Melbourn Parish Council Minutes
Minutes of a Cemetery Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 11th June, 2012 in the Parish Office at 7.15p.m.
Present: Cllrs M. Sherwen, M. Townsend, I. Bloomfield, R. Gatward, D.Mowatt, A. Mulcock, J. Poley, P. Simmonett, J.Hales and C. Stead.
In Attendance: The Clerk
CEM/1/12: Apologies for absence: Cllr Crosby, The Ranger
CEM/2/12: Election of a Chairman: It was proposed by Cllr Townsend THAT CLLR SHERWEN BE ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE; Seconded by Cllr Simmonett. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR SHERWEN WAS DULY ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE.
CEM/3/12: Election of a Vice-Chairman: It was proposed by Cllr Hales THAT CLLR TOWNSEND BE ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE; Seconded by Cllr Bloomfield. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR TOWNSEND WAS DULY ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE.
CEM/4/12: Declarations of Interest: None.
CEM/5/12: Minutes of the meeting on 10th April, 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Townsend and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th April, 2012 were a true record of the meeting.
CEM/6/12: Matters arising:
788/11: 667/11. Cllr. Stead reported that records of inscriptions on War memorial are held at the Imperial War Musem.
790/11:No answer for Alan Jones at present. To be considered by the Cemetery Working Party. The Clerk to contact Alan Jones.
ACTION: The Clerk
791/11: last paragraph: The Clerk to contact MD Landscapes asking for them to include the cutting of the verges of the access road to New Road Cemetery as part of the grass cutting contact in lieu of a reduction in the cutting of the New Recreation Ground.
ACTION: The Clerk
CEM/7/12: Current Income & Expenditure: A query was raised about the amount paid to South Cambs Landscape Services for removing waste soil. The Clerk is to check the work with the Ranger.
A general discussion followed about the state of the soil store, the covering of graves and the colour of the gravel used in general maintenance. It was agreed that the cemetery reports should be seen by the workmen and a schedule of work drawn up. The Cemetery Committee should be involved in making decisions about the schedule of work in the cemetery.
ACTION: The Clerk
CEM/8/12: Cemetery Report for May, 2012
The Chairman read the report form March, 2012 written by Cllr Gatward. The report for May, written by Cllr Mulcock was received. After a discussion, it was decided that an electronic version of future reports ought to be made available and action points decided upon. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the committee are to prioritise work for the cemetery. The reports are to be taken to the Cemetery Working Party for further discussion.
ACTION: Cllrs M.Sherwen & M.Townsend
CEM/9/12: Correspondence: None
CEM/10/12: To consider a quote for work in New Road Cemetery: This was remitted to the Cemetery Working Party.
CEM/11/12: Any matters concerning New Road Cemetery:
To be considered at Thursday’s meeting of the Cemetery Working Party.
CEM/12/12: Any matters concerning Orchard Road Cemetery: Already discussed.
CEM/13/12: Any matters concerning All Saints’ Churchyard:
It was reported that the gates have dropped. Discussions are to take place between Cllr Mowatt and Matthew Lane Sanderson.
ACTION: Cllr Mowatt.
CEM/14/12: Urgent matters: None.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20p.m.