the charitable trust.
A formal meeting of the Hub subcommittee took place on 21st February and
minutes of this meeting will be issued according to the normal process.
3.2. Informal
The following informal meetings have taken place:
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC February 2012
? Meeting on 26th January between Hundred Houses and the representatives
of the Parish Council with their respective solicitors to commence contract
? Meeting on 1st February between with Hundred Houses quantity surveyor
architect and representatives of the parish council to discuss the Design
? Meeting on 7th February between the Holding Trust and representatives of
the Parish Council to work further on the development of the Hub
Business Plan.
? Meeting on 15th February of the Hub Holding Trust.
3.3. Press
None known of this month
3.4. Melbourn
Two articles on the Hub are included in the next edition of the magazine.
4. Project Plan
Revision of the project plan may be expected, following the outcome of
discussion with planning officers of South Cambs., scheduled for 24th February.
5. Holding Trust
The Holding Trust generates independent meeting notes. Key items from the
minutes of the meeting that took place on the 15th February are as follows:
? Holding Trust Deed:
This continues to be in the process of generation. Advice has been received
from both CPALC and ACRE on this matter and further advice is being
? Project Plan:
Further details are in the process of being added to the project plan that
will combine both Parish Council and Holding Trust activities, since it is
important these activities are harmonised.
? Work is proceeding well in the generation of a first draft of the business
? The Holding Trust has resolved to work closely with the Melbourn Plan
Implementation Team on a fund raising plan that is coordinated across all
interested parties in the village. The Holding Trust is investigating a
number of quarters with respect to the availability of grants.
? A plan is in development for structured consultation with all relevant
interest groups in and around the village on the arrangement and
operation of the Hub facility.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC February 2012
? Discussions are on-going with residents local to the Hub Building on
matters of particular interest to those living in proximity, such as hours of
6. Purchases
There have been no significant purchases this month.