Minutes of a Play Areas, Recreation and Youth Committee Meeting
held on Monday, 3rd September, 2012 at Melbourn Parish Office at 8.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. I. Bloomfield (Chairman), J. Hales, C. Stead, P.Simmonett, M. Townsend, and D.Mowatt
In Attendance: The Clerk
PLY15/12 Apologies for absence: Cllrs Barrett and Linnette and the Ranger
PLY16/12 Declarations of Interest: None
PLY17/12 The minutes of the last meeting held on 9thJuly, 2012: 856/11: Line 5 delete ‘own’: Insert ‘on’
It was proposed by Cllr Hales, seconded by Cllr Simmonett that the minutes of 9thJuly, 2012 be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PLY18/12 Matters arising: None
PLY19/12 To consider improvements to Clear Crescent Play Area: The Clerk reported that he had sent Samantha Wainwright a copy of the Standing Orders, a copy of the Annual Return and the latest Risk Assessment for the Play Area in order to pass on to AMEY CESPA. Cllr Simmonett reported that the feedback on the application was very positive, AMEY CESPA indicating the it was the best it had ever seen.
However, there is a problem concerning disabled access to the Play Area which is unsatisfactory through the gates and is compounded by a drop on entry. The committee agreed that remedial work is necessary in order not to jeopardise any future funding applications. The committee recommended asking the Play Park Team to involve Wicksteed in incorporating the remedial work into the overall design.
Signage was also identified as a concern and this is to be remitted to the Highways Committee for further action.
The Clerk reported concern about the boulder placed in the Play Area which is the mount for the plaque. Cllr Simmonett said it did not have and sharp edges and should not pose a danger to users.
The Clerk reported a request for the committee to reconsider the ban on ball games in the Play Area. This was refused on the grounds that the play area was mainly for smaller children and that adequate provision already existed for ball games elsewhere.
Cllr Simmonett suggested a party might be held to celebrate the dedication of the Play Area by Fields in Trust which is associated with ASDA which will provide ‘goody bags’. This suggestion was accepted and will be supported financially by the council. Cllr Hales reported that Phillimores Garden Centre is offering discounts on gazebos and IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR HALES AND SECONDED BY CLLR TOWNSENDTHAT THE COUNCIL PURCHASE 3 GAZEBOS IN ORDER TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY EVENTS. THIS WAS CARRIED.
Cllr Simmonett to liaise with the Play Park Team on costings and the arrangements.
ACTION: Cllr Simmonett
PLY20/12 To consider funding options for the upgrade of the pavilion: Cllr Simmonett presented his ideas for the upgrade of the pavilion to make it more secure by enclosing it, in order to minimise vandalism, and to bring about longer term improvements in exterior and interior design, appearance and furnishings which may facilitate increased use of the pavilion thus generating an additional revenue stream. Some concern was expressed about how vandal proof the suggested work might prove to be but, on the whole, the proposals were favourably received. The plans included a ‘gathering point’ or Gazebo structure for youngsters which was welcomed. These plans could be supported by the installation of CCTV and by making sure any acts of vandalism were immediately reported to the police. Cllr Simmonett to investigate options and costings and bring them back to the next meeting. In terms of time scale, it was felt that work might begin after the end of the football season which would allow the phasing of the work to be placed in next year’s budget.
ACTION: Cllr Simmonett
PLY21/12 To receive a report on the damage to the skateboard ramp: Cllr Bloomfield reported that the repairs to the skateboard ramp had all been carried out.
Cllr Hales reported that the Youth Worker had made it abundantly clear to the skateboard users that any further acts of vandalism would result in the closure of the facility.
PLY22/12 Current income and expenditure: Some concern was expressed about the level of rent paid by Little Hands Nursery and the exact nature of the responsibilities of the Parish Council under the terms of any lease which may be currently in operation. The Clerk to check the terms of any current lease and take steps to renew the lease if it has expired. There is now a need to inspect the building and to generate ideas about improving the building.
ACTION: The Clerk
PLY23/12 To report on a request from Dr D.Atkins for use of the Old Recreation Ground: Cllr Simmonett reported on a meeting held between Cllrs Bloomfield, himself and Dr Atkins, representing Melbourn Dynamos, concerning the future use of the Old Recreation ground as an additional smaller football pitch to encourage a skills-based approach to the game for youngsters on the European model. The costs of the establishment, marking out and maintenance of the pitch will be borne by Melbourn Dynamos who will use it every other Saturday. Fees will be charged at the children’s rate. In the meantime, the nettles have been cleared by Justin and the area will be tidied up, including the area behind the ACF hut. This will be carried out by the Parish Council.
A meeting is planned with all the football teams which use the recreation ground to discuss deposits, contracts which include terms and conditions for the use of the pitches and the pavilion.
ACTION: Cllrs Simmonett and Bloomfield.
PLY24/12 Correspondence: None
PLY25/12 Matters concerning Youth Issues: Cllr Hales reported on the MAYDS meeting held earlier in the day. This meeting was attended by Richard Jenkins, a consultant funded by the County Council to oversee and improve Youth Services. He will be working in with MAYDS to oversee projects, access funding and to draw up a service agreement with participating councils in MAYDS.
Cllr Hales reported on Grinnell Hill and the funding of the water supply by Cambridge Water Company, with some contribution from the Parish Council, and the CEO Mr Stephen King. The Clerk to write to Mr King to thank him for his and his company’s generosity.
ACTION; The Clerk
PLY26/12 Matters concerning the Village Ranger and Handyman/Caretaker: The Ranger was not in attendance.
PLY27/12 Urgent Matters:
(a) Cllr Mowatt said that the lease with the ACF hut needed to be sorted out urgently in view of the increased use of the hut by Beavers, scouts and Cubs. The Clerk to talk to Bob Maxwell and Alan Brett.
(b) Cllr Simmonett requested that we take out membership of Fields In Trust at the cost of £25p.a. This was agreed.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10 p.m.