Parish Council 23 April, 2012


Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 23rd April, 2012 at All Saints Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, I.Bloomfield, M.Linnette, V.Barrett, M.Townsend, A. Mulcock, K.Crosby, R.Wakerley, and J.Poley
In attendance:  The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven
818/11    Apologies for absence:  None
819/11    Declarations of Interest:
Cllrs Mowatt and Brett declared a Personal interest in 824/11 as they live on the High Street.
Cllrs Bloomfield and Wakerley declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in 827/11 as cheque recipients for people known or working for them.
820/11    Minutes of the meeting held on 26th March, 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr Gatward and seconded by Cllr Sherwen that the minutes of 26th March, 2012 be signed as a true record. This was carried.
821/11    Matters arising:

  1. 756/11: Cllr Gatward enquired about Eon and the power supply adj to the Sports and Social Club. The Clerk reported that the power supply was for the basketball court only. However, the Clerk has received a letter today from Eon saying that they believe there is a technical fault with the electricity meter and the Clerk will be contacting them about this to arrange an on-site visit.
  2. 760/11: Cllr Mulcock enquired about progress on removing the asbestos from Stockbridge Meadows. The Clerk reported that he will be contacting companies shortly to arrange a site visit and a time for any identified pockets of asbestos to be cleared.
  3. 763/11: Cllr Sherwen asked about progress on ordering the projector. Cllr Hales reported that this still needed to be done.

ACTION: The Clerk, Cllr Hales
822/11    To receive a report from C. Cllr van de Ven:
Melbourn Parish Council April 23rd, 2012 County Councillor Report
Track between Hale Close and Armingford Crescent meeting with County officer:  This takes place April 24th, 4-6, Vicarage Close Community Room.  I understand that many residents are concerned that there is an ulterior motive on the part of the county council in clearing this track.  My clear understanding from discussing extensively with John Macmillan and double checking with his boss David Nuttycombe is that this is about the county council not losing the legal rights to the access track, having neglected it for a dangerously long time. The track is the only access to county farm land that the county actually owns; the farm access that has actually been used for years is only a right-of-way over someone else’s private land.  As a land-owner, the county council has been somewhat negligent in managing its own access arrangements and needs to get this sorted. Both district and county are reviewing all of their assets and this is part of that exercise.
I have picked up no signals whatsoever about housing development or any other big changes on the massive county-owned parcel of land to which the track adjoins, and indeed have had assurances to this effect from both John and David Nuttycombe. That isn’t to say that nothing will ever happen in the future; but this is the best honest reading I can give at this point in time.  Maybe it is worth adding that the county council, had it the inclination and resource to communicate with Melbourn residents and elected representatives in advance of its rough-shod style approach to clearing the track back in February, might have saved themselves much time and aggravation in the aftermath – all of the precious officer time now being spent on explaining things to us is being paid for by – us, the tax payer!  An unfortunate exercise all round.
Guided Bus e-disclosure post: The County Council is looking to create an officer position specifically to deal with e-disclosures in the run-up to its contractual dispute with Bam Nutall, at which £58 million overspend on the Guided Bus is at stake. The cost of the post is £178K.  Melbourn’s 128 bus will lose its £64k subsidy in 2013.
C.Cllr van de Ven expressed her disquiet about the position over the guided bus. She also feared for the future financing of the No128.

Minor Highways improvement schemes grants:
This is a bit of a shambles at the moment, and has been very badly conceived and managed. The pot of available funds is very small and big expectations must now be met. South Cambs alone has 80 bids from 57 parishes and a weeding out process is taking place.  The process is suffering even from difficulty in finding a time for the panel to meet to make its decisions.   We await further news.
C.Cllr van de Ven expressed her concern about the delay and administrative mess that this scheme was in. Cllr Hales expressed his disappointment and anger at the lack of progress given the time and effort which went into preparing Melbourn’s bid. C.Cllr van de Ven was a little more optimistic about Melbourn@s chances given the detailed preparation which had gone into the bid, unlike many others.
Meldreth Station Gardening: We will be refreshing the gardens and tubs, with help from FCC officers, on June 1st, 11AM onwards, and having a picnic in the middle.  All welcome.  FCC have donated some wormeries to us for distribution to local schools and two have gone to Melbourn Primary and Playgroup.
C.Cllr van de Ven called for more volunteers.
Disabled Access Campaign for Melbourn-side of the station: I’ve now met with Meldreth Manor School to brainstorm on this project which we will be pursuing in earnest this coming year, in the build-up to the franchise change (for which FCC has been approved as part of the bidding pool).
Practical Solutions Group: Chris Savage and Jon Capes have made a special point of praising the Melbourn Village Plan and are anxious to learn how they can support its implementation.  They will come to September PSG meeting which will concentrate on this subject (and we’ll be using the June meeting to plan ahead).
823/11: To receive an update on the purchase of mugs and coins for the Queen’s Jubilee.
Cllr Townsend reported that the mugs and coins had been ordered and that cheques for these items were being signed tonight and that she was preparing a text to publicise them to put on the noticeboard, on the website and in the magazine. After a brief discussion about the numbers involves, Cllr Townsend said she would check if there was a cut-off date for ordering more coins.
ACTION: Cllr Townsend
824/11    Report on the Police Site: This item was discussed IN CAMERA (The press and public being excluded) on the grounds of contractual confidentially prior to negotiations between the Community Hub Subcommittee and the developers.
825/11    To receive an update on talks about the bank accounts
The Clerk reported on the meeting held on 29th March between himself, Simon La Frenais, Commercial Manager from HSBC and Ray Hung, Corporate Independent Adviser. The Clerk received advice as to the possibilities for long term and medium term investments for part of the Parish Council’s funds. The Clerk is still drawing up plans for investment opportunities and will take his findings to the F&GP Committee meeting in May.
826/11    To receive the Financial Report dated 31st March, 2012
This was received.
827/11    To receive details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice Account’.
[Cllrs Bloomfield and Wakerley left the meeting.]
Start of year 01/04/11
Expenditure transactions – approval

Cheque    Gross    Heading    Invoice    Details

103343    £88.22    109/3    05/04/12    Wrights Mower Centre – Chipper bag, blower tube,
blades & tools + bolts

103344    £7.08    103/1    05/04/12    e.0n – Electricity bill for orchard Road cemetery

103345    £216.00    106/1    05/04/12    Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited – supply and erect christmas tree

103346    £345.00    103/1    05/04/12    South Cambs Landscape Services – To remove waste soil from Melbourn cemetery

103347    £550.00    117/6    05/04/12    Melbourn Village College – Rent for March

103341    £255.58    117/1    05/04/12    Vodafone Ltd – bill + cancellation costs

103348    £7,154.40    100    05/04/12    Groupbridge Ltd – Installation of new water pipe for the allotments

103344    £1,007.90    118/2    05/04/12    e.0n – electricity bill for the pavilion

p.84    £4.29    109/3    05/04/12    K. Rudge – Pop rivet gun (repair trailer)

p.87    £41.37    109/3    05/04/12    K. Rudge – Bolts & key

p.85    £8.98    109/2    05/04/12    G.D. Squires – 2 Easy Start

p.86    £8.00    90002    05/04/12    G.D. Squires – Petrol for mowers

p.88    £13.54    90003    05/04/12    Peter Horley – Postage

103349    £10.00    109/1    05/04/12    CAPS – Deduction from P.Andrew’s wages

103350    £264.00    103/2    05/04/12    MD Landscapes – fix gate in NRC

103351    £182.88    117/3    16/04/12    Ricoh Capital Limited – rent for photocopierapril-June

103345    £84.00    118/4    19/04/12    Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited – Overmark 2 pitches

103355    £1,716.00    107    19/04/12    Gift Selection – Purchase of Jubilee mugs

103352    £82.20    118/2    19/04/12    I.C. Rumbold – to repair a leak in the pavilion

103353    £25.62    117/1    19/04/12    Vodafone Ltd – bill for phone

103354    £36.75    111    19/04/12    All Saints Community Hall – rent for hall

103345    £42.00    118/4    19/04/12    Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited – Overmark one pitch

103344    £17.51    118/4    19/04/12    e.0n – electricity bill for adj Sports Social Club

103366    £100.00    117/5    23/04/12    Petty Cash – money for Petty Cash

103356    £825.86    109/1    23/04/12    P. Andrews – wages

103357    £54.00    103/2    23/04/12    South Cambs District Council – rates for New Road Cemetery

103357    £451.13    157    23/04/12    South Cambs District Council – rates for High Street car park April

103358    £240.00    107    23/04/12    The Royal Mint – Coins for the Jubilee

103359    £285.14    153    23/04/12    Clive Purbrook – Melbourn Community Hub Holding Trust payment for insurance

103360    £3.50    118/2    23/04/12    Janice Wakerley – cleaning the pavilion April

103361    £21.00    118/2    23/04/12    Alison Cockburn – cleaning of the pavilion April

103362    £290.70    109/1    23/04/12    G.D. Squires – wages

103364    £72.60    151    23/04/12    K. Rudge – Mileage allowance 121 x 0.60

103364    £446.76    109/1    23/04/12    K. Rudge – wages

103365    £1,391.84    121    23/04/12    Peter Horley – Clerk’s salary

103367    £859.22    127/1    23/04/12    HM Revenue & Customs – Tax & NI

103362    £12.60    151    23/04/12    G.D. Squires – mileage allowance  21 x 0.60

After some discussion the cheque list was approved
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £20,000 from the Business No Notice account to the current account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £50,000 from the Business No Notice Account to the Community Development Fund Account.
It was proposed by Cllr Townsend and seconded by Cllr Hales that the cheque list and the transfers should be approved. This was carried.
828/11    Correspondence:
(a)            Letter from Revd O’Brien re: All Saints’ Community Hall. The letter from Revd O’Brien, seeking a donation towards the cost of the project to improve the acoustics of the building, was considered. Support for the project was expressed although the council will need to see the reports on the acoustics, costings and the project accounts. Cllr Hales reported that the council was considering using a Grant Fund Bidder who could be used to find funding for a whole host of projects within the village and that this project could qualify for inclusion. Cllr Mowatt asked the Clerk write to Revd O’Brien to ask that he allows us time to look at the options for grant funding but that, in principle, the council supports he project.
ACTION: The Clerk
829/11: Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record:
Cllr Gatward reported that she had carried out an inspection of the cemeteries and churchyard for March, had filled in the Record Book and had lodged it with the Clerk.
830/11: To receive the minutes from the following committees as information only and consider proposals by the Committee and consider any further action
(a) Planning Committee, 2nd& 16thApril, 2012: Cllr Gatward asked about 815/11(a) in the minutes for 16th April. Cllr Sherwen explained about the hoardings: one hoarding deemed acceptable because it gave information only about the premises; two hoardings deemed unacceptable because they were both simply advertising hoardings.
(b) Cemetery Committee, 10th April, 2012:

  • 791/11: Cllr Sherwen said that the date to repair the soil store had been postponed;
  • 788/11: Cllr Stead reported that the War Graves Commission were undertaking a project to record all war memorials;

(c) Conservation Committee, 10th April, 2012:

  • 800/11: Cllr Crosby asked about the trees in Hale Close. The Clerk said he will look into this;
  • Cllr Sherwen is liaising with Herts and Cambs Ground maintenance about the deployment of a bowser to water the trees throughout the village and to consider costs.

ACTION: The Clerk
813/11: Urgent Matters:
Cllr Mowatt raised the question of the crazy paving behind the war memorial which, he believed, to be shoddy. He suggested doing away with the paving and laying down stone slabs. Cllr Stead suggested consulting the British Legion about what it might consider as the best measures to take. This was accepted. Cllr Mowatt also urged the replacement of the plaque on one of the benches.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45p.m.


Melbourn Community Hub
Progress Report

Melbourn Community Hub Subcommittee

16th April 2012

Table of Contents
1.    Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.    Interactions with Suppliers…………………………………………………………….. 7
2.1.   Purchase Contract…………………………………………………………………………… 7
2.2.   Application for Planning Permission……………………………………………… 7
2.3.   Review of the Cost Plan…………………………………………………………………… 7
3.    General Communications Activities………………………………………………… 8
3.1.   Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:…………………………………… 8
3.2.   Informal Meetings……………………………………………………………………………. 8
3.3.   Press Reports………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
3.4.   Melbourn Magazine…………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.    Project Plan………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.    Holding Trust……………………………………………………………………………………… 8
6.    Purchases……………………………………………………………………………………………. 9


This is the sixth progress report concerning the Community Hub Project and summarises the work carried out by the Hub Subcommittee during the month of April 2012.
The headings of the report follow notional project work streams and logical cross links between streams are identified where appropriate.
Most of the work is of an on-going nature and so will be subject to further updates in future reports.

Interactions with Suppliers

Purchase Contract

Work on the purchase contract between Hundred Houses and Melbourn Parish Council continues to proceed. The Parish Council Solicitors, Birketts, have completed the first formal draft of the purchase contract and await a formal response from Hundred Houses solicitors. A meeting took place on Thursday 22nd March, between Birketts’ taxation specialists and representatives of the Parish Council to explore VAT and related matters; the formal draft contract reflected the outcome of that meeting and also a formal letter is awaited from Birketts recording the outcome of that meeting. Meetings in the next few weeks between Hundred Houses, representatives of the Parish Council and their respective solicitors are being arranged to review the contract.

Application for Planning Permission

Following that meeting, Hundred Houses explored with the planning officers a number of detail changes to the layout and positioning of the residences and their plots. Hundred Houses submitted their formal planning application on 15th March.
The Parish Council Notified the Public of their receipt of the planning application from South Cambs. District Council and the availability to view the plans at the Parish Office up to 16th April. The text of that public notification is attached in Appendix 1.

Review of the Cost Plan

As mentioned in previous reports: the Parish Council, with the advice of their solicitors, has commissioned the services of an independent quantity surveyor to review the current design brief and its attendant cost plan and produce a QS Report. When the review is completed, the Hub Subcommittee will be able to produce a formal Review Report and Funding Proposal for consideration by the full Parish Council.
Completion of the first draft of the QS Report was delayed until 11th April from its target date of end of March. This delay was due to the introduction of amendments by Hundred Houses to their Cost Plan. The draft QS Report is now under review by the Hub Subcommittee.
Meetings in the next few weeks between Hundred Houses, the Parish Council and their respective quantity surveyors are expected to be arranged to clarify any outstanding matters.
When the QS Report has been finalised, it is intended that a formal Review Report can be prepared by the Hub Subcommittee for presentation to Parish Council.

Due to the above-mentioned delay, the Review Report will not be available to the Parish Council in time for the full council meeting on 23rd April as anticipated in the March Progress Report. The Report will be prepared as soon as possible.

General Communications Activities

Formal Meetings of the Hub Subcommittee:

No formal meeting of the Hub Subcommittee has taken place pending the outcome of the QS review.

Informal Meetings

The following informal meetings have taken place:

  • Meetings have taken place with the Melbourn library committee (LAP) to discus the library area within the HUB and to agree ways to maximise the space. Plans have been put forward for movable shelving that reflect those used by Gamlingay EcoHUB LAP.
  • Meeting on 12th April of the Hub Holding Trust concerned with project planning.

Press Reports

Articles have been published in the Weekly News and the Royston Crow

Melbourn Magazine

Two articles on the Hub are planned for the up-coming edition.

Project Plan

The current version of the Hub project plan is entitled 15 Mar 12 Hub V2.2.
This plan reflects the most recent key-date timescales from Hundred Houses, which were sent to the Parish Council on 7th February. Those key dates are as follows:
High Street, Melbourn
Key Dates Programme
Agree principles of HoT’s with MPC – End January 2012
Planning pre-application – 6 February 2012
Planning application – w/c 20 February 2012
Commission bat survey – w/c 20 February 2012
Agree final HoT’s with MPC – 29 February 2012
Issue tender documents – 12 March 2012
Tender returns – 30 April 2012
Commence bat survey – 1 May 2012
Complete bat survey – 31 May 2012
Planning decision – 6 June 2012
Award Building Contract – 11 June 2012
Mitigation licence awarded – 1 August 2012
Commence works on site – 13 August 2012
Completion – 17 October 2013
An updated version of the Project Plan will be produced to reflect the outcome of the Holding Trust meeting on 12th April and other recent developments.

Holding Trust

The chairman of the Holding Trust reports as follows:
The Holding Trust generates independent meeting notes. There has been no meeting between the 14th March and the publishing of this report. The next meeting is scheduled for 18th April. Subject to formal review at this April meeting, work has meanwhile been progressing on the following topics:

  • A preliminary discussion has taken place with a tax consultant who lives in the village and who is generously offering his advice free of charge. He will make recommendations at the April meeting on a best approach to tax management for the Community Hub, as it becomes an on-going entity.
  • Some constructive work has been done to refine the Project Plan, ensuring most important items can be resourced and covered first. An example of this is to research designs and costs for internal furniture needed for the building, such as new library shelving. While best value will remain paramount, efforts are being made to source furniture from local firms.
  • Now that final details for the planning application are in place, the Holding Trust has made direct contact with the group of residents presently living close to the proposed Hub site, asking them to actively take part in discussions, should they so wish. This has been achieved through a detailed written circular sent to affected households and the open invitation to discuss issues face-to-face. A number of householder meetings have taken place with a satisfactory outcome so far.

It is planned to extend the consultation process to other major village constituencies in the coming months.

  • Following much discussion with ACRE, CPALC and our own solicitors, adjustments have been agreed to the content of the Holding Trust deed. If ready, the deed will be put before the April committee for approval and signature. This will provide the necessary basis for moving to charitable status.
  • A formal request will be made to the Parish Council to clarify the status of the planned upgrading to public car parking opposite to the Hub site. It is felt to be important the car park project is completed in harmony with the changes to traffic and parking that will result from the Community Hub building.


From time to time, invoices are received and paid by the Parish Council relating to commissions and purchases made on the Hub project. For instance: fees invoices from Birketts Solicitors for work done to date. Details of the receipt and payment of such invoices are published elsewhere by the Parish Council and are not restated in this Progress Report.
There have been no significant purchases this month.

Appendix 1

Public Notice relating to Planning Application:

Melbourn Parish Council

Planning application

Former Police Site, High Street?S/0571/12/FLS/0572/12/CA

A planning application has been received from South Cambs District Council for the building of 13 houses and a Community Building on the former Police site in the High Street.
Plans are available to view at the Parish Office during office hours on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and will be available until 16th April.
They can also be found on South Cambs District Council website:
Please note: The Parish Council will not be able to comment on these plans and respectfully asks that if residents wish to make any points, to contact South Cambs District Council either by email at or write to the following address:
Planning Department
South Cambridgeshire Hall
Cambourne Business Park
Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6EA



Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council