Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), R. Gatward, J. Hales, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M.Linnette, V.Barrett, M.Townsend, A. Mulcock, K.Crosby, and R.Wakerley,
In attendance: The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven (after 7.30p.m.) and 1 member of the public
PC22/12: Apologies for absence: Cllrs A.Brett, J.Poley, I.Bloomfield and M.Sherwen
PC23/12: Declarations of Interest: Cllrs Mowatt declared a Personal interest in pc27/12 as he lives on the High Street.
PC24/12: Minutes of the meeting held on 28th May, 2012:
(a) PC5/12: Cllr Gatward is not a governor or the Parish Council’s representative.
It was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Hales that the minutes of 28th May, 2012 be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PC25/12: Matters arising: None
PC26/12: To receive a report from C. Cllr van de Ven: In the absence of C.Cllr van de Ven, the report was considered by the Parish Council.
Melbourn Parish Council
June 2012
County Councillor Report
- Melbourn Children’s Centre opening 16 June: This was a wonderful event and it was great to see so many children and families there. I’ve found the centre a very useful liaison in tackling case work; for example a Job Centre Plus advisor attends meetings on a regular basis and has been very helpful. Transport continues to be an issue and the centre is having to pay out about £60 when families have no means of reaching the centre, this due to outreach work funding having been cut. This perverse economy to be relayed to CCC.
- Thameslink Franchise (post – First Capital Connect) Consultation Response: I’ve asked the clerk to circulate the Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group’s draft response for comment; it is also pasted below. Specific to Melbourn is the aspiration to change the name of the station to Meldreth and Melbourn, and full disabled access at Meldreth Station. Comments welcome.
- Transport Strategy: The county council is at last drawing up a transport strategy for South Cambs: please contribute to the draft consultation at
- Cambridgeshire Future Transport: I’ve accepted an invitation to join the county-wide Governance Group for this project, which is all about what next after bus subsidies cuts. I have urged the group to be more transparent and communicative about its work. The group met recently and its members were asked to alert local groups in their area to the fact that CFT has £516K in one-off government grant money to spend on Community Transport, and for their ideas.
- Street lighting: Cllr Mulcock asked me if I could find some detail on street lighting. Still chasing at time of writing this report. Perhaps one of the parish council members attended the Comberton meeting earlier this week, in which case you may be well informed. Hope to bring detail to Monday’s meeting.
- Bike Bank and Community Connect: The Bike Bank pilot project, which teaches bicycle maintenance skills to young people on a six-week course based at Melbourn Village College on Tuesday evenings, is going very well. Grant funded with help from a joint district and county group I’m on called ‘Community Connect.’ I’ve asked for help on more funding to replicate the course in the autumn.
- The Practical Solutions Group met earlier this week and had an update from Sam Robinson, an outgoing MVC student, on the very successful after-school student-run Basketball Club. The PSG is trying to support as many projects for young people as possible, including the Bike Bank. Interestingly, through the Bike Bank initiative I’ve had continuing contact with the county’s advisor for young people who are ‘NEET’ (Not in Education, Employment or Training); she is doing a very effective job in the Melbourn area and has helped a number of young people find placements. The PSG will be reviewing Melbourn Village Plan Implementation Team progress in September.
- The Rail User Group now has young people involved in weekly gardening, and our minutes have been taken by a young person looking to develop her admin skills. The Group is now accommodating MVC students doing Duke of Edinburgh skills and volunteering, and a young person who is ‘NEET.’
- Chishill and Foxton Parish Councils have made donations of £100 each to the Melbourn Library Access Point. Heydon has a tiny precept and cannot to make a donation but has expressed its support. All parish councils in the county division are now supporting the LAP.
- Hundred Houses planning application: I’ve requested to speak at the Planning Committee on July 4th, on matters of county council relevance, including the library and hub, and highways and access issues.
Response to Thameslink Franchise Consultation
From the Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group
The Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group (MSFRUG) exists to improve access to rail service at three rural South Cambridgeshire stations where rail is the principal form of public transport.
The MSFRUG’s Constitution says that
The aim of the association shall be the retention, improvement and greater usage of the Cambridge-King’s Cross line between Royston and Cambridge, and with local bus services which should be integrated with it. (February 2010)
Since 2003 commercial bus services have declined dramatically in this part of Cambridgeshire. In 2011 Cambridgeshire County Council announced its intention to remove all bus subsidies, and in 2014 the last subsidized bus services will be withdrawn.
It is vital that local rail services be protected and strengthened, and that wherever possible, any development of other forms of public transport, including cycling and community transport, be made in association with access to this local rail corridor
Meanwhile, footfall at Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton stations has risen. The MSFRUG has achieved a number of campaign successes which it hopes will contribute to a continuing rise in footfall. These achievements should be carried over to the next franchise:
- 50% off adult fare discount for 16-19 year-olds in education and training
- Free parking at Shepreth Station
- Reduced parking charges at Meldreth Station
- Negotiated minimal restrictions for bicycles on trains (8:10 AM Meldreth-Cambridge only)
- Establishment of community-supported station gardens as all three stations with a range of practical input from the TOC including water supply and off-platform garden space at Meldreth and Shepreth and water supply. This project has enhanced community awareness of local rail service.
The MSFRUG’s aspirations for the next franchise period:
- Full disabled access at Meldreth Station. Currently the London-bound platform is totally inaccessible for wheelchair and push-chair users. As a village, Meldreth is home to Meldreth Manor, an important Scope School for Disabled Children. Meldreth should be a flagship station for disabled access rather than one of the least accessible on the Great Northern network.
- Formal establishment of a Community Rail Partnership. This aspiration has been included in Cambridgeshire County Council Local Transport Plan 3.
- Free parking at Meldreth Station. In spite of the reduced parking charges, roughly two-thirds of parking spaces remain unused. ‘Overflow’ parking in residential areas by rail users seeking free parking has created dangerous traffic dynamics which are very difficult to resolve.
- Introduction of parking provision at Foxton. Currently Foxton has no designated station parking, although Network Rail and Cambridgeshire County Council own substantial parcels of land very near to the station. Parking in residential areas by rail users has created dangerous traffic dynamics which are very difficult to resolve. (Note: On June 14, 2012, Network Rail committed to a fully funded Feasibility Study for closure of Foxton level crossing, which will consider ‘all options’ including vehicle and pedestrian bridges and underpasses. In association with any prospective closure of the level crossing, the MSFRUG would seek to promote a new transport interchange for Foxton Station including free car parking, high standard cycle access (cycle paths from north and south, and cycle parking), and safe passenger drop-off and pick-up points. Substantial planned growth of the Cambridge Southern Fringe supports the development of access to rail service at Foxton Station, which is the nearest rail station south of Cambridge.
- Covered waiting shelter at Meldreth’s Cambridge-bound platform.
- Retention of staffed booking office at Meldreth on at least current terms.
- More cycle parking at Foxton and Meldreth, including Melbourn side of Meldreth Station.
- Reverting the official name of Meldreth Station to ‘Meldreth and Melbourn’, to increase the footfall at Meldreth Station via journeys plotted by the internet. Meldreth Station is situated on the edge of both Meldreth and Melbourn villages, and Melbourn is an important employment centre with much scope for rail commuting.
- Ticket vending machines on both platforms at all three stations, and selling a full range of tickets including Plusbus and Groupsave. This would enhance safety at Foxton and Shepreth stations by reducing the number of times that rail passengers need to traverse the level crossing. It would also enhance accessibility at Meldreth where the London-bound platform is isolated and can be reached only by a steep footbridge.
- Regular promotion of the rail service timetable via local mail drop and other publicity channels.
- Develop local station travel plans to encourage non-car access to the station in conjunction with local authorities
- Retaining the current first and last service times and initially the current service frequency, but with an aspiration to increase the service to half hourly once the Thameslink enhancements are in place.
- Publish service performance data for the three village stations, and have in place a plan to provide a service to these stations in time of severe service disruption.
- North-bound trains to terminate at Cambridge Science Park rather than Cambridge Station.
- Train ticket sales from village shops and businesses to be explored.
Susan van de Ven Chairman, Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group 21 June 2012
Please send all responses to
Cllr Stead voiced his concern over the rail plans and, in particular, with the recent news that a route is being planned from Cambridge to St Pancras and then on to Brighton which he believed threatened the existing service and the viability of the smaller stations between here and King’s Cross. This discussion continued later in the meeting after the arrival of C.Cllr van de Ven who felt that this was too bleak a picture and believed that the existence of the stations is not under threat. She urged the council to respond both to the rail user group and to the transport strategy for Cambridgeshire consultation process. Cllr Stead to investigate his concerns further and report back to a future meeting.
ACTION: Cllr Stead
PC27/12:Report on the Police Site:
In the absence of Cllr Poley the report (see Appendix 1) was presented by Cllr Hales. The planning application will be considered on 4th July.
Cllr Mulcock asked for an explanation of 2.3 of the report on the Review of Building Costs which will entail revised timings, given the slippage in the process of the planning application.
Cllr Mulcock asked about 5.1 and the formation of the Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee. Cllr Hales explained that this was being created on the advice of the solicitors in order to ensure adequate insurance protection for members of the present Holding Trust. The council will, in all circumstances, retain control of the building.
PC28/12:To receive an update on talks about the bank accounts
The Clerk reported that all the Direct Debits are in place, except for BT which seems to have lost it. In response to a query from Cllr Mulcock, the Clerk explained about how the council might invest some of its money in bonds and how bonds operated.
PC29/12: To receive the Financial Report dated 31st May, 2012
This was received. The need to invest some of the council’s money was stressed.
PC30/12: To receive details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice Account’.
Cheque list – Start of year 01/04/12
Cheque – Paid
number – Tn. no – date – Gross – Vat – Net – Cttee – Supplier – Details
103388 – 69 – £24.00 – £0.00 – £24.00 – Con – Barbara MacKellar – Work at 83 High Street
103389 – 70 – £630.00 – £0.00 – £630.00 – Con – Shire Landscapes clearing fallen tree and removing cherry tree
103390 – 71 – £4,000.00 – £0.00 – £4,000.00 – F&GP – Melbourn Youth Area – Grant
103391 – 72 – £6,500.00 – £0.00 – £6,500.00 – F&GP – Melbourn Mobile Warden – grant
103392 – 73 – £1,120.80 – £186.80 – £934.00 – F&GP – Smith Of Derby Repair to Parish Clock
103393 – 75 – £136.33 – £22.72 – £113.61 – F&GP – Chubb Fire service charges
103394 – 76 – £996.00 – £166.00 – £830.00 – Con – MD Landscapes grass cutting for April
103394 – 77 – £1,248.00 – £208.00 – £1,040.00 – Con – MD Landscapes – grass cutting for May
103394 – £2,244.00 – £374.00 – £1,870.00
103395 – 78 – £550.00 – £0.00 – £550.00 – F&GP – Melbourn Village College – rent
103396 – 79 – £1,750.00 – £291.67 – £1,458.33 – Play – PAS Building Services – work on the pavilion
103397 – 80 – £56.05 – £9.34 – £46.71 – F&GP – Wrights Mower Centre – repairs to mower
103398 – 81 – £743.80 – £123.97 – £619.83 – F&GP – J E Travis – expenses re: Village Plan
103399 – 82 – £885.60 – £147.60 – £738.00 – Play – I.C. Rumbold – water supply to the Old Rec
103400 – 83 – £4,320.00 – £720.00 – £3,600.00 – Plan – Gill Associates – Quantity Surveying services
103401 – 85 – £10.00 – £0.00 – £10.00 – F&GP – CAPS – deduction from wages
103402 – 86 – £18.90 – £0.00 – £18.90 – Con – Phillimore Garden Centre – Plants
103403 – 87 – £138.52 – £23.09 – £115.43 – F&GP – Stationery Cupboard – paper & cartridges
103404 – 88 – £744.26 – £124.04 – £620.22 – Play – Allianz Cornhill – renewal fees
103405 – 89 – £18,559.70 – £3,000.00 – £15,559.70 – Plan – Birketts – Charges for services Re; the community hub
103406 – 90 – £390.00 – £0.00 – £390.00 – F&GP – Bruce Huett – audit fees
103407 – 91 – £175.50 – £0.00 – £175.50 – F&GP – A. Mellor – Standing in for the clerk
103408 – 92 – £3,000.00 – £0.00 – £3,000.00 – F&GP – All Saints Community Hall – Donation for work on acoustics
103409 – 93 – £600.00 – £0.00 – £600.00 – F&GP – Melbourn & Meldreth SHG – Donation
103410 – 104 – £834.48 – £0.00 – £834.48 – F&GP – P. Andrews – wages
103411 – 105 – £397.65 – £0.00 – £397.65 – F&GP – K. Rudge – wages
103411 – 106 – £45.00 – £0.00 – £45.00 – F&GP – K. Rudge – Mileage allowance 75 x 0.60
103411 – £442.65 – £0.00 – £442.65
103412 – 107 – £293.80 – £0.00 – £293.80 – F&GP – G.D. Squires – wages
103412 – 108 – £10.20 – £0.00 – £10.20 – F&GP – G.D. Squires – mileage allowance 17 x 0. – Pag
103412 – £304.00 – £0.00 – £304.00
103413 – 109 – £1,346.21 – £0.00 – £1,346.21 – F&GP – Peter Horley – Clerk’s salary
103414 – 110 – £783.06 – £0.00 – £783.06 – F&GP – HM Revenue & Customs – Tax & NI
103415 – 111 – £21.00 – £0.00 – £21.00 – F&GP – Alison Cockburn – parish office cleaning
103416 – 112 – £192.00 – £32.00 – £160.00 – Play – Herts And Cambs Ground – rolling of recreation ground
103417 – 113 – £40.86 – £6.81 – £34.05 – F&GP – Mike Sherwen – sweat shirts
103417 – 114 – £4.01 – £0.67 – £3.34 – cem – Mike Sherwen – gate fastening
103417 – £44.87 – £7.48 – £37.39
Total – £50,565.73 – £5,062.71 – £45,503.02
Start of year 01/04/11
After some discussion the cheque list was approved
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £70,000 from the Business No Notice account to the current account.
It was proposed by Cllr Barrett and seconded by Cllr Wakerley that the cheque list and the transfers should be approved. This was carried.
[At 8.00p.m. Standing Orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak. See Addendum].
PC31/12: Correspondence:
(a) E-mail requesting the recruitment of a specialist grant finder. The need for this was noted and accepted and a process will begin in recruiting one after advice is sought from Philip Peacock (Cambridge Acre), CAPALC, and the County Council and due diligence applied. The need for a co-ordinated approach to grant finding was stressed given the fact that the Play Parks Team already have a Grant Finder in place.
ACTION: The Clerk
(b) E-mail from C.Cllr van de Ven re: Rail User Group. C.Cllr van de Ven reported that the request had been superseded by the generosity of Melbourn Village College in supplying a venue free of charge.
(c) Letter from Ray Pritchard re: food security was noted;
(d) Letter from Ray Pritchard re: the three village renewable energy group was noted;
(e) Letter from Ray Pritchard re: applauding the proposed community hub was noted;
(f) Letter from Ray Pritchard re: thanking the council was noted.
(g) Letter from Bruce Huett re: site issues June 2012. The council discussed the request for the provision of a skip and compost provision at a cost of £171.45 + VAT. [Cllr Hales withdrew from the meeting at this stage as he is an allotment holder]. IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR SIMMONETT AND SECONDED BY CLLR BARRETT THAT THE MONEY FOR THE SKIP AND THE COMPOST BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE ST GEORGE’S ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION. THIS WAS CARRIED. [Cllr Hales returned to the meeting]
(h) Letter from Melbourn Bowls Club re: the rent. This was noted and remitted to the Play Areas and Recreation Committee.
(i) Letter from Sian Biddlecombe re: support for the hub was noted.
(j) Letter from Care Network Cambridgeshire re: support for the hub as a valuable resource for their work and the groups they support. This was noted.
PC32/12: Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record:
The report for June was not available but the chairman reported that all was well and work was on-going.
PC33/12: To receive the minutes from the following committees as information only and consider proposals by the Committee and consider any further action
(a) Planning Committee, 18th June, 2012: This was noted.
(b) Cemetery Committee, 11th June, 2012: This was noted
(c) Conservation Committee, 11th June, 2012: The Clerk was asked to find out if the Fair had been happy with the new water supply. The electricity still needs to be installed.
Action: The Clerk
PC34?12: Urgent Matters:
(a) The Clerk presented the Chairman with a letter from Jane Gifford, Planning Services, with regard to the Payment of Public Open Space Contribution in respect pf Development of 19-21 Dolphin Lane, Melbourn S/2060/08/F. This was signed by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and witnessed by the Clerk.
(b) The Clerk reported the recent damage to the Pavilion and Little Hands Nursery.
ACTION: The Clerk
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.28 p.m.
Mr Ray Pritchard addressed the meeting and thanked the Parish Council for its continuing good work. The Chairman thanked Mr Pritchard for his contribution to the continuing contribution to the life of the village.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report MPC June 2012
Melbourn Community Hub
Progress Report
Melbourn Community Hub Subcommittee
19th June 2012
Planning Officers prefer location of Hub to be moved back 1.8m
Consequential revisions to site layout have incurred programme delays
Planning Application for Old Police Site scheduled to be considered by SCDC planning committee on 4th July 2012
Negotiations on Hub Purchase Contract are proceeding.
Holding Trust in process of creation of a charitable company limited by guarantee
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
2. Interactions with Suppliers ……………………………………………………………………….. 3
2.1. Purchase Contract……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
2.2. Application for Planning Permission ……………………………………………………………. 3
2.3. Review of Building Costs ………………………………………………………………………………… 4
3. Project Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
4. General Communications Activities………………………………………………………….. 5
4.1. Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:………………………………………………… 5
4.2. Informal Meetings……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
4.3. Press Reports …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
4.4. Melbourn Magazine…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
5. Holding Trust……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
5.1. Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee…………………………………………………. 5
5.2. Business Plan………………………………………………………
5.3. Consultation and Publicity……………………………………………………………………………… 5 Purchases……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
3. 1. Introduction
This is the eighth progress report concerning the Community Hub Project and summarises the work carried out by the Hub Subcommittee during the month of June 2012.
The headings of the report follow notional project work streams and logical cross links between streams are identified where appropriate.
Most of the work is of an on-going nature and so will be subject to further updates in future reports.
In view of the forthcoming presentation of a formal Review Report for consideration by the Parish Council, this progress report has been restricted to purely key matters of progress update.
2. Interactions with Suppliers
2.1. Purchase Contract
Work on the purchase contract between Hundred Houses and Melbourn Parish Council continues to proceed. Birketts provided Blocks with a revised draft of the sale agreement on 14th May and it is understood that a response from Blocks to this draft has not yet been received. Birketts are keeping the Hub Subcommittee informed of progress on this matter.
The contract negotiations are based on a fixed price arrangement with appropriate provisions to assure the contractual security of both parties. The price will reflect ‘Open Book’ information concerning of the tenders submitted by the contractors for the design and build of the Community Building.
The benefit of the Open Book arrangement is that the Parish Council can be confident that the price for the design and build component of the contract is truly competitive.
A consequence of the Open Book arrangement will be that the timing between the establishment of the price in the contract and the completion of the contractual agreement between Hundred Houses and the Parish Council will be short. It will thus be necessary for the Parish Council to arrange an extraordinary meeting to discuss the project prior to instructing the solicitors to complete the contract. The most appropriate date for that meeting is not yet clear and will be established with the close involvement of the Chairman of the Parish Council.
2.2. Application for Planning Permission
Hundred Houses submitted their formal planning application on 15th March. This application will be considered by SCDC planning committee at their meeting on 4th July 2012.
A meeting between the SCDC planning officer and Hundred Houses took place
7th June. J Poley and J Hales attended this meeting as representatives from
A key outcome from the meeting is that Hundred Houses have agreed to move the Community Building back from the High Street by approximately 1.8m.
This change in design of the site layout has incurred delays to the project, as a result of time that will be involved in revising the design and in seeking new quotations from the building contractors.
2.3. Review of Building Costs
Invitations to tender were issued by Hundred Houses during week ending Friday 27th April. Hundred Houses has confirmed that tenders have been received. These tenders are now subject to revision (see 2.2 above and Appendix 1). The revised proposed programme from Iceni (Rev D) allows limited time to Melbourn Parish
Council between the provision of estimates of final costs and the date at which such costs need to be agreed: the Hub Subcommittee in association with its solicitors and its quantity surveyor will establish with Hundred Houses appropriate revised timings and arrange preparatory sight of relevant preliminary data.
3. Project Plan
Hundred Houses issued a set of target dates for the Old Police Site development project in the light of the change of the date when the application will be considered by the SCDC planning committee on 4th July. The revised plan was issued on 17th May as ‘Rev C’ and the dates it provided were set out in Appendix
1 of the Progress Report for May.
As a consequence of the scheme changes described in 2.2 above, a further revision to the plan (Rev D) was issued to the Parish Council by Inceni on 18th June.
Appendix 1 of this June Progress Report is a table that compares the timings of the May version of the Iceni programme (Rev C) with the current programme (Rev D).
Hundred Houses have informed the Parish Council that they now intend to wait for the planning decision on 4th July and will then, (assuming planning approval), issue a revised document to tenderers with the aim of obtaining final prices by 16th July.
The revised plan also now includes an archaeological survey that was not previously anticipated. Hundred Houses point out that the dates in Rev D are subject to no further archaeological works being required.
4. General Communications Activities
4.1. Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:
A formal meeting of the Hub Subcommittee took place on 1st May. A further formal meeting is scheduled for 26th June.
4.2. Informal Meetings
A meeting of the Hub Holding Trust took place on 16th May, attended by representatives of Melbourn Parish Council. A further meeting of the Hub
Holding Trust is scheduled for 20th June. Minutes for these meeting have been produced separately and are not routinely published.
A meeting took place with the SCDC planning officers on 7th June (see 2.2 above)
4.3. Press Reports
No press reports are understood to have been produced within this reporting period.
4.4. Melbourn Magazine
A number of articles about the Hub were prepared for the latest edition of the Melbourn Magazine.
5. Holding Trust
The Holding Trust generates independent meeting notes.
5.1. Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee
Investigations and discussions with insurers have revealed that an adequate level of professional indemnification is not obtainable for those trustees that posses professional qualifications. Birketts have advised the Trustees that the formation of a charitable company limited by guarantee is the preferred course of action to resolve this difficulty and are now in the process of supporting the trustees in its formation. The Hub Subcommittee has agreed to the instruction of Birketts in this matter.
5.2. Report to the Parish Council
Members of the Holding Trust have made significant contributions to the forthcoming Review Report to the Parish Council. This includes both detailed descriptions of the Community Hub functions together with the related operating costs.
5.3. Consultation and Publicity
This aspect continues to be regarded by the Trustees as their most important activity at the present time.
6. Purchases
From time to time, invoices are received and paid by the Parish Council relating to commissions and purchases made on the Hub project. For instance: fees invoices from Birketts Solicitors for work done to date. Details of the receipt and payment of such invoices are published elsewhere by the Parish Council and are not restated in this Progress Report.
There have been no significant purchases this month.
7 Appendix 1
Timing changes to Melbourn Community Hub resulting from June 2012 design changes (Courtesy Sweett ‘22270 – High Street, Melbourn\Key Dates Programme’ (Revs C & D))
Activity Rev C – 17 May 2012 Rev D – 18 June 2012
Agree principles of HoT’s with MPC Complete Complete
Planning pre-application Complete Complete
Planning application Validated 16 March Validated 16 March
Commission bat survey Commissioned Commissioned
Issue tender documents Issued Issued
Commence bat survey w/c 21 May 2012 Commenced
Archaeological desk study w/c 21 May 2012 Commissioned
Complete bat survey 31 May 2012 29 June 2012
Agree final HoT’s with MPC 31 May 2012 29 June 2012
Tender returns 8 June 2012 Received
Advise preliminary costs to MPC 15 June 2012 N/A
Advise pre-final costs to MPC (except costs associated with planning) 22 June 2012 N/A
Agree pre-final costs with MPC 27 June 2012 N/A
Planning decision 4 July 2012 4 July 2012
Issue revised drawings to lowest tenderers Not Planned 5 July 2012
Archaeological field work Not Planned 9 to 13 July 2012
Agree costs associated with planning conditions with contractor 11 July 2012 N/A
Revised tenders from lowest tenderers Not Planned 16 July 2012
Issue tender report 20 June 2012 20 July 2012
Advise final costs to MPC 12 July 2012 25 July 2012
Agree final costs with MPC 19 July 2012 3 August 2012
Award Building Contract 23 July 2012 10 August 2012 (revised to include ‘subject to being clear of
Archaeological final report (revised from ‘Allowance for Archaeological field work’) August 2012 13 August 2012
(Bat) Mitigation licence awarded 1 August 2012 27 August 2012
Commence works on site 24 September 2012 24 September 2012
Completion 27 November 2013 27 November 2013