Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 23rd January, 2011 at All Saints Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, J. Poley, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M. Townsend, Bloomfield, Barrett, Townsend, Wakerley and Mulcock.
In attendance: The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven and 4 members of the public.
606/11 Apologies for absence: Cllr Linnette
607/11 Declarations of Interest:
Cllrs Mowatt and Brett declared a Personal interest in 611/11 as they live on the High Street.
Cllrs Bloomfield and Wakerley declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in 614/11 as cheque recipients for people known or working for them.
608/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th December, 2011:
- In ‘Present’ Insert Cllr A.Mulcock.
- 569/11 line 19: Insert ‘former’ in front of ‘member’
It was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Hales that the minutes of 19th December be signed as a true record. This was carried.
609/11 Matters arising:
- 573/11 (1): Cllr Gatward asked the Clerk to write to the contractors working on this property not to park on the grass verge.
- 568/11: Cllr Simmonett reported that we had been awarded the trees and they were to be stored and then planted using volunteers and others. Rob McGovern had visited Stockbridge Meadows and suggested that some of the trees be planted there. The Clerk said that the trees were being delivered next week.
610/11 To receive a report from C. Cllr van de Ven
C.Cllr van de Ven presented her report:-
Melbourn Parish Council, County Councillor Report, January, 2012
High Street toward London Road: speeding traffic concerns: I’ve been contacted by a local resident who is concerned about speeding traffic in this section of the High Street and said I would bring this to your attention.
Cllr Stead raised the problem of speeding traffic. This topic to be discussed in the Highways Committee meeting.
A10 approach to Royston A505 roundabout: I’ve been contacted by several local residents who are concerned about conditions on the incline of the A10 approach to Royston during snowy and icy weather: it can be impossible to get up the incline. This road is treated by County Highways but Highways services are spread thin across a wide network and it can be that after treatment, more precipitation and low temperatures cause the road to become impassable. If one vehicle gets stuck then triggers tailbacks on the A10. County Highways agree that this is a problem and while this stretch of road is treated, it sometimes needs more attention than it gets. If a local farmer were to be found who would be able to help with snow clearance, remuneration in the form of a reasonable hourly rate is available from Highways. The farmer would need his or her own snow plough and public liability insurance.
Rail Campaign In the build-up to the September 2013 end of First Capital Connect’s franchise on our rail line, I’ve been approached by prospective new franchisees as to the aspirations of the Rail User Group. The Meldreth-Melbourn name is one of the items I’ll be putting forward. If you have any specific items to add please could you let me know.
The Rail User Group is putting together a membership application leaflet because we’ve been advised that demonstrating a strong membership list will help to strengthen our cause – we’d be grateful if people could join. Leaflets will be available at Meldreth Booking Office and on the Melbourn Village Website. Thanks again to Peter Simmonett for supporting the website pages.
CCllr van de Ven reported on a meeting with Arriva Trains which is interested in taking over the franchise on the line. The Rail Users Group gave a list of things it would like to be retained and new ones which it would like introduced. Arriva were quite positive and talked about establishing half-hour off-peak services calling at the station.
HCV Strategy: This county council draft policy, which would ‘allow’ parishes to influence HCV movements through villages, is simply unrealistic because all costs devolve to parishes, and costs of signage and legal notices are in the tens of thousands – not realistic. It seems a classic case of ‘localism’ passing on of responsibility.
CCllr van de Ven voiced scepticism about whether or not this strategy was workable.
Melbourn Division Oil Club update: This bulk-buying heating oil club was started a year ago, as you may remember. Part of the arrangement is for a donation from the bulk-buyer, Agricole, to a local charity, based on a percentage of orders placed over the course of the year. A donation of £75 will be made and district councillors and I have suggested that this go to Melbourn Area Youth Development (MAYD).
Melbourn Children’s Centre: I had the pleasure of visiting Melbourn Children’s Centre in its new primary school location. It looks great with a whole range of excellent activities. It seems that the biggest impediment to take-up is transport. Thanks to those who have found spare baby car seats to donate; this will be helpful when lift-shares are found.
County Council bus consultation result: Following the publication of its bus consultation, the county council will be looking to continue the withdrawal of all bus subsidies (£2.7 million) and investing (£1.5 million) in new forms of transport – I will circulate a separate briefing note on this substantial item.
CCllr van de Ven explained that the bus subsidies were being replaced by Cambridgeshire Future Transport which will seek to give local control to residents. However, CCllr van de Ven reported that a pilot project in Duxford had not been a success and one of the problems was a lack of research on local needs. The County Council does not seem to be asking local groups, such as the Royston & Community Transport, for their views. Cllr Hales said he thought there should be a more honest and open approach to the consultation process.
Cllr Mulcock reported that a resident had complained to him that they had not been allowed onto a Cambridge bound train with their bike, and the resident was concerned that this ban might be extended to other times. CCllr van de Ven confirmed that cycles were not allowed on the 08:00 Hrs service. Originally the rail company’s plan had been to impose this ban on four services, but the rail company had thought to restrict this to the one service..
611/11 Report on the Police Site:
Cllr Poley presented the January Report of the Community Hub Sub-committee (see Appendix 1).
Cllr Poley presented the report. He said he had no more information on the housing development except to say that the plans would probably be presented towards the end of January or in February. The sub-committee had interviewed firms of solicitors to act for the Council in its dealing with Hundred Houses and have appointed Birketts. There is to be a meeting on the 26th to decide on Heads of Terms which need to be in place before Hundred Houses submit a planning application.
Cllr Poley reported that the subcommittee had received a revision of the Design Brief and this will be responded to shortly as the Quantity Surveyor wishes to send out the Design Brief to tender by Mid-February. He said there was a desire to have a ‘green hub’ and plans were afoot to include the possibility of using ground-source heating although this has not been finalised. On the question of solar panels, Cllr Poley acknowledged the help and support given by Cllr Mulcock in identifying the problem of ‘shading’ and what might be done to mitigate the problem. However, he had to report that the incorporation of solar panels in the building was by no means certain.
Cllr Poley reported on the Project Plan, explaining that it was divided into two parts: one, relating to the procurement of the building; and, secondly, the work to be done by the Holding Trust which has been formed and is working very well. To that end, Cllr Poley asked that the Holding Trust be allocated £5,000 from the ring-fenced funding for the Hub to enable it to fulfil the requirement of the Charity Commission for registration. This will be included in the Business Plan.
Cllr Poley thanked the sub-committee for its hard work and Cllrs Mulcock and Brett for their assistance. Cllr Mowatt expressed his thanks to all involved.
Cllr Mulcock asked for comments on the email he had compiled and sent to the PC on 15th January 2012, regarding the comments made to him by residents that the hub proposals are too small due to the location, that the village has a number of small halls, and another small space is not required and that the PC own a good site, currently rented out to Little Hands, which would allow a much larger and more cost effective solution. Cllr Poley said that the costs for the Hub would be kept under review. Cllr Mowatt said the present plans both prevented the over development of the site and provided for the needs of the villagers. CCllr van de Ven said that all the research pointed towards the need for a central location for a library to be successful.
[At this point (8.05p.m) Standing Orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak (see Addendum). Standing Orders were resumed at 8.30p.m.]
612/11 To consider a proposal that the Parish Council adopt the suggested Option 2, to delay the car park improvements until a decision is confirmed by SCDC with regard to the intention re: the garages.
Cllr Hales reported that he had spoken to Jenny Clark, Lands Officer, and discussed the matter. It appears that SCDC may be prepared to transfer these garages to the Parish Council and may be prepared to demolish them. It will not be possible to leave any of them. SCDC require confirmation from the Parish Council that we wish to proceed. If the Parish Council receives the garages, the boundary would then be behind the garages and the whole site would belong to the Council which would make the refurbishment of the car park complete. The Parish Council would probably be asked to make a contribution to the demolition costs of the garages. Cllr Mowatt suggested that SCDC meet the cost of the demolition whilst the Parish Council meets the cost of the remedial work. Cllr Brett to liaise with the Clerk re the letter to Jenny Clark. The Clerk to talk to Mr P.Aldiss about the £3,000 grant for the design of the car park to be paid to Huck Partnership in settlement of their final invoice which is yet to be received. The Clerk to contact Huck Partnership about this.
A member of the public asked about what might happen to the money saved and if it could be reallocated to the Clear Crescent Play Area, an idea supported by Cllr Mulcock. Cllr Mowatt said that the money for the car park had been ring-fenced and was therefore not available but that didn’t stop money being allocated to Clear Crescent Play Area, especially as the Council had agreed to match any funds acquired by the Play Park Team. This matter will be placed on the next agenda of Play Areas and Recreation for this coming Monday and the Play Park Team were asked to attend the meeting and make their case.
613/11 To receive the Financial Report dated 31st December, 2011.
The Clerk informed the meeting that this was not yet ready and he would supply it in due course.
614/11 To receive a details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice Account’.
Melbourn Parish
Cheque list Start of year 01/04/11
Cheque Paid
number Tn. no date Gross Vat Net Cttee Supplier Details
103261 24988 £345.00 £0.00 £345.00 Cncl
Wintercomfort Buffet for the Chairman’s Reception
103262 24989 £322.75 £53.79 £268.96 Cncl
MD Landscapes Cuts to Millennium Copse and village verges
103262 24990 £192.00 £32.00 £160.00 Cncl
MD Landscapes Cuts in cemeteries
103262 24991 £336.00 £56.00 £280.00 Cncl
MD Landscapes Cuts to play areas
103262 24992 £432.00 £72.00 £360.00 Cncl
MD Landscapes cuts to verges: Armingford, Elm Way, etc
103262 £1,282.75 £213.79 £1,068.96
103263 24993 £143.95 £0.00 £143.95 Cncl
Les Sullivan Supply and install new multi port network switch and new wireless
103264 24994 £50.73 £0.00 £50.73 Cncl
Ricoh Capital Limited Rent for photocopying
103264 25016 £182.88 £30.48 £152.40 Cncl
Ricoh Capital Limited Rent for photocopier Jan-Mar 2012
103264 £233.61 £30.48 £203.13
103265 24995 £22.81 £3.80 £19.01 Cncl
Vodafone Ltd phone bill 07778682245
103265 25032 £27.60 £4.60 £23.00 Cncl
Vodafone Ltd telephone bill for 07778682245
103265 £50.41 £8.40 £42.01
103266 24996 £121.86 £5.80 £116.06 Cncl
e.0n Electricity bill for the pavilion
103266 24997 £21.55 £1.03 £20.52 Cncl
e.0n Electricity bill for Adj Sports Social Club
103266 24998 £10.27 £0.49 £9.78 Cncl
e.0n Electricity for Orchard Road Cemetery
103266 £153.68 £7.32 £146.36
103267 24999 £899.64 £0.00 £899.64 Cncl
Cambridgeshire County Street lighting energy charges and strret lighting maintenance
103268 25000 £56.00 £0.00 £56.00 Cncl
South Cambs District Council rates for theNew Road Cemetery
103268 25001 £524.00 £0.00 £524.00 Cncl
South Cambs District Council rates for High Street car park
103268 £580.00 £0.00 £580.00
103269 25003 £45.35 £7.56 £37.79 Cncl
Stationery Cupboard cartridges
103270 25004 £252.00 £42.00 £210.00 Cncl
Herts And Cambs Ground Turfing in New Road Cemetery
103270 25005 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 Cncl
Herts And Cambs Ground overmarking 2 pitches 9/12
103270 25006 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 Cncl
Herts And Cambs Ground overmarking 2 pitches 29/12
103270 25030 £84.00 £14.00 £70.00 Cncl
Herts And Cambs Ground Overmark 2 pitches
103270 £504.00 £84.00 £420.00
103271 25007 £20.14 £3.36 £16.78 Cncl
Simpers hiking laces and rigger glove
103272 25011 £182.34 £30.39 £151.95 Cncl
Staples Uk Limited combinder and files
103272 25017 £39.47 £6.58 £32.89 Cncl
Staples Uk Limited Port Hub
103272 £221.81 £36.97 £184.84
103273 25012 £5.46 £0.91 £4.55 Cncl
Enfield Electrical Supplies cable tie backs
103274 25013 £10.00 £0.00 £10.00 Cncl
CAPS deduction from P.Andrew’s wages
103275 25014 £40.00 £0.00 £40.00 Cncl
Cambridgeshire ACRE renewal of membership
103276 25015 £62.40 £10.40 £52.00 Cncl
P J Robinson investigate faulty storage heaters: Pavilion
103277 25018 £41.94 £6.99 £34.95 Cncl
Jewson Ltd Black Trainers Size 11
103278 25021 £610.00 £0.00 £610.00 Cncl
Morley Manufacturing Steel work for New Road Cemetery
103279 25022 £429.00 £0.00 £429.00 Cncl
All Saints Community Hall Hiring of hall for one year April 2012 – March 2013
103280 25023 £373.33 £0.00 £373.33 Cncl
K. Rudge Wages
103280 25024 £51.60 £0.00 £51.60 Cncl
K. Rudge Mileage allowance 86×0.60
103280 £424.93 £0.00 £424.93
103281 25025 £339.66 £0.00 £339.66 Cncl
G.D. Squires Wages
103281 25026 £17.40 £0.00 £17.40 Cncl
G.D. Squires Mileage allowance 29 x 0.60
103281 £357.06 £0.00 £357.06
103282 25027 £1,332.42 £0.00 £1,332.42 Cncl
Peter Horley Salary
103283 25028 £784.38 £0.00 £784.38 Cncl
P. Andrews Wages
103284 25029 £923.19 £0.00 £923.19 Cncl
HM Revenue & Customs Tax & NI
103285 25031 £1,032.63 £172.10 £860.53 Cncl
PAS Building Services special slabs for New Road Cemetery
103286 25033 £42.00 £0.00 £42.00 Cncl
Alison Cockburn Cleaning of the pavilion in Jan
103287 25034 £84.00 £0.00 £84.00 Cncl
Janice Wakerley Cleaning the pavilion in Dec & Jan
Total £10,659.75 £582.28 £10,077.4
The Clerk recommends the transfer of £11,000 from the Business No Notice account to the current account. It was proposed by Cllr Stead and seconded by Cllr Hales that the cheque list be received as true and accurate. This was carried..
615/11 To consider the Precept for 2012/13
The recommendation to the Council from the Finance and General Purposes Committee for the Precept figures for 2012/13, which remain the same as 2011/12, was received and discussed. The new method of presenting the Precept figures was generally welcomed and has been acknowledged as a step forward by the internal auditor.
Cllr Mowatt raised a query concerning proposed potential income and was reassured on this matter.
Cllr Mulcock asked about the comment he had heard expressed when attending the F&G on 16th as a non- committee member, as to whether or not there was a new system where committees had been told what their part of the Precept should be, rather than the old system of each committee deciding what it wanted to do in the next year, allocating costs to same, and the committees in consultation with the F&G deciding the final precept. The Clerk assured him that the minutes of committee meetings held earlier confirm that each committee discussed and approved the figures contained in the Precept.
Cllr Mulcock queried the inclusion of rates for the hub which would not apply until at least next year. He was thanked for his intervention and the figure is to be altered to ‘nil’.
Cllr Mulcock asked about the wisdom of drawing down the loan and therefore being responsible for the repayment figure of £26,000 p.a. at this early stage rather than leaving it until such time as it was really needed. Cllrs Hales and Poley explained that the Council needed to receive the loan soon and draw it down so as not to be in a position of not fulfilling contractual obligations in the event of the building being started before the loan had been secured.
Cllr Mulcock referred to the question of the much needed refurbishment of Clear Crescent Play area, as highlighted to the council earlier by the Play Park Team members. The PC have earlier identified that the GBP 1200 in the proposed precept for the HUB rates was not required as the hub would not be rateable till 13/14. The PC had earlier identified that the loan for the hub, once arranged, did not have to be drawn down immediately, as the HUB would not need to be paid for till start 13/14. As it is not necessary to draw down the funds for 6 months, a saving of GBP 13K could be made. This identified GBP 14.2K would be well spent on a clear crescent play area. Cllr Bloomfield said that there was money available in the Play Areas and Recreation budget and that the Play Park Team had been promised matched-funding. However, as the team was experiencing some difficulties in this regard this would be looked at again at the next Play Areas and Recreation Committee which meets on 30th January to which the Play Park Team has been invited. Cllr Hales pointed out that some funding may be available from Cambridgeshire ACRE and they should talk to Philip Peacock.
Cllr Gatward asked if we were going to draw on the reserves and was reassured that this would not be necessary.
It was proposed by Cllr Simmonett and seconded by Cllr Sherwen THAT MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL MAINTAINS THE PRECEPT AT £190,309.00 FOR THE COMING YEAR 2012/13. This was CARRIED.
616/11 To receive and consider the proposed calendar of meetings for April, 2012- March 2013 from the Clerk
The Clerk presented the calendar and it was accepted.
617/11 To consider a quote for fencing at Melbourn Bowls Club.
A quote from Cambridge Fencing and Forestry Co was received for supplying and installing a close board fence with concrete posts for a cost of £4,545 at Melbourn Bowls Club.
It was proposed by Cllr Hales and seconded by Cllr Brett THAT THE QUOTE BE ACCEPTED AND THE WORK AUTHORISED. This was CARRIED.
Some disquiet was expressed that only one quote had been received despite the fact that several firms had been approached. In future, the Clerk to inform the Council as to the names of the firms approached. The Clerk was asked to check the rent being paid by the Bowls Club and to see if this needed reviewing.
618/11 To consider a quote for pest control
A quote from Able group was received for pest control in Stockbridge Meadows, Allotments, New Recreation Ground, Old Recreation Ground and New Road Cemetery for a cost of £2,368.00 +VAT with an extra £165.00 to eradicate moles.
The Council expressed its concern that only one quote had been received and the Clerk is to investigate others, including ESPO which serves the Village College. It was suggested that a contract might be awarded in future for on-going pest control.
[As it was 10.00p.m. it was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Hales that the meeting be extended to 10.15p.m. This was carried]
619/11 To consider a request from the Village Plan Implementation Team for the appointment of three councillors to the team
Cllr Gatward presented the request. Three councillors had already volunteered: Cllrs Brett, Poley and Gatward and they were thanked for their commitment.
620/11 To receive a request for the Finance & General Purposes Committee to grant the Clerk a Debit card and to set up a series of Standing Orders for the payment of bills.
621/11 To consider a proposal to fund coins or mugs for the Jubilee celebrations.
Cllr Townsend presented her ideas, which mirror what was done at the time of the Silver Jubilee, to present coins or mugs to children born in the village in Jubilee year. This was considered to be a good idea. However, the Council has not abandoned the idea of setting up a Beacon and this will continue to be researched by Cllr Stead.
622/11 To consider the Standards Committee Newsletter: What’s changing and Next Steps.
Cllr Hales talked about the newsletter, which had already been discussed in the Finance & General Purposes Committee, and urged each councillor to write to the Clerk giving their views and the Clerk to collate those views and write a letter to the Standards Committee giving the views of the Council.
623/11 Correspondence:
(a) The letter from Ray Pritchard was noted;
(b) The letter from Ray Pritchard was noted;
(c) The letter from Ray Pritchard was noted and the Clerk is to write to him requesting that he meet with Cllr Gatward, Chair of Conservation, to discuss the matter;
(d) The letter from Mr Harris about the Fun Fair was noted and approval given. The Clerk to write. The fee for the use of the Old Recreation Ground will rise to £150;
(e) The letter from Limbach Banham, Solicitors was noted and approved. The Clerk to write to Limbach Banham authorising them to proceed with the work.
624/11 Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record.
Nothing presented.
625/11 To consider any matters concerning New Road Cemetery.
Cllr Sherwen reported that the fencing to the side of the gate had been completed last week by Matthew Lane Sanderson.
626/11 To consider any further developments with the village car park
Already covered in 612/11
627/11 To receive an update on the BMX Trails
Cllr Barrett that the group had been awarded a Community Chest Award of £1,000 and the History Group is going to make a donation. There is a meeting on Friday about forms.
628/11 To receive the minutes of committee meetings:
The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 9th January, 2012 were received.
629/11 Urgent Matters
There were no urgent matters.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.30p.m.
The meeting was addressed by Lawrence Green, SCDC Emergency Planning Officer, who presented the Draft Emergency Plan Template to the Council. He wishes the Council to write its own version of the Plan to suit the village’s needs and facilities. Cllr Stead volunteered to take a lead on this. Cllr Bloomfield said it was the sort of thing she already had to do for the Village College site. Cllr Mowatt welcomed the initiative on behalf of the Council. The Council will respond within the 12-month timeframe. Mr Green was thanked for his visit.
The meeting was addressed by Mr Philip Ramsay who voiced his concern about the problem of speeding in the village. The councillors expressed their support, indicating to Mr Ramsay what was already being done and what had been tried in the past, such as the call for a 20M.P.H. limit which had been rejected in a village-wide consultation. Cllr Stead said he thought Illuminating Signs at both end s of the village might present the best solution. Mr Ramsay was urged to log his complaints with the police, obtain an Incident Number and to get other members of the community to do likewise. The Clerk was instructed to put the item on the agenda for the next meeting of the Highways and Rural Footpaths which is on the 30th January and Mr Ramsay was encouraged to attend.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
Melbourn Community Hub Subcommittee
19th January 2012
? A firm of solicitors has been chosen to act on behalf of the Parish Council in
contractual negotiations for the purchase of the Hub Building
? The Holding Trust has been formed and is working actively
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
2 Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………….. 3
2. Interactions with Suppliers ………………………………………………….
2.1.Heads of Terms ………………………………………………………………..
2.2.Identification of Firm of Solicitors ………………………………………………………………… 3
2.3. Application for Planning Permission ……………………………………………………………. 4
2.4. Design Brief………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2.5. Strategy for Cost Control and its impact on ground source heating system selection…………………………………………… 4
2.6. Advice on the potential efficiency of the solar panels ………………………………… 4
3. General Communications Activities………………………………………………………….. 5
3.1. Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:………………………………………………… 5
3.2. Informal Meetings………………………………………………………….. 5
3.3. Press Reports …………………………………………………………. 5
3.4. Melbourn Magazine………………………………………………………………………………………….5
4. Project Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
5. Holding Trust……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
6. Purchases………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
6. Appendix–Project Plan ………………………………………………………………………………7
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
1. Introduction
This is the third progress report concerning the Community Hub Project and
summarises the work carried out by the Hub Subcommittee during the month of
January 2012.
The headings of the report follow notional project work streams and logical cross links between streams are identified where appropriate.
Most of the work is of an on-going nature and so will be subject to further updates in future reports.
2. Interactions with Suppliers
2.1. Heads of Terms
The parish Council received a draft of the Heads of Terms from Iceni Homes on the 16th November. The draft will require significant modifications. A formal selection process has now been completed that has identified the firm of solicitors that will act on behalf of Melbourn Parish Council in the negotiations of all legal aspects concerning the purchase of the Hub building and associated activities.
2.2. Identification of Firm of Solicitors
A formal report has been produced that records the formal selection process that the Subcommittee has carried out to identify the solicitors that shall represent the Parish Council in the procurement of the Hub building and associated activities. Three potential firms of solicitors were initially identified and invited to tender for the work. Following receipt of initial response documents from two of the candidates, face-to-face meetings took place between each of them and a group of representatives from the Hub Subcommittee. Meeting notes exist for each of these meetings. A third firm of solicitors declined to tender for the work. Whilst either of the two firms that responded positively would have been suitable, the report identifies one as the firm of choice. The report sets out the reasoning behind the recommendation, includes the associated submission and report documents and the response from the third solicitor. In view of the commercial information included within the report, it would be inappropriate to publish the document broadly. However, a copy of the report is available for inspection at the Parish Office.
Conformation of the choice recommended in the report took place at a formal meeting of the Hub Subcommittee on Tuesday 17th January with the proper involvement of the Parish Clerk. The solicitors were formally instructed on Wednesday 18th January. An initial meeting has been arranged between Parish Council representatives, Iceni Homes and the respective solicitors for initial discussions on Heads of Terms. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday 26th January.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
2.3. Application for Planning Permission
The Parish Council was informed on 12th December that Iceni Homes required agreement of Heads of Terms with the Parish Council before the submission of Planning Application could proceed. Now that the solicitor representing the Parish Council has been selected and instructed and formal discussions on Heads of Terms are about to begin, the Parish Council expects Iceni Homes to submit the Planning Application at the end of January. The architects are likely to continue to produce updated draft drawings, with modifications to the proposed design of the Hub Building, up until the date of submission. Such modifications are now of a detail nature; the Hub Subcommittee continues to respond and comment as appropriate.
2.4. Design Brief
A second draft of the Design Brief (sometimes termed Design Specification), was received from the Quantity Surveyor on 9th January. This is in the process of being reviewed by a sub-group of the Subcommittee with the aim of providing responding comments to the Quantity Surveyor before the end of January. Following final sign-off of the Design Brief, it will be used in the Invitation to Tender, which is now expected to be sent out to building contractors by Iceni for Hundred Houses mid February.
2.5. Strategy for Cost Control and its impact on ground source heating system selection
As mentioned in the December Report, the Hub Subcommittee is aiming to ensure the Design Specification used in the Invitation to Tender is as complete as possible and will not change in any significant extent between acceptance of quotation and completion of build. This strategy aims to minimise the potential for the costs of the project to escalate due to ‘extra works’. A consequence of this strategy, also covered in the December Report, has been to omit from the specification a ground source heating system. However, in view of the desirability to retain the ability to install a ground source heating system at some future time, the Design Specification now includes the option to include a dual-purpose under floor heating system in the main Hub building that can be fed by a gas boiled in the initial build but could be fed by a ground source heat pump at some time in the future. It is likely, but not yet certain, that this option will be included in the final build specification: it will depend its cost.
2.6. Advice on the potential efficiency of the solar panels
An assessment has been made that confirms the PV panel installation on the Hub roof should function efficiently.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
The Subcommittee asked the Quantity Surveyor to assess their potential efficiency. He has responded as follows: ‘With regard the PV installation using the calculation table below with a substantial roof area facing SSW and a pitch of 42 degrees the installation should generate almost 99% of its potential, and therefore is a viable method of generating electricity via PV’s’.
3. General Communications Activities
3.1. Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:
A formal meeting took place in 20th December, 10th January and 17th January.
Agendas and minutes continue to be published in keeping with established practice.
3.2. Informal Meetings
A large number of informal meetings have taken place, of which the following are notable:
? 13th December: a meeting with architect and the quantity surveyor to discuss the Client Brief and the responding Design Brief
? Meetings with the two candidate firms of solicitors mentioned earlier in the report
? Three meetings with the kitchen design consultant about layout and equipment for the Hub kitchen
? 4th January: inaugural meeting of the Holding trust, attended by Parish Council representatives
? 12th January, meeting with the architect on current status of the internal and external design of the Hub building
? 18th January second meeting of the Holding Trust, attended by Parish Council representatives
3.3. Press Reports
None known of this month
3.4. Melbourn Magazine
Further articles on the Hub are planned for the next edition of the magazine.
Creation of the Business Plan
4. Project Plan
The first version of the Project Plan has now been produced.
The plan is set out in Appendix 1
The Parish Council activities related to the procurement of the Hub Building and the activities of the Holding Trust will be coordinated in this plan.
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
In keeping with normal project management conventions, revisions of the Plan will be produced at regular intervals to reflect actual progress and ‘modifications to plan’ that will occur during the normal course of the work.
Key dates reflected in the plan include the following target dates provided by Iceni:
? Planning Application – Mid January 2012 (now revised to end Jan)
? Issue tender documents – Mid February 2012
? Planning decision – Mid April 2012
? Tender returns – 30th April 2012
? Award Build Contract – 31st May 2012
? Commence works on site – 1st August 2012
? Completion – 1st August 2013
The lower section of the plan lists typical activities that will be carried out by the
Holding Trust. There are no timelines set out yet for these activities. It is anticipated that the Holding Trust will define these timelines.
It is intended discuss the above plan with Iceni Homes at regular review meetings, to ensure key dates align with their project plan and reflect actual progress.
5. Holding Trust
The inaugural meeting of the Holding Trust took place on 4th January and a further meeting took place on the 18th January. Independent meeting notes have and will continue to be produced for each meeting. Future editions of this Monthly Hub Progress Report will include key items arising from the work of the
6. Purchases
There have been no significant purchases this month.
4 Jan 12 Hub V1.3
Feasibility Assessment
Initial assessment 3.4 months ? P.C.H.S.
Public Consultation 1.2m P.C.H.S.
Report and Recommendations 2w P.C.H.S.
PC Decision to Proceed P.C.H.S.
Pre-contract Review
Consolidate project cost estimates P.C.H.S.
Risk Assessment P.C.H.S.
Interim Report P.C.H.S.
PC Review Meeting P.C.H.S.
Vendor-related Activities
Design Briefing Document 2.38 months I./.H.H.
Evolve Architect Plans 8.75 months P.C.H.S.
PC Contributions to D & A Statement 1.2m P.C.H.S.
Client Briefing Document P.C.H.S.
Define Kitchen Requirements 1.6m? H.T.
Design Briefing Sign-Off I./.H.H.; P.C.H.S.
Submit Planning Application I./.H.H.
Planning Decision
Commission Bat Surveys I./.H.H.
Commence Bat Survey 1.1m I./.H.H.
Complete Bat Survey I./.H.H.
Bat Mitigation Licence Awarded I./.H.H.
Confirm External Finish I./.H.H.; P.C.H.S.
Design Freeze I./.H.H.; P.C.H.S.
Issue Tender Documents 1.2m I./.H.H.
Tender Returns I./.H.H.
Award Build Contract I./.H.H.
Commence On Site Works I./.H.H.
Construct Building
Stage 1 3.25 months ?
Stage 2 3.25 months ?
Stage 3 3.25 months ?
Stage 4 3.25 months ?
Building Completion
Legal Procedures
Identify Solicitors for Tender P.C.H.S.
Selection Process 1.1m P.C.H.S.
Appoint Solicitor P.C.H.S.
Negotiate Heads of Terms 1.2m P.C.H.S.; I./.H.H.
Agree Heads of Terms P.C.H.S.; I./.H.H.
Negotiate Purchase Contract 1m P.C.H.S.; I./.H.H.
Agree Purchase Contract P.C.H.S.; I./.H.H.
Handover Building to PC I./.H.H.
Final Payment P.C.H.S.
Identify Three Worthies P.C.H.S.
Lease the Building P.C.H.S.
Funding Activities
Minor Highways Grant 4 months P.C.H.S.; J.H.
SCDC Capital Grant P.C.H.S.
Big Lottery Funding 6 months H.T.
Obtain Borrowing Approval
CPALC Funding Application Guidance P.C.H.S.
Advance Notice Confirmation P.C.H.S.
Borrowing Approval 2 months ? P.C.H.S.
Public Works Loan Board Confirmation P.C.H.S.
Funding Drawdown P.C.H.S.
Charitable Trust
Form Holding Trust
Identify Members H.T.
Establish Charter H.T.
Elect Officers H.T.
Apply Charitable Status 1m? H.T.
Set up Bank Account 1m? H.T.
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Q1 / 2011 Q2 / 2011 Q3 / 2011 Q4 / 2011 Q1 / 2012 Q2 / 2012 Q3 / 2012 Q4 / 2012 Q1 / 2013 Q2 / 2013 Q3 / 2013 Q4 / 2013
0 4 Jan 12 Hub V1.3 01/06/2011 25/10/2013
1 Reviews 01/06/2011 11/05/2012
2 Feasibility Assessment 01/06/2011 24/10/2011
3 Initial assessment 01/06/2011 02/09/2011
5 Public Consultation 3 05/09/2011 07/10/2011
7 Report and Recommendations 5 11/10/2011 24/10/2011
9 PC Decision to Proceed 7 24/10/2011 24/10/2011
11 Pre-contract Review 30/04/2012 11/05/2012
12 Consolidate project cost estimates 53 30/04/2012 04/05/2012
14 Risk Assessment 12 07/05/2012 09/05/2012
16 Interim Report 14 10/05/2012 11/05/2012
18 PC Review Meeting 16 11/05/2012 11/05/2012
20 Vendor-related Activities 01/06/2011 01/08/2013
21 Design Briefing Document 27 07/12/2011 10/02/2012
23 Evolve Architect Plans 3SS 01/06/2011 31/01/2012
25 PC Contributions to D & A Statement 9 24/10/2011 25/11/2011
27 Client Briefing Document 9 30/11/2011 06/12/2011
29 Define Kitchen Requirements 02/01/2012 13/02/2012
31 Design Briefing Sign-Off 21; 29FS+3 days 16/02/2012 16/02/2012
34 Submit Planning Application 70SS; 103 16/01/2012 16/01/2012
36 Planning Decision 34 16/04/2012 16/04/2012
37 Commission Bat Surveys 16/01/2012 16/01/2012
39 Commence Bat Survey 37 01/05/2012 29/05/2012
41 Complete Bat Survey 39 31/05/2012 31/05/2012
43 Bat Mitigation Licence Awarded 41 01/08/2012 01/08/2012
45 Confirm External Finish 16/01/2012 16/01/2012
48 Design Freeze 23; 31; 45 16/02/2012 16/02/2012
51 Issue Tender Documents 34; 48; 75 17/02/2012 22/03/2012
53 Tender Returns 51 30/04/2012 30/04/2012
55 Award Build Contract 18; 36; 53; 81 31/05/2012 31/05/2012
57 Commence On Site Works 43; 55 01/08/2012 01/08/2012
59 Construct Building 57 01/08/2012 31/07/2013
60 Stage 1 01/08/2012 31/10/2012
61 Stage 2 60 31/10/2012 30/01/2013
62 Stage 3 61 30/01/2013 01/05/2013
63 Stage 4 62 01/05/2013 31/07/2013
64 Building Completion 63FS+1 day 01/08/2013 01/08/2013
65 Legal Procedures 12/12/2011 25/10/2013
66 Identify Solicitors for Tender 12/12/2011 13/12/2011
68 Selection Process 66 14/12/2011 13/01/2012
70 Appoint Solicitor 68 13/01/2012 13/01/2012
72 Negotiate Heads of Terms 70 13/01/2012 16/02/2012
75 Agree Heads of Terms 72 17/02/2012 17/02/2012
78 Negotiate Purchase Contract 75 17/02/2012 15/03/2012
81 Agree Purchase Contract 78 15/03/2012 15/03/2012
84 Handover Building to PC 64 01/08/2013 01/08/2013
86 Final Payment 84FS+3 months; 109 24/10/2013 25/10/2013
88 Identify Three Worthies 18 14/05/2012 14/05/2012
90 Lease the Building 88 15/05/2012 15/05/2012
92 Funding Activities 02/01/2012 12/04/2013
93 Minor Highways Grant 18 14/05/2012 31/08/2012
96 SCDC Capital Grant 18 14/05/2012 14/05/2012
98 Big Lottery Funding 18 14/05/2012 26/10/2012
100 Obtain Borrowing Approval 02/01/2012 12/04/2013
101 CPALC Funding Application Guidance 02/01/2012 06/01/2012
103 Advance Notice Confirmation 101 09/01/2012 13/01/2012
105 Borrowing Approval 36; 101 16/04/2012 08/06/2012
107 Public Works Loan Board Confirmation 105 08/06/2012 08/06/2012
109 Funding Drawdown 107FS+11 months 12/04/2013 12/04/2013
111 Charitable Trust 04/01/2012 07/02/2012
112 Form Holding Trust 04/01/2012 07/02/2012
113 Identify Members 04/01/2012 04/01/2012
115 Establish Charter 113 04/01/2012 10/01/2012
117 Elect Officers 113 04/01/2012 04/01/2012
119 Apply Charitable Status 115 11/01/2012 07/02/2012
121 Set up Bank Account 115 11/01/2012 07/02/2012
# Title # Predecessors Expected Start Expected End
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
7 Appendix – Project Plan
Funding Activities
Minor Highways Grant 4 months P.C.H.S.; J.H.
SCDC Capital Grant P.C.H.S.
Big Lottery Funding 6 months H.T.
Obtain Borrowing Approval
CPALC Funding Application Guidance P.C.H.S.
Advance Notice Confirmation P.C.H.S.
Borrowing Approval 2 months ? P.C.H.S.
Public Works Loan Board Confirmation P.C.H.S.
Funding Drawdown P.C.H.S.
Charitable Trust
Form Holding Trust
Identify Members H.T.
Establish Charter H.T.
Elect Officers H.T.
Apply Charitable Status 1m? H.T.
Set up Bank Account 1m? H.T.
Assign Responsibilities 1w H.T.
Confirm Internal Layout H.T.
Outwith Contract Fittings
Window Blinds H.T.
Library Shelving H.T.
Reception Desk Equipt H.T.
IT Station H.T.
Apply for Rates Rebate H.T.
Building Management
Telephone H.T.
Internet H.T.
Water Utilities H.T.
Gas Utilities H.T.
Electric Utilities H.T.
Waste Management Registration H.T.
Services Contracts H.T.
Operational Managment
Policies and Procedures H.T.
Training H.T.
Insurances H.T.
Building Management Plan H.T.
Food Hygene Certificates H.T.
Music Licences H.T.
Other Licences H.T.
Staff Recruitment
Paid H.T.
Volunteer H.T.
Human Resources
Employment Contracts H.T.
Volunteer Agreements H.T.
CRB checks H.T.
Sales and Marketing
Customer Research H.T.
Determine Room Hire Rates H.T.
Determine Product Lines H.T.
Partnership Agreements (eg CAB) H.T.
Generate Business Plan H.T.
Form the Management Trust
Public Relations
Melbourn Magazine P.C.H.S.; H.T.
Press Releases P.C.H.S.; H.T.
SCDC Magazine P.C.H.S.; H.T.
Village Consulatations H.T.
Pictorial Record P.C.H.S.
Engage with HH / New Homes P.C.H.S.; H.T.
Bier Restoration H.G.
Arrange Opening Day H.T.; P.C.H.S.
Advertising and Promotion H.T.; P.C.H.S.
90 Lease the Building 88 15/05/2012 15/05/2012
92 Funding Activities 02/01/2012 12/04/2013
93 Minor Highways Grant 18 14/05/2012 31/08/2012
96 SCDC Capital Grant 18 14/05/2012 14/05/2012
98 Big Lottery Funding 18 14/05/2012 26/10/2012
100 Obtain Borrowing Approval 02/01/2012 12/04/2013
101 CPALC Funding Application Guidance 02/01/2012 06/01/2012
103 Advance Notice Confirmation 101 09/01/2012 13/01/2012
105 Borrowing Approval 36; 101 16/04/2012 08/06/2012
107 Public Works Loan Board Confirmation 105 08/06/2012 08/06/2012
109 Funding Drawdown 107FS+11 months 12/04/2013 12/04/2013
111 Charitable Trust 04/01/2012 07/02/2012
112 Form Holding Trust 04/01/2012 07/02/2012
113 Identify Members 04/01/2012 04/01/2012
115 Establish Charter 113 04/01/2012 10/01/2012
117 Elect Officers 113 04/01/2012 04/01/2012
119 Apply Charitable Status 115 11/01/2012 07/02/2012
121 Set up Bank Account 115 11/01/2012 07/02/2012
123 Assign Responsibilities 117 05/01/2012 11/01/2012
125 Confirm Internal Layout 113 04/01/2012 10/01/2012
127 Outwith Contract Fittings 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
128 Window Blinds 125 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
130 Library Shelving 125 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
132 Reception Desk Equipt 125 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
134 IT Station 125 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
136 Apply for Rates Rebate 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
138 Building Management 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
139 ATM 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
141 Telephone 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
143 Internet 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
145 Water Utilities 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
147 Gas Utilities 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
149 Electric Utilities 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
151 Waste Management Registration 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
153 Services Contracts 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
155 Operational Managment 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
156 Policies and Procedures 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
158 Training 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
160 Insurances 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
162 Building Management Plan 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
164 Food Hygene Certificates 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
166 Music Licences 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
168 Other Licences 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
170 Staff Recruitment 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
171 Paid 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
173 Volunteer 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
175 Human Resources 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
176 Employment Contracts 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
178 Volunteer Agreements 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
180 CRB checks 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
182 Sales and Marketing 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
183 Customer Research 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
185 Determine Room Hire Rates 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
187 Determine Product Lines 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
189 Partnership Agreements (eg CAB) 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
191 Generate Business Plan 115 11/01/2012 11/01/2012
193 Form the Management Trust 84; 115 01/08/2013 02/08/2013
194 Public Relations 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
195 Melbourn Magazine 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
198 Press Releases 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
201 SCDC Magazine 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
204 Village Consulatations 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
206 Pictorial Record 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
208 Engage with HH / New Homes 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
211 Bier Restoration 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
213 Arrange Opening Day 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
216 Advertising and Promotion 02/01/2012 02/01/2012
Melbourn Community Hub Progress Report
MPC January 2012
7 Appendix – Project Plan